
>went to the doctor because my poops were full of blood and feeling sick
>got results
>have stage 4 bowel cancer
>cancer has spread throughout my body
>can't afford treatment
>don't want to suffer
>decided to just kill myself
How do I kill myself painlessly and quickly?

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>I can't afford treatment in a country where it's literally illegal to be refused treatment
>What I really mean to say is I can't afford the debt
>But I'm going to die anyway

Attached: 1508552852519.png (403x334, 124K)

Honestly, I think a shotgun blast to the head would be pretty painless. Alternatively, check if your area has assisted suicide.

>Jump off a tall building/bridge head first
>Buy a high caliber revolver or shotgun (less than $600)
>suicide mask (cheaper than a gun, available online)
>take 10x LD50 of pain killers
>buy fentanyl/heroin, inject and injest
>captive bolt pistol (how they kill cattle)
Take your pick.

3" #000 12 gauge buck shot, and just about any 12 gauge rifle. Whole thing will cost you ~$350 in 'Murica.

Make sure to register as an organ donor first so nothing goes to waste

Great way to survive and look like sid the sloth.

Dying from intoxication or OD is suposedly very painfull or at least stresing, don't OD jumping from a building or shoting yourself are the way to go for me. Or you could go balls to the wall buy a gun and try to rob a bank and die in a shoot out with the police

Painkiller ODs aren't painful, you basically just go to sleep. That's why they kill pets with painkillers

Genuinely feel sorry for you OP, it must suck living in a country with shit healthcare.

Yes goyim, donate your organs so Mr. Shekelbergmoneygrabberhooknosesixmillionstein can live a little longer, that's all you're good for anyway.

Don't you have horrible spams and start drowning on your own puke? Like the body doing everything it can to push it out and stuff. Oh well thats what I knew at least.

You need to inject it straight to the bloodstream to bypass defense mechanisms. Either that or just take so much orally that you're already unconscious by the time your body starts trying to get rid of the stuff.

I recommend a much higher than necessary dose to avoid any chance of even waking up to experience those sorts of issues (if they occur in normal painkiller overdose, I think that's more heroin/fentanyl)

Yes, please kick us more, we definitely chose this life.

>Haha, free healthcare is bullshit!
>I vote for my freedom!
>Free police for life security? Sure! Welfare checks? Eh, why not? Free healthcare? Haha no!
You asked for this. Enjoy your undignified end.

Imagine thinking we want boomer policy
Fuck you, your boomers fuck you over too. You think us having a TV steak salesman as President is bad? You could realistically have Sargon of Akkad as your next PM

That sucks user, I'm sorry. I hope it's tolerable and however long you've got left is enjoyable and you get to do things you want to do. I want to say you shouldn't kill yourself but it feels selfish if that's what you genuinely prefer. You should talk to a bunch of different doctors and stuff about it first, about what happens and such

Considering how farage wiped UKIP I doubt it

That's unfortunate.
Dude, take a huge ass debt in bank and travel around and do what you never had the time to do before.
You could come to Switzerland, assisted suicide is legal and painless here.
I would share a drink with you too and stay for your last days too.
With that money you could do whatever you want.
Before leaving the US, you could try murder someone too.

Do something you were too afraid to do when you had something to lose.