Remember when you could assume every girl not married under 20 years old was a virgin? Me neither
Remember when you could assume every girl not married under 20 years old was a virgin? Me neither
i want those times back. fuck boomers and their sexual revolution
it's only going to get worse, finding a woman who can wait after marriage for sex is fucking hard these days, nobody's innocent anymore
I'm 20 years old, and I am absolutely against my generations mentality. Great quote btw
>I have no idea what things were really like back then but still want it
You're a retard.
I have an idea you dumbass, my parents, grandparents, virtually all generations before millenials in my country were sexually conservative, going on dates with no sex, hand-holding, sex after marriage were all things that were valued, since I still hold those values I naturally want that aspect of society back
Millennials have less casual sex and lose their virginities later. Incels btfo by facts again.
>Millennials have less casual sex
Remember when almost all the girls were married with a kid at 18.
This has been proven over and over again, googling will yield multiple results. How unfortunate for you that your core beliefs are destroyed by undisputable facts.
idiot. most were married with a kid on the way at 18. Couples were still fucking.
What of all the happy surprises as men went overseas to war. Both the spawn left in a far away land and the children a soldier did not father with his gf or wife back home
I don't remember, do you? How old are you grandpa?
Does OP remember? Both my grandparents were married at 18
actual millenials are like 30+ years old and are pretty much boomers
I wouldn't consider anyone under 25 right now a millenial
Millennial MALES have less sex
I have yet to meet a female virgin after like sophomore year of high school
Stop coping basedcel
>study says millennial males have less sex
Yes this is true
>same study says millennial females also have less sex
Durrr this can't be true because it hurts my feefees
How old were you when you dropped out of high school? 14? 15?
m8 ive literally met no female virgins since early high school
Ive met plenty of people
Did you literally ask every female you ever met if she was a virgin? Because statistics prove you wrong.
>implying women don't lie, even anonymously
>implying incels don't lie, even anonymously
Lmao fucking sadsack incels
You dumb fuck, those times would still make you mad.
He'd probably be dead in those times.
All I see in that image is careless chad and a happy girl arriving at a mediocre beach and in the background are normies with a 50/50 male to female ratio all wearing fashion that isnt far from ours today at all.
Meaning this situation still occurs today.
Nothing changed.
A loser now will be more of a loser back then, he wont have his pc to distract him so I wonder what stupid thing he will go to do.
lol why dead ?
The majority are. Confirmation bias.
I imagine he would be married due to enforced monogamy and women not having access to quality employment.
Those times never existed except amongst aristocracy which was also full of casual fucking
And for that matter, the majority of males under 20 are also virgins. You're all just a bunch of snowflake wannabe sociopaths.
>u mad
>enforced monogamy
Lel. Where did you get this from?
Monogamy was enforced through social pressure and through actual legislation. Its been relaxed over time, particularly after the sexual revolution.
No it wasnt the case for that guy. My grandpa has a pic like that, he was married, instead of handholding his wife alone he was carrying alot of stuff and dragging with him 4 tan children with long surfer hair and the mom was kinda carrying alot of stuff too lol.
Are you from a communist country with no sun ?
Ok retard great input.
except the white girls would all be with black guys
>4 tan children
now it would be 4 mulatto children
No problem great guy.
man you are the greatest thing you happened to earth wow dude you are the best.
Nowdays ? yeah single moms love taking their niglets to the beach. no one said.
niggers cant swim and so they dont go to the beach they go to the mall. And taking kids to the beach always needs atleast two adults to take care of the kids.
The sea and the woods are for chad whites the concrete and the mall are for nigz if you want to follow the retard logic without mistakes.
Interesting. Can you post some sources on this? How was monogamy "enforced"?
I see the white girls and their moms watching the mulatto grand kids
True user forgot about that.
There are virgin single girls over 20 in the world, user.
They're called intellectually disabled people.
Prople have always fucked before 18 you pathetic brainlet.
this, OP must learn this truth since he is obsessed and shelterd
This. I was a virgin until about 24. I hid this fact. i never had any weird belief that value was based on having sex or not. I just knew it was weird, i was defective as a person for never managing to find someone who loved me. And when i did reveal it to a guy he didnt seem to want anything to do with me after it.