Anyone else get uncomfortably offended by the WORD incel?
Anyone else get uncomfortably offended by the WORD incel?
no. its not like the n word
Why are her boobs closer to her stomach then her actual chest? Am I the only one who notices this?
I used to but then I noticed it was just another buzzword
I'm offended by the existence of leftists, you must remember, that these people (who have a certain brain that was built by their genetics, so must leftists cannot be saved from the hell that is their beliefs) use that word.
It's even worse, it's the "in" word.
"Incel" should be a term to define sexually frustrated men who hold deep seated hatred for women and just see them as something to fuck.
Not all lonely men hate women like that
Shut up originally you nigger
No, because I find it funny.
hoho! its not
>this post
>my expression
No, I don't get offended by a single word, I'm not a nigger
Incel is not a real thing. The so-called incel could get a girlfriend, or even just meaningless sex, but his standards are too high. That is not involuntary celibacy.
leave my board fucking normalfag
got i want to marry those eyebrows
It help me identify who is new around here and who to avoid replying to.
idk it's kinda funny
the only bad part is that it's kind of hard to know whether people are saying it ironically or not anymore seeing how it spread
No, even if I do fall somewhat within the stereotype it's commonly used to describe. I find it hilarious Jow Forumstards finally know what it's to be called a nigger, though.
>the only bad part is that it's kind of hard to know whether people are saying it ironically or not anymore seeing how it spread
that is why i use it preemptively
if i am responding to someone, and i think (based on their post) that their response to me will be something like
>that's why you're an incel / virgin
i make sure to accuse them of being an incel/virgin first
i have had sex a few times before, if anything i'm a volcel. maybe a wagecel (too exhausted/miserable from my job to even want to get a gf)
>Jow Forumstards finally know what it's to be called a nigger
how many people have been viciously attacked for calling someone 'incel'?
any black person called 'nigger' is being called something they are. do you think it should hurt someone's feelings to be called 'incel' if they have had sex? do you think it should hurt a negro's feelings to be called "nigger" ? what about an asian?
what if he is unable to get an erection for a girl that unattractive?
say, you are only able to get it up for a 3/10 or better. and all you can get naked with is a 1/10
then what?
>The so-called incel could get a girlfriend
how? be specific please
i haven't talked to a girl in person for over a year
Is-is that a baby she is sitting on top of?
>inb4 zoomers start calling the ugly kids incels at school
calling it now if this isn't already a thing. "incel" is going to be the new "faggot" in highschool
>Anyone else get uncomfortably offended by the WORD incel?
No because that's literally what I am
Isn't this just "Virgin" but they stick "-MALE- virgin" just like the other shit they do like like Mansplain, manspreading, manchild, etc?