Women hate thread

Not seeing enough of these lately...

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MGTOW is the final redpill


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Really? Seems like that's every other thread on this board.

Hippity hoppity women are property, they cheat they lie one day they will all die. Women are sluts and whores when they go to hell they will burn like smores. peace out and remember 1/4 women love sexual abuse.

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It's either they are retarded or I am

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dp you want this?

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Must be lesbians. A man wouldn't leave a job half finished

This. If you havent gone gay in 2019 youre just going to be miserable. Women are shit

Does anyone want to fuck my 2d Creation?

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>Ich Will FOTZE

It's beautiful and I love it user. I will put it on my fridge

That is her name,
I think I means I love Cunt, Idk I am still learning German.

I have stuff I could post but I just cant be bothered. Weve already got the information, repeating it over and over is just tiresome. If you want news, just watch TFM

I mean I want cunt
love is lebe

>Talking to roastie
>They knew I enjoyed history and said "I like ancient Roman history"
>I ask them if they would have supported the Optimates or the Populares as I was genuinely curious
>Lol what are those

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You know OP, there used to be one, if not two women hate threads rolling on r9k at all times just a year ago.

Have we been so infiltrated by Discord roasties and tranny freaks?

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tranny jannie

Reminder that it's perfectly okay and acceptable to shave off your eyebrows and then draw them on your face every morning if you're a woman.

>knowing the autistic limits of your hobby
>absolutely not hiding your powerlevel
You picked the wrong one.

no, that's fucking retarded. eyebrows have a purpose. I'm not chopping my fingers of, just because they're ugly either

I meant socially acceptable. Nobody will say anything if you do this. Fucking disgusting. Despicable.

Lmao you pathetic sexists never fail to make me laugh with your "women hate" threads

Face it, most women will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers

Anyone really want to hit women?

bump because i hate women

how do you think saying this is gonna convince them, you're just here to shit on people and make yourself feel good so you're not exactly a bastion of good manners either

Your reply made me kek

I want to do that to a woman

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I'm just going to post a lot of shit about women and the nature of women and some women hate

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I only have a small folder though

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Are woman human I mean they definitely are but maybe they evolved differently

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Now boys observe a modern woman in her natural habitat

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>all this fragility
Sad stuff, wonder why womanhaters don't emulate those great men that actually contributed something to society

Now we will discuss the topic of coalburning

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Try harder if you're going to bait

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>he gobbled the pasta

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Now we move on to heightism modern women only date over 6'0 of course

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Honestly I pity women I mean they're just awful

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Now we show how men are obviously superior to women

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Remember they are all whores ALL OF THEM

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Now we show how biased everyone is towards women

Attached: Women and Patriarchy.jpg (640x640, 108K)

Now we show how women are attention whores and how they can't stand to be out of the spotlight for even two seconds

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Remember they are fucking chad and they're gonna marry you for money

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And here we have women putting men down just because they can and thus concludes my dump remember women not even once

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notice how she doesn't fight it. not even unconditioned defensive reflexes. the guy must be chad

How does one get girls of this quality?

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That's cruel to do to someone, even a redditor

Women are imminent danger to society.
We need to stop protecting women and giving them free shit and power

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>1/4 love sexual abuse
give source

>If you haven't asexual in 2019 you're just going to be miserable, People are shit

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If you're a straight man you can't convert to being gay, but you can fuck hookers way out of your league in the asshole, so who cares? being chad is cope honestly. the
MGTOW escort slayer pill is the final redpill. even chad can't compete with what money can buy.

Go to dan bilzerian instagram if you want to see women at their highest point

White women need their husbands to be more assertive.

>blaming women's biological drive for men's naivety and delusions

If men are the superior sex then why have you allowed women to cuck you so much in recent years?

My condolences
t. germanfag

that seems like a lot of work

i kek'd out loud @ ths

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