Why do men have such unreasonable standards for women?
Why do men have such unreasonable standards for women?
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Why do women have such unreasonable standards for men?
Replace "society" with "chad" and you'd be correct. But of course only chads matter to women, guys that aren't chad and don't give a fuck about those things, don't even register to them. Never mind the fact that 100ish things chad looks for pales in comparison to the laundry list that women have for men.
>perfect hair
Different men have different preferences to hair. Just dont be dirty
>wide hips
>big boobs
Men will either prefer you have at least no ass but big tits or small tits but big ass. Men will even choose small chest and ass. Men are flexible.
>clear face
>Tight clothing
Dress appropriate. Men do this too.
>small hands/feet
Women are supposed to have small portion body. Of course big hands and feet will feel intimidating.
Some miserable bitch made this and expects some Chad to fuck her disgusting ass
I'd say women are considerably more unreasonable than men when it comes to looks. Most men will put our dicks in anything if we thought it might feel pleasuring.
Where the fuck did you get that image "by: society". Are you one of those obese kids that still uses Tumblr? I thought that site was dead?
Most of these simply come with washing yourself and not being a landwhale.
Literally not that hard.
>"not too fat"
>remove everything else
No one cares hole, you are the squeaky wheel drowning in oil
Why can't you get laid in an original version
Why the hell do I constantly hear mention of a "thigh gap." Who legitimately cares about that of all things?
It's one of those things which girls measure each other on and end up assuming that guys are the same, arguably fixation on musculature is the same phenomenon in guys
men dont have any standards. men chase after love
There are all sorts of pages/websites/fetishes about all shapes, races, abilities and sizes of women. Can you say the same about men? Yeah, I thought so faggot.
But I don't have any of those standards, none of them are my ideal.
>be an actual biological female
>don't be auschwitz skinny or too fat to walk a mile
>don't have a totally disfigured face
>don't be a radfem, far leftist or vegan
>be willing to have sex with me on a somewhat regular basis
>share at least some of my interests
my only standards. sadly, the bottom three disqualify 99% of women in my area
>be willing to have sex
TRIGGERED. fuckn rapessf
If I can modify these to fit my baseline stats, please
>be an actual biological female
>don't be auschwitz skinny or too fat to walk a mile
>don't have a totally disfigured face, some scars or whatever is ok
>don't be a man-hater, far leftist or vegan
>be willing to wait until marriage for sex (having sex before and especially commiting sodomy renders eligibility null)
>share at least some of my interests
I have an ideal or two as well, but I really don't expect it to ever happen.
What man gives a shit about a "thigh gap"...?
Most guys just only care about a few things on a woman to find them instantly attractive, and they aren't even that unreasonable.
We are literally biologically programmed to fuck women no matter how fat, stupid, crazy, poor, or ugly they are.
>don't be a landwhale or thot
The picture is false, I never expect visible cleavage or thigh gap. The rest is true.
>"thigh gap"
That is how you know the artist is a young cunt who is upset because Chad didn't fuck her in a week.
I would get laid with anything at this point to be honest
It's all subjective. I personally prefer cute, petite women
>tfw most women have hands undistinguishable from men's.
>tfw most men have men hands touch their penor
>tfw almost all asian women have pretty feminine hands
>tfw women wonder why men prefer asian women
>have sex incel xDDDDDDD
Mine are pretty much
>don't be fat
>don't have a kid
>have some direction in life
>put at least a tiny bit of effort into being presentable
>be able to have some similar interests
How is that such unreasonable standards???
>perfection is unrealistic and difficult to obtain
you don't say
I can do you one better: I don't expect sex on a regular basis. I'm cool if we do it after two years.
I'm also not completely against girls that call themselves vegan, most of them are completely willing to eat meat.
The true challenge is finding a non-disfigured female with even a single interest that it at least tangentially relevant to me.
1. Don't be fat
2. be 5/10 [average]
that's it
You extrapolate the ideal as the minimum, which it's not. But this is probably bait.
>muh standards
Theres an outrageously ugly landwhale at my job and she has a kid
Standards my ass
because it was men that said being a man is more than just about being an adult male
my standards:
-not obese
Thats it.
turns out 'perfect' women need to be perfect, who would've thought
I wonder if perfect men need to be perfect as well, mmmhhhhhmmmm
"Don't be a fucking retard" wow so hard
If you're a woman you literally just have to go out and ask any guy for sex to get it
Lol no, men need to increase their standards source: forum.bodybuilding.com
Kinda double standard isn't it?
To answer your question I don't want my son to look like that one kid, who cums into hentai pillow, so I need the women to be 8/10 at least and have certain "parameters" like above 180cm, etc.
Still there OP?
Original post
What men want from a woman: dont be fat
What women want from a man: be fit and athletic, have good facial hair and no balding. Be rich.
But yeah women totally have the short end of the stick when it comes to dating & romance. Not like theres a line of men competing with each other to get the attention of women who meet the standard described above...
You forgot being tall. The perfect man for a woman is always going to be tall.
Because women have unrealistic standards :^)
it's more like dick size desu
>literally just don't be fat
>literally just don't be a promiscuous whore
wow, such high standards
What do you mean user, I have only one standard - don't be fat
take away the far left shit and the willing to have sex on a regular basis and you might be able to find the right one. all far right or even centralist girls are the stereotypical horse lover they basically fuck there horses so have fun with that
it isn't even that it's just
>have morals
>be an interesting person
Thread is spot on, on behalf of my gender I apologize with women for putting unfair pressure on how they should look like. Please be aware we have been as brainwashed by ads and culture as you, thinking somehow not having a perfect figure is unacceptable and you should feel bad for it.
I wish there was someone males could do to effectively and quickly relieve you from this unfair pressure
To get a 10/10 "stacy" bod all you need to do is run and do squats (maybe some abs). To get a 10/10 "chad" bod you need to be lean, work upper body, and lower body as well as abs, and that is still no guarantee that it will help. Unreasonable standards my ass
They don't pretty much none of those things are requirements unless you're aiming for 10/10 men and even they'll lower their standards if you aren't a turbo cunt.
Meanwhile women demand men be literal adonis' to have an opportunity to speak to them.
Have sex femcel. And stop being jealous of my sister.
>perfect hair
ok? very subjective
>cleavage visible
>big boobs
>small face
>clear skin
no shit, EVERYONE has to take care of their face. I was a pizzaface through most of middle and highschool, now I take care of myself, not hard.
>tight clothing
tight is less important than just well-fitting
>small hands
>tiny feet
these arent things people really notice or care about
>shaven legs
I have to shave my face, head, and neck. Only fair if you have to shave your legs and pits.
>wide hips
>thigh gap
these are probably the only ones i like that arent just standard self care
tl;dr shit pic, literally just taking care of yourself isn't unrealistic
>perfect woman is an unrealistic expectation
Gee maybe perfection isn't a standard any sane person uses.
>not obese
Your dating pool is aged 10-12
See OP? Even this pedophile understands your strawman is garbage bait. Try again later, when you're old enough to vote
Men fuck up a down the spectrum you dumb bitch while women on the other hand will only fuck 8 and up
>ideal means what's expected
Also reminder that even if a girl was blessed with good genes with wide hips and big tits it will still be literally impossible for her
Only Asians may apply
Since when is tight clothing "appropriate" lol
Brb putting on my gimp suit for work
Men wear skinny jeans all the time. Plus fitted shirts to give a good physic. It's not early 2000s anymore, nobody wears loose clothes
Tumblr is good if you are looking for art desu
But since they banned porn (thank god), a lot of people fucked off somewhere else
Everyone has an "ideal" but men will actually settle. I've dated women with hairy legs, no boobs, large hands etc. Poor women, ugly women, stupid women, all are accepted by someone but women can't accept this because the person that likes them is also poor, or ugly, or otherwise outside of their ideal. If you're unattractive as a male you don't get a less attractive partner, you get no one.
>the "waiting for sex until marriage because muh sodomy" meme
have fun
a) settling for some bottom of the barrel she-orc/someone mentally fucked beyond repair /a religious nutcase who will only fuck you to make a kid or two then won't let you touch her ever again
b) dying a virgin
>no balding
Is there someting you want to tell us ann?
None of these are true, here are mine.
>be biologically female
>not concentration camp skinny or too fat to walk for more than 2 minutes
>not a libtard, vegan, environmentalist or radfem
Those are literally my standards, just be a normal woman and you're fine with me.
I wear absolutely fuckhuge xxl men's tshirts /hoodies sometimes and no one seems to care
I don't think people care about clothes much as long as they're clean /not some outrageous color
even veronica lives in a society too...
If she's not a lardy ham planet and she has at least an average looking face, IDC. I like girls with big tits, small tits, petite girls, thicc girls, tall girls, short girls, and girls of any race. Really anything as long as she's not fat or disfigured.
I'm sure men shitting on the irresponsible made women become attracted to and only willing to fuck Chads. Because you know, men's words matter a lot to women.
Seriously, just how retarded are you exactly?
Small tits and wide hips is the objective perfection though
>t. assblasted roast
>takes care of hygiene
Thats it for me
these are the women chads are after. the typical Jow Forums user has way lower and more realistic standards, for example all i care about is clean skin (if not try to eat more healthy dont use makeup it looks like shit on most women) and she shouldnt be taller than me (1.70/5.5) thats all it takes at least from the physical requirements. additional i kinda have a thing for braces but thats not a must have.
it wasn't my choice, it wasn't your choice to be attracted to chads we should just never speak to each other an cease to exist
it is, brainwashing is a thing
>unreasonable standards
Perfection is supposed to be unreasonable you dumb foid. Grats on baiting me
I dont think my standards are high. My only real standards are dont be hideous and have a nice big fat ass I can worship and stick my face in.
no one cares blogposting tripfag
Pretty sure I've met that woman.
Literally maybe like 3% of men even think about those things op most of us just want to be loved and for someone to love you are merely fabricating a lie so you dont have to feel like its your fault you are single or that you date assholes
Why do white women love playing the victim, literally the most protected, privileged class in the world and all you do is bitch. When will western sharia come
this is such an obvious bait, no requiring a girl to exist isn't unreasonable but we all knew that
Unironically impossible for me
Women have much worse standards for men. Remember those charts, they think the average man is hideous.
Men don't actually have high standards at all on the other hand.
I like how women consider "good" to be "perfect", so they can deflect and say nobodys perfect and thus get out of being accountable for grooming standards
>name three of their albums
Fucking idiot, Women have only released 2 studio albums, for fucks sake
t. picture created by women for women
>Why do men have such unreasonable standards for women?
Men have ideals. Women have standards.
>thigh gap
kek, I can't we actually made that a thing
> don't be fat
> be interesting
> don't have a face like you've been eating lemons all your life