Why do robots oppose feminism when it is the key to their liberation?
Why do robots oppose feminism when it is the key to their liberation?
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Because robots don't want to solve their problems, they just want to excuse them by blaming someone else.
Because modern feminism doesn't want men and women to be equal. They want women to be above men on all aspects while still having the same privileges that western women get to enjoy.
Because most of those things are a direct result of feminist lobby and their own ideology's hatred of men. "Toxic masculinity" is a hateful buzzword to defect any blame for this and claim that its somehow men who are causing whatever issue the person its citing. Whoever made this is either an idiot or a dishonest piece of shit.
why should i support feminism? all it wants to do is reduce the nation to single mothers.
Name an influential modern feminist with this opinion. Please cite their work which states this position either implicitly or explicitly.
sex and the city. boom
>trying to sneak in tranny shit
>Implying most feminists aren't complicit in supporting the sexism against men,
> Implying women wouldn't prefer to fuck the more masculine if presented the choice.
Greer. Get fucked.
>a hollywood tv show about women having sex is representative of modern feminism
This confirms my theory that alt righters literally get their ideas from hollywood
Not only are you citing a city, but not citing a work attached to the city. Perhaps try a third time.
How long do you intend to keep up this act of pretending to be retarded?
Also the very fact that the SCUM manifesto was so praised in Feminist intellectual circles before the crazy BPD woman who wrote it shot Andy Warhal really says all that needs to be said on the subject of Feminist manhating.
everyone and their fucking mother knows that feminism is just a tool for women to get ahead and act shamelessly. you're fucking stupid if you think "Le society" is the only thing keeping you from being happy even in a fully "whore positive" AF-BB will rule.
>implying that isnt where modern feminism is wrong
confess now
>implying warhol didn't deserve to get shot
I'm just glad someone did it, regardless of whatever stupid personal vendetta she had against him.
Name an influential modern feminist without this opinion. Please cite their work which states this position either implicitly or explicitly. thank you.
Feminists just want the benefits of being sluts with none of the drawbacks. They blame all their problems on men so they can act oppressed while the real oppression of women happens in Africa and the Middle East. They don't give a shit about those women because feminism was never about equality to begin with.
Because it's not. I'm pretty sure I agree with the radfems and terfs who say feminism is for women. I don't care at this point if they hate me either because everyone hates me anyways.
And feminists wouldn't care about anything related to men because the bottom line is literally in the name. Men are secondary at best and hated trash at worst. The only feminists that wouldn't prefer the super dominant masculine guy are complete man-haters. Submissive men are relegated to providers and lonely men in bars going over how to tie a noose for the 8th time that day.
Short version: there is no hope and it's best to just give up before you hurt yourself more, anyone promising a way out is just trying to use you for their own ends, you will not benefit at all from this.
I used to think feminism would make women less stupid and useless then I realize it never will
This image is all projection.
except most feminists do those things to men too, because they're complete hypocrites. also, masculinity is a vital part of being male, by calling it "toxic" feminists make their true goals quite clear
So far no good argument has been made against this.
And ill tell you why. Because most "robots" have essentially been bullied and peer pressured into right wing politics by other men, ironically the same guys who used to bully them in school and even more ironically by using the same pressuring techniques mentioned in OPs pic ("you are a pussy/fag/cuck if you are not right wing").
Right wing ideology is essentially about keeping the poweful in power. This power is not only financial or political, but also social. It makes no sense to be a loser on the bottom of all of those hierarchies and fight so that other men above you can retain their power and superior position over you. Thus it logically follows, if you are right wing you are either not a robot or you are so weak minded you got bullied into fighting for the same people who humiliate you day in day out.
LOL says the feminist that harangue us. "no its these OTHER guys thats bullying yew!"
why do you care anyway? i dont wanna see family life reduced to single motherhood, the penultimate goal of feminism
>2nd wave feminism
>modern feminism
How long are you going to be too retarded to understand the difference between eras?
>implying hollywood is feminism
Good job at being retarded.
Audre Lorde. "The Master's Tools Will Never Dismantle The Master's House"
My dude, it's all projection, and if not projection, blatantly untrue. Being weak is a bad thing, and being a weak man doesn't mean you act like a girl. I would know, I am one.
Men go towards right wing politics because the left has proven time and time again that they view straight white men as evil. Why the fuck would I support people who hate me just because of the way I was born? Get the fuck out of here with your bullshit. Your side won't be happy until we are wiped out and you have the audacity to call us the bullies?
>implying its not.
admit it. the end goal of feminism is single motherhood, with a steady procurement of beta providers.
t. first year of university
I'm not even right wing by burger standards but your post is either bait or retardation of the highest order. No ideology left or right gets rid of aspects of human nature that insure that robot beta males stay put down, though more often then not much of the robots victimization is self inflicted.
lol. thats true too - obama was pretty shit
we know feminism better than yew do, hunny
Cite the author and work with this narrative. I'll wait.
Feminism is just manhating
I don't hate men so I see no benefit into labeling myself a feminist
i dont need to, we both know its true.
Go back to R*ddit faggot. You don't belong here.
CONFESS NOW. the goal of feminism is single motherhood with a steady income stream from beta providos
Men are bullied for being weak because feminist women made them weak. Women teach men not to fight,not to stand up for themselves, be good boys too the point where they dont stand up for themselves at all EVER even if they were in serious trouble.
Get off my board you degenerate tumblr cunt.
Its not an excuse, women are too blame. We dont reject ourselves,women do. So its your fault
>name one huur
Classic reply of a faggot. Name one feminist who wasnt a raging man hating cunt.
This isnt a court of law, we dont need to dig up sauces you approve of. 100% of sex and citys audience were women. So they belive the shit in that show.
Actually there has and once again this isnt a court room so screw your 'not a good argument'. Go make me an sandwich bitch, hows that for an argument. Name one reason why you shouldnt be tied to the sink, naked and bare foot?
I'm not right wing, I've overcome and understood the crude human political structure. Every movement seeks power, every movement seeks their own selfish agendas, and every movement will recruit others as underlings string along with false hopes and empty promises. And further, each one is clouded by their own delusions. Any movement somehow not like this is too weak to compete and will die out or remain a marginalized minority preyed upon by the larger ones. If you believe feminism is any different, you are also deluded. Everyone thinks they're right.
>Implying third wage feminism isn't worse on manhating
Greer and many second wave feminists are still active today, what exactly is your point here? How many quotes do I need of second and third wave feminists talking about killing men, or "male tears" or whatever beta power fantasy they have that day. Either you are baiting or retarded.
ey lad, ease up on the misogyny.
>Every movement seeks power, every movement seeks their own selfish agendas, and every movement will recruit others as underlings string along with false hopes and empty promises.
100%. Im still right wing though. You gotta pick a side and I hate feminists so yeah.
nope, I'm right wing largely because my bullies were hypocritical leftist cunts like you. You claim to fight against oppression, but the second you get any kind of power you abuse it. The truth is that you don't actually hate wealth or power, you envy it, you just don't want to work for it and would rather con the desperate into revolting for you so you can backstab them
im right wing because The Don is Epic
Why havent you had a baby yet?
smooth. very good
I don't know of any feminist that has that end goal, so it sounds like you're just delysuojao and have no idea what you're talking about
How you know someone on Jow Forums is wrong: they resort to "tranny" or "reddit"
Like pottery
maybe when i get a house, she and i can talk about it idk
Good post user. You just explained left wing politics in a nutshell.
>have no idea
uh huh. Single motherhood, endless streams of beta bux. this is the penultimate goal of feminism. you cannot prove me wrong. confess
Truth brother.Leftists are just niggers of the political spectrum. Jealous that every great thing they reap was created by a bunch of christian conservative white males with alot of guns, ships, money and audacity. They built everything and the leftists never accomplished shit. Not they just want to take it over and kill off the creators and claim it as their own. South Africa and Rhodesia are good examples of this.
>Hey da gibs me da land white boi
>*gets land*
>country now shit hole
>Hey we waz kang and shiet
>they resort to "tranny" or "reddit"
Because its a legit response. Jow Forums was invaded by literally
sorry tyhe post fucked up. cont
Jow Forums was invaded by literal trannies and leftists from hidden plebbit groups with the aim of subverted the board because they knew it was where alot of right male ideals were growing. Jow Forums is too powerful but robots are very naive and impressonable. So yeah implying some is less than for being from plebbit is actual a legit response. As with trannies but that goes without saying because trannies should be gassed.
Single motherhood!
Endless beta providers!
It's because you don't belong here. This board isn't for you to invade with your bullshit.
>because I dont know any that means there are none
Wow you must know alot of people.
>implying you know anything about 3rd wave or even 2nd wave feminism and what differentiates the two
>citing Greer
2nd wave feminism specifically deals with social concepts of manhood and womanhood as diametrically opposing each other, via oppressor and oppressed, respectively. Whereas 3rd wave feminism tends to deal with spectral thinking which regards the two as equals upon the same social hierarchy and represents the rejection of social hierarchy in favor of intersectionality.
You did not provide a Greer quote, by the way, though I'll wait for your alt-right meme quote that is likely not a specific piece and does not differentiate between Greer's work, the importance of the time period she worked/works within, and does not include the context by which her argument(s) are made.
>prove me wrong
Burden shifting. Provide evidence of your claim in order to be refuted.
Jow Forums was invaded by Jow Forums and r/thedonald more than anything lmao.
>a public domain
Im pro abortion because I hate women. I dont actually care and desu kinda agree its not really murder but I oppose it because it makes womens lives hard. What do you think about that?
>you gotta pick a side
I didn't pick a side in Skyrim and I'm not picking sides now. Fuck all of them. I'll take it down myself if I need to. If I die then I die free, I'll never live in ideological shackles again.
Yes! Yes!!! this is what we want!
Endless beta providers!
Complete custody!
My own home!
My rules my life!
>thats your burden
i dont even know yew and youre already giving me work? hey lass haha
That's naked snake
>Jow Forums was invaded by Jow Forums and r/thedonald more than anything lmao.
Jow Forums was always here you moron new cunt. Ive been here since 2008 and it was always pro Jow Forums. Its silly that you demand an argument when you yourself are deluded and misinformed. I mean look at yourself, can you honestly admit that you just magically came across Jow Forums by coincidence and not from an outside leftist source like plebbit, twitter or tumblr?
This place is and always has been an anti-female board. Its the core axiom of belief if its user base. Thats why you made this thread because you knew it would get a reaction. Your entire post and picture implies robots being down trodden incel type losers who oppose women and feminism.
heartbeat rule is based. go Peach state
>Im pro abortion because I hate women. I dont actually care and desu kinda agree its not really murder but I oppose it because it makes womens lives hard
Jesus Im done. Bye kid.
well you would know then that Jow Forums was actually /new/.
>Why do robots oppose feminism
Because Men should stick to doing manly things and women should stick to doing womanly things.
lol these are pretty funny, feminists are funny men are dum dums xD
based feminism!!
Have original sex, incel
Dude you are seriously misinformed toxic masculinity is a term to describe toxic behaviors and thoughts that result from our outdated view of masculinity ie if you are a guy you arent supposed to cry or show emotions
no, r9k was always either apolitical or right wing, leftists are and always have been invaders. also, see everyone claiming to reject social hierarchy while still participating in society actually just wants to be on top of a new hierarchy, and will then use that against their "oppressors". having lived most of my life in a leftist area, I have seen this firsthand on countless occasions. I know you fuckers too well to swallow that lie
HOLD UP incels. milennias of males running the show and yew refuse to let us feminist have a turn?
have sex
Tl;dr the newfag meme died in 2012 bro. Time to grow up
2/10, rare quality bait
Bunch of name calling and no u. No better way to prove you right when all that multiple of your opponents can muster up is this pathetic response
Im actually not a feminist nor a left winger, im just opposed to the shilling of right wing politics in robots because these people are the same people who bully us ane shit on us irl and then they shamelessly try to recruit us to fight ther fight. I realize most of the right wingers here are just crossboarding poltards or redditor tourists and the amount of actual right wing robots is probably low as most are like you, apolitical and aware of the incompatibility of any popular political movement with robots. But i still have to call the vermin out for their bullshit and make sure all robots are redpilled on right kikes.
bait, i was serious.
>our outdated view of masculinity
No yours, not ours your outdated view of masculinity. Women dont get to decide what is or isnt outdated masculinity. No men are not supposed to cry and show emotions, men are supposed to be get it together and solve shit. Women are the useless gender hwo just cry and be useless as Men we are better than that. Teahcing boys from a young age that is wrong is why they turn into sissy's with no back bone. You wouldnt fuck a weak boy. But you already knew that.
If women demand men shouldnt tell them how to behave then dont tell us how to behave. Men should be out playing rough sports, fighting, arguing, competing, trying to rule the 'world' in their own sense. Just because you wamen are intimidated but that doesn't mean we should change.
Have sex.
>these right wingers bully robots!
owo;; is this be true, right winger anons? uwu >_
Youre most likely misinterpreting leftist doctrine its more like a group or straight white men in the past used their power to create a society that oppresses anyone who isnt a straight white man and which needs to be changed so everyone can thrive and in doing so will make life better for everyone including straight white men of the present day
Because women are the ones who uphold gender roles for men.
>cant make a comeback
>huur duur silly dumb boys
Quality post there cuntinist.
new fag lmao
I never said r9k was never right wing. I said Jow Forums invaded. Jow Forums has been pushing narratives here for a while
Your binary thinking that all ideologies can be umbrella'd under a left/right economic paradigm with no further nuance. Anarchism (leftist) specifically deals with eliminating social hierarchy and maximizing liberty. What anarchist country are you from again?
How would things being better for every be better for the white man? South africa turned out real great with that ideal. White men created everything so why should we be expected to hand it over to people who didnt do shit?
It doesnt look like you even read the ops image you dumbass it would probably help you not be such a bitter retard
>pol invaded r9k
more like r9k invaded pol ha ha
>Because we think a guy who is a virgin is sad
So feminists are okay with incels now all of a sudden?
At least try to bait, your jimmy rustling is low tier.
>white men created everything
uh. DUH! respekt
Yes you did. Jow Forums was always here because Jow Forums is Jow Forums. They didnt oush any annratives you stupid fuck. Jow Forums doesnt come here 24/7 and post gay, tranny and feminists shit. They never post here because they dont need to because the core ideals as I said is already right wing and conservative. Mainly focusing on the hatred of women.
None of your retarded bullshit will 'free' me or ease any of my girl troubles.
Leftist equality cunts can go die in a fire.
owo, yew have jimmies to rustle, mlady?
It would help us all if you got on your back and wet up and started pumping out babies instead of being a cunt on a weaboo board.
Not an argument.
Give birth
But that's been proven to be bullshit. If it were true then poor whites and rich blacks would never exist. White men don't get a leg ahead in society, if anything it's harder because the left assumes that we are "privileged".
shit! thats wassup!!!!
wow bro. memes go too far sometimes. dont they know itssa joke?
I'm tired of leftists pushing this strawman, i've never seen men crying depicted as weak in media or by anyone or anything. The people who do believe this are probably old, and few.
If everyone is given the same freedom and economic power then there will be more people working towards making the society theyre living a better place and there will be less crime chaos poverty etc and instead more prosperity idk what South Africa has to do with this
Jow Forums was a board before Jow Forums, Jow Forums was previously /new/.
Try again nublets.
notice how the Jow Forumstards, defeated in any form of logical argument, have immediately deferred from any understanding of feminism they claim to have had. This is due to being outmatched, academically
woah lad, sounds like youssa old one? ya yew been here since da beginnin