NATURE: I'm ready at 16

NATURE: I'm ready at 16.
REDDIT SOCIETY: eww That's creepy!


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Actually, they can reproduce around 13. Braces aren't natural user

all pedos should be hanged, no trial.
pls kill yourself user, the earth will be a safer place if people like you just stopped living.

13 year olds have been fucked for millions of years. Only in the past 30 somehow its been considered not natural

16 is legal in the country where the girl's from, though

It's just dumb old feminists with blown out cunts that hate men getting with pure young innocent virginial girls who get mad. Biologically and naturally, there's nothing wrong with it.

she hit the wall at 13 ngl desu

Because their brains aren't developed

a females brain is never fully developed

>implying their brains are ever developed

Her roastie personality really shines through at 12+
>that makeup at 13
Shaking my damn head, senpai.

So the conclusion should be that women should not be fucked since they're children. Only men should be sexually active. Greeks knew this. Society was ruined once men started having sex with women

wow dude, are you seriously feeling threatened by the face of a 13 year old girl, you must be an incredibly bitter and sad incel.

Nature is the direct cause of most, and the ultimate cause of all, suffering in the universe. It took artificial development to create a world where people don't have to fear for their lives every day and can sometimes actually enjoy things. Nature hates you and wants you to live in misery, it's not a good moral authority.

11 is most attractive. Women are unironically in their prime from 9-13. Wall starts at 17.
If you disagree you're a normie cuckhold who bends to society's demands like a weak little beta.

A better solution would be to strip women of their rights and let the fathers decide who they are gonna marry

11-12 is peak aesthetically

Look deeper, the girl wearing makeup represents an entire timeline worth of degeneration. Threatened? We're already dead.

>Already having that thousand dicks stare at 12
>Showing signs of the WALL closing in at 16

What did female genetics mean by this?

Prefect time to pairbond

It's not genetics. It's you being a pedophile

it's just biology

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>that curve not based on any actual data
It should have a maximum at around 14 and then only gradually reduce towards 30

wow dude you need help, pls kill yourself pedo.

she was ready at 8

bad graph bro, make it a little better by doing what said, as it stands people take one look at it and instantly think (ohh a stupid pedo made this)
just doesnt look legit.

actually little girls will begin prematurely menstruating before sexual maturity if they're raped or exposed to sex

not being a pedo apologist, just stating scientific facts

nice to know there are other enlightened people out there who value aesthetics over social shaming

notice that's all they do and they can't give a good reason why.

>they can't give a good reason why.
maybe cuz little girls shouldn't be sucking dicks and getting fucked? They should be enjoying their childhood instead you fucking retard.

cause its fucking disgusting dude the fuck honestly anyone with the pedo "gene" should be eradicated you fucking filth of the earth

Should be age 9-11 getting engaged, married at first menstruation and first child by 16. Then at least one child every 2 years until 26.

so by your standards all males that have ever lived?

>1 is most attractive. Women are unironically in their prime from 9-13. Wall starts at 17.
bro you good dude just cause girls your age don't want to fuck you that means you want to fuck little girls dude you're scum hope some nigga sticks a spear in your ass and display your cuntyness to the entire world

Imagine thinking being a pedo is acceptable because the internet told you to be a contrarian

Nature has them ready at like 11-12, they are still little girls
At 16, they are just teens, who should explore their body changes with other teens, not with creeps taking advantage of her

>"enjoying their childhood" = fucking Chad

Explain to me how that's a good thing. I can offer her a stable household.

Children are not psychologically developed enough to handle their own sexuality in the vast majority of cases. Especially if it's a relation with someone much older.
If you disagree, you are an uneducated plebeian who talks out of his ass and doesn't know shit about social working and psychology. It's useless trying to explain this shit to yoy, though, because you think with your penis and you'll give any impressive mental gymnastics show you can just to avoid the negative label behind wanting to fuck children. If you lack any empathy you won't understand, if you don't see girls as people, you won't understand and if all you want is justifying your pedophilia without a single thought for the damage caused to victims of sexual abuse, you won't understand.
So basic tldr: Children are not psychologically prepared for sex and adults trying to have sex with kids abuse their psychological vulnerability to achieve it because manipulation is the only way you can get sex from them, making you a fucking scumbag if you plan on doing this shit.

nice edge faggot you should die in a fire

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Seething roastie detected lmao, just because no-one wants your wrinkly flabby ass doesn't mean you have to get all butthurt.

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>I can offer her a stable household
How? You still live with your parents.

no i mean men over 18 shouldn't be attracted to fucking kids dude are you retarded

>Children are not psychologically developed enough to handle their own sexuality in the vast majority of cases.
Why did they only stop being ready at that age 100 years ago or so? Before then it was commonplace enough.

pubescent girls aren't kids

>At 16, they are just teens, who should explore their body changes with other teens, not with creeps taking advantage of her
Why the fuck is it "exploring their bodies" with other teens,but "being taken advantage of" if the guy is older?You talk like we're some fucking chads with bodycounts of over 30+ who would just pump and dump them.

Seething pedo incel detected.
Just cuz girls your age don't want you doesn't mean you should destroy kid's lives for your virginal butthurt.

oh boom!

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I love pedophiles. Nothing else makes normies squirm so much.

what tells your i'm some femoid just cause i don't want little girls to be fucked means i'm a roastie. the logic homie its hilarious

>implying females are ever psychologically developed enough to know whats good for them

Females 20+ are just as dumb as 12yo's. Only it's not candy that will get them to fuck you but lots of money.


This is reddit approved vocabulary.

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Because back then nobody gave a shit about kids, that's why.
100 years ago they made kids work in mines and they still do in 3rd world countries. Is it okay by your standart? Realizing that things we did in the past that were okay back then, but ended up being wrong so we stopped doing them is xalled EVOLUTION and PROGRESS.

who said anything about sex?

for the entirety of human history until extremely recently it's worked like this:

>girl becomes pubescent
>man who already has a standing in society/ tribe and can take of her starts pair bonding
>they develop relationship
>gradually explore sexually
>start having children when she is most fertile 14-15

wanna know why girls are such whores these days? because they CRAVE this experience. they missed out on forming a close bond with a male at this stage in their development. and even if they desire it they are forbidden due to arbitrary laws

>adults trying to have sex with kids abuse their psychological vulnerability to achieve it because manipulation is the only way you can get sex from them
>manipulation is the only way you can get sex from them
So if the guy is older it's called manipulation,ok.What about when a chad the same age as her pumps and dumps her?That's called a relationship right?Kek.

yes they are the fuck there rational thinking isn't fully developed that's why they become roasties they don't understand whats right and whats wrong that's why they are easily manipulated

This, it's so easy to spot the normalfaggots and redditors. Remember /l/? Those were the days.

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Just because you call it progress doesn't automatically make it right mate

yeah exactly, so they should be pair bonding with older male and learning things like housekeeping and cooking

maybe if we did icels would actually be non-existent since neets and incels would actually have to work

>destroy kid's lives
We're not selling them into sex slavery you fucking drama queen,chill the fuck down.Show me one example of relationships where younger girls are happy with a partner the same age as her(both in their teens),you fucking cannot,because teenagers are immature and horny,they only want girls for their vaginas.

Older guys are more mature and patient,they know what girls want,and they can provide them with that something.It's been this way since forever,girls don't want immature chumps.

hard to believe there are people this zogged on Jow Forums

genuinely confused how people like you end up here. you sound like a 14 year old girl

no user, enjoying childhood means playing with toys and friends and shit like that,
were you raped as a little boy or something?

Then what do girls want, exactly? What can you provide to them that's not just dick?

jeez you are a reall scumbag, the shit you type just makes me want to shoot all pedos on the spot.

no they shouldn't they should be taught rational thinking not be having to be force into something they'll regret later just cause you're high school crush went to the prom with brad doesn't make it ok to fuck kids. imagine if your co-workers or parents heard your opinions

reminder age of consent was a feminist invention

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It's mostly r/Jow Forums rejects looking for the newest screenshots to get karma or people who came here during the election, and it shows.

>Trying to demonize the 18 age of consent by calling it reddit

But I like tits

>so they should be pair bonding with older male and learning things like housekeeping and cooking
Forcing a girl to settle and do housekeeping and cooking for the rest of her days seems wrong.But if we really are to give women equal rights and choices,just let them choose whoever the fuck they want to fuck,denying them that,only makes things worse for everyone.

you speak like you have a genuine cognitive impairment

there is no justification for fucking kids give us one good study,research paper or anything that proves pedophilia is a good thing.

>Wow guys great post. That'll show those incel losers.
Have you ever had female friends? Teenage girls are huge sluts, you dont need to manipulate them to have sex with you and it doesnt "psychologically damage" them.

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giving women choices has proved to be the worst possible thing society has ever done. women are submissive by nature. they need in many respects to be instructed and subservient otherwise they completely go off the rails with neurosis

I bet the people here who tell pedos to kill themselves and whatnot are the same people who actively seek out loli threads on /b/ just to say the same shit to people trying to get a nut.

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your mom does get fucked wetard :^]

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>give women equal rights

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clearly you haven't read a single thing we are saying.

Do it then you dickless fucking bitch. Theres even a list you can look them up with. No balls, little bitch.

they are kids the fuck anyone under the age of 18 is a kid my guy

Fuck Americans are absolutely deluded.

>17 years, 364 days, 23 hours and 59 seconds: Pure innocent child
>18: Fucking slut

imagine being this completely ZOGGED in the head. you've never had an independent thought in your entire life

You are actually an NPC in the most unironic sense of the word.

>jeez you are a reall scumbag
Please point me to the phrase that triggered you in such a manner.Did memories of highschool jocks sharing you between them hurt you?Too bad,should've just go for the quiet nerd who got a STEM degree and became an engineer.
>Then what do girls want, exactly? What can you provide to them that's not just dick?

First of all,it's attention,lots of it.Providing it would be easy.They want to be understood,so you have to really listen to them,and try to put yourself in their shoes and relate to them.They want advice,which you can provide since you have more life experience and maybe you encountered some of the stuff that is bugging her right then.They want a refuge from the daily teenager dramas and gossips and rumors,and you can be that person.They don't wanna just be used as a cumsock,so you will not pressure her into having sex,unless it's a huge deal for her to lose her virginity(peer pressure),in which case you should still tell her that it's her choice,and you don't want her to reget it later,just because stacy and tracy already did it.Teenagers are complicated,but they can be really joyful and uplifting,while you can be like a life coach and confidant,in return.

it's funny how normalfags never had to develop any critical thinking skills because they think if you just call someone a "pedo" you immediately win the argument. social shaming doesn't work here