What are some excellent games for robots and autismos?

What are some excellent games for robots and autismos?
Personally I nominate factorio

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No think again

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Making your own game
Its just like a game except the outcome is something other than a fleeting dopamine rush cause you made a bunch of 1s turn to 0s

I like grand strategy games

Excellent choice. One of these days I'll pick up Satisfactory and man what a rabbit-hole that will be.

God the music of this trailer is fucking atrocious.

Cataclysm dark days ahead, the real autismo game

The new one? Yeah, I liked the reveal trailer's better.

tfw no factorio gf to fire rockets at me
why live?

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>host factorio server
>start with people
>3 are gone by the 2hr mark
>next guy doesn't log in after 1 day
>last guy logs in a couple of time over the next few days but just goes afk
>finish the game by myself like everything else
>tfw haven't done it without super slow mutation/spread
>tfw no gf that understands trains
I haven't put a lot of time into trains so I couldn't get multiple to work on a single line.

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>tfw have a crush on a Factorio streamer

you could easily clock 300+ hours in this game without getting bored
and with comfy music to score

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wheres my smug anime girl when i need it

ksp is breddy gud too but now I can't play my games because steam no longer supports my OS.

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Damn, nigga what os do you have?

you can emulate it bruv

older than windows 7....
So I can pay an arm and a leg for the most recent spyware from windows, or stick with this shit.

CATACLYSMDDA is pretty fun when im not bored

Trains are pretty simple you just have to space them out properly. Automatic logic drones on the other hand...

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Can still throw the official win 10 iso on a usb install it and use it for free, zero dollarydoos.

Activated vs unactivated on win10 has zero limitations aside from changing wallpapers and customization, which you can get around by going in gallery and setting wallpaper there. Also, half the time they just grant you activation anyway. Attempting to get everyone on the same os i guess.

The real autism is doing a Factorio bob/angel/pyan marathon run.

well ok thanks I guess