Yang 2020

Andrew Yang is clearly /ourguy/. Let's meme him into office! Tell your Boomer parents about him.


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>Yang promises every American 1000 dollary-doos a month
>over 300 million Americans
>1000 x 300 million = 300 hundred billion dollary-doos a month

So where is Yang planning to get 300 billion dollars a month from?

OMG why do you hate the poor? Just tax the rich.

Too blackpilled to care anymore

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Yes, it's true you figured it out with some "quick maths"
It's not like this would be the first thing he'd think about, and he's covered it hundreds of times on his site, in interviews, in speeches and so on
No, that would be ridiculous

>Just tax the rich.

>implying the rich will pay those taxes
>implying the rich won't use loopholes they already use to get out of it
>implying that you will ever get your hands on their money

>Yang gives everyone $1,000 per month
>Landlords raise rent by $700 a month
>Cost of milk, bread, etc all doubles
>Gas prices increase
I can't wait for that "free money" guys!

So where IS Yang planning on getting 300 billion dollars a month from?

Do you also believe in the invisible hand of the free market while you make that prognosis?

a vat tax on high end goods and a couple other things like carbon and big tech who avoid taxes.

tax the rich

do you really think this is the way the world works?

>mfw will never fuck the skinny flat assed white girl
flat asses don't get enough praise, fuck nigger plastic asses

The VAT will be enstated and the existing social programs will be dumped.

That bodyguard of his sure is huge.

not true, you would trade off housing or food assistance. he wants to stack ssi with ubi now too.

The problem with Yang is he keeps changing his (very weak) stance. UBI itself is pretty good although Congress will never in a million years pass it.

Yang will never win because white women (majority of liberals) hate asian men.

>white women (majority of liberals)
Actually majority of white women are middle-aged conservatives

But I agree with you that Yang will never win.

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will he be the first doomer president?

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caveskin males lookin excited for that nice woman about to experience the Big Yang Cock

hate us for what? dont even interact with em most of the time

>smiths and the cure
not looking like that he wasnt. he was into backstreet boys and savage garden

Don't talk shit on backstreet boys

i see.
that you arent being true to me.
deep within my soul,
i feel.

Yang is a chinese spy

better than a korean spy, bro

Its just a dream with 0.01% chance to come true.

there is literally nothing wrong with savage garden

I wanna stand with yew on a mountain,
I wanna bathe with yew in the sea.
I wanna lay like this forever,
Until the sky falls down on mee.

If a woman lost, why do you think some low testosterone asian man will win?

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whats with yew caveskins and making everything so confrontational? do yew not see the good vibes itt? probably not because that would require yew to clean the crusty cum stains off your monitor

>why u so confrontational caveskin!??!
>posts like a confrontational caveskin
You're a joke like the "yang gang", fucking cringe.

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