How many rapebots do we have here? The rest of the board NEEDS to know.
Real Rapebot Hours
Nice try FBI-kun
>Rape kit threads aren't a thing anymore
>all rape posters abandoned the meme because it never took off
Sad state of affairs eh?
You're a buzzkill. Why do people have to ruin anything fun?
Two things I want in life:
>fuck a lesbian
>rape and physically abuse a female
And we threads on both right now. Based.
Are you going to rape a lesbian?
that's hot, as long as they don't look like a dyke
Need someone to rape me please
Are you worried about getting raped so hard that you become a rape accomplice?
i want to be forced down and fucked. Someone please fix this.
Do you want to fix your rape desires or your non-raped status?
I am addicted to ryona hentai
I'm the guy you replied to, and no I wouldn't. No point in having sex with a lesbian if it's by force, because I want her to consent against her sexuality.
I'm a big raper, long time fan of rape.
You've never raped
What are the chances of getting away with raping an underage girl who is home alone pretty much all the time in a small neighborhood in the midwest?
She looks fucking 20 but is way younger than that,I guess I'm a borderline pedophile
What does a rape kit consist of,user?
Content of original origin way to go
Reminder rape =//= porn. It wont feel good, and you wasted your life away just because you though porn videos and hentai were real.
Let's see her for originality's sake
I think 90% of this board knows who she is.
Pretty fucking low. Once they find the body and your Jow Forums post you'll get the chair for sure.
I used to spend alot of nights driving around and stalking any car that looked like it had a female in it. Once i followed one into her neighborhood and she parked in her driveway i parked like a house away, left the engine running, put on my rape gear (sunglasses and hat) and ran up the adjacent driveway hopped over to hers, she jumps and kind of laughs saying"you scared me" almost like she recognized me, as i approached her face soured and i went to kind of grab her and she s like wtf and I'm not turned on by this so i run away all wacky and she's like screaming"wtf bitch, come back here bitch, I'll fuck you up wtf" i get in my car and drive home and my penis is inside my body I'm so unarroused
please kill yourself user, please just do it already.
Dude I'd rape the fuck outta that how old? Got more?
>ywn attempt a rape, have her ruin it by consenting, and then spaghetti.
She looks fit tho she could probably kick your ass
I can't even fuck a prostitute if she doesn't seem into it
>the body
I'm not killing anyone user,I just wanna get my dick wet.
Yeah,there's more,her age isn't really known,but it's definitely under the mark.Wanna help?
She's 6'0 and has 2 dogs,it could happen,or it could just make the whole thing even hotter.
Thinks he's gonna rape. Doesn't even have the balls to post more
Foots in my mouth sorry user
I mean yeah you're gonna need help for sure. The dog's will be the biggest problem. What state are you in? I might be close
anyone wouldn't give a fuck when they notice a girls drink has been roofied?
I feel like she would make me the bad guy if I warned her and she might even accuse me of it.
I dont care. Should have protected your drink.
I licked and and fingered a girls ass and came on her while she was passed out naked in the bathtub, no roofies just alcohol abuse
She has 2,user.I definitely wouldn't leave the scene without pairs of her used socks and panties.
Midwest,I cannot really disclose more,any ideas about how to get rid of the dogs?Or how to KO her?How long does it take for chloroform to do it's magic?
I'll leave it to the US police forces.
She'd appreciate the warning for sure might even gib succ
it's usually roasties who get all their drinks for free by simps who get roofied. just buy your own drinks and stop being a cheap whore
thats hot. if it was my house/party, I'd allow my lads to fuck her without snitching
>lowering yourself to the level of niggers.
why do blacks like to rape women?
Whys she censor her feet? Are they fucking big or something?
What kind of dogs?
Chloform wouldn't be too necessary if you have a friendo to help, just need some good restraints. Chloroform takes so long to kick in the amount of struggling would probably be the same
I was the only guy there with my gf trying not to choke on her vomit right outside the bathroom. I'd really love to have a gangbang on some passed out whore with the lads
alpha genetics or just primal retardation or poor upbringing or whatever. Why aren't you raping, user? No upperbody strength to hold a whore down?
Her feet are just long,like her legs and toes.This is from a video.
Medium sized family dogs,i don't think they belong to any specific breed,they look kinda friendly/docile,the type of dogs that you see in shelters,they are pretty skinny,kek.I have no idea how they would react to a stranger attacking her.
>Chloform wouldn't be too necessary if you have a friendo to help, just need some good restraints.
She would scream her lungs out before we could lay a finger on her.
I wanna suck those toes. No matter what the dogs look like they're gonna fuck you up if you're a threat to their food lady
>She would scream her lungs out before we could lay a finger on her
She'd scream before we could lay a chloroform on her. Just gotta knock her out with fists real quick. Do you know her personally? Is there any way to get in the house before commencing rape? Do the dogs have a doggie door or are the let out manually?
damn I got a stiffy
Any fags in this? I know a guy whose been raped in the ass. I'm bisexual, but i cannot fathom the desire to rape a man whereas i would love to rape a woman. Maybe a trap? Idk. Like if i was in prison and had obligation to rape someone due to whatever gang shenanigans i got caught up in i don't think I'd be able to keep it up, even if i was attracted to the guy
are they male dogs? are they neutered? if not maybe they wanna join in
>No matter what the dogs look like they're gonna fuck you up if you're a threat to their food lady
So what do you propose?Also I think they sleep in her room(which is upstairs).
>Do you know her personally?
>Is there any way to get in the house before commencing rape? Do the dogs have a doggie door or are the let out manually?
I know the full adress and I saw the surroundings but I didn't study the house very well yet,my guess is that they are being let out manually.I will study the house more irl.
How would we get away unnoticed?It's worth mentioning that her neighbors are mostly old boomers,so I doubt that they will be a problem if we knock her out in time.Bonus:She's unnironically a virgin,saving herself for marriage but she whores herself online because it's the only way to release her sexual energy,she's extremely horny,with the hormones and all.
We should just draw her outside somehow and we're golden.
They're both female dogs,and they are like the biggest issue in this whole situation.