How is it even possible not to cheat in relationships? I've never been able to stay completely faithful...

How is it even possible not to cheat in relationships? I've never been able to stay completely faithful. Or even mostly faithful.

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T. OriWoman

By not being a whore like you

>weeb tranny faggot is cheating subhuman

>all these robots gonna come in with abuse but they've never known how it is to be in a relationship
It's just not that easy to commit to one person, sweetie.

Because you're a slut. Just accept that and don't get into full relationships.

Regardless of what gender you are, you're still a slut. Nothing wrong with that, just don't give your partners false hope.

Not everyone is a piece of shit like you.

How do you not be a whore



But I'm not happy when I'm single

I'm a good person, user. You take that back.

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Do the world a favor and don't breed. Cheating scum like you have no place in this world.

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It's simple just don't fuck
You don't even need to do anything

i have been very temped to cheat on my bf with a very sexy coworker i know, So far i have been faithfull but man it is getting hard af.
I have given him a few blowjobs ( know some people would call this cheating already but its not cuz dating is not marraige.) to calm him down but he keeps pestering me for sex, I dont want to cheat on my bf though. I'm refuse to let myself get to that level.

Okay, but flirtationships count as cheating, and I don't know if I can resist those. I usually have at least 10 going on at any given time, inside of relationships and out.

>It's just not that easy to commit to one person, sweetie.
Not everyone is inherently immoral and malevolent, irony-poster. People who weren't raised and influenced by degeneracy in the media and their interests aren't nearly as likely to cheat.

Have fucking partner that is 100% ready to kill you for cheating. Think you can get away with cheating? Better be a spy.

Has to be bait. OP has to be larping too.

>Average person can get multiple gfs
>I cant even get 1

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Get out of here BPD whore and kill yourself.

I don't have BPD, it's just harder not to cheat than you think.

It is not harder, you just lack self control and loyalty.

You can't cheat if you hav an open relationship

Who is that? That's not Aqua

>Wife is against my harem
Why are women so selfish?

It's the easiest thing to not cheat, you literally just turn people down if they approach and dont be in situations where you can approach. stop being a sperg and learn some discipline

Who could be against something as beautiful as this?

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I'm at the point in life that if my gf cheated on me I'd quit my job and join the military.
Dedicate my time to fucking single moms and playing videogames. I'd be so over society.
Every day is a struggle to not give up and yeet on everything. To just give up and leave my job, gf, and world behind.

Whatever, I have my forfeit conditions. I get cheated on I drop out of society, join the military, fuck single moms and play video games.

> you can't cheat if your a cuckold

There is literally nothing wrong with being a cuckhold. Your partner should be able to have sex with who ever they want, you don't own them and they don't own you. Why the fuck would anyone want to hav sex with the same person for the rest ov their lives whilst their body ages and the next thing you know the only sex you'll look forward to is with an ugly old woman with saggy tits and rotting teeth.

>What is love
>What is commitment

The two aren't mutually exclusive. If it was real love you would happy they are enjoying sex even if it wasn't with themselves. If you call it love and then break up and never speak to them again after they sleep with someone else then it wasn't love in the first place. It's just sex. Commitment? Commitment to what?

Don't get into committed relationships if you want to fuck everyone like a degenerate. That's just basic common sense

>like a degenerate
How the fuck is it degenerate? We were literally born to FUCK. If you deny this you don't livv in the real world.

>this level of mental gymnastics
If you truly love someone you hold that someone very dear to you, so if that someone is going around having sex with other people you will be angry.
Jealousy comes along with real love, if you don't care that your partner is giving themselves to someone else you don't really love them.

have fun getting aids then

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>Jealousy comes along with real love, if you don't care that your partner is giving themselves to someone else you don't really love them.
Just fuck off with that. It's absolute rubbish and the reason for this shallow attitude towards relationships with people. Literally the opposite is true. If you really loved someone you would respect them enough to do what they believe will be good for them. Having sex with someone else does not cost anything to the other person unless they're insecure which most people are. It's their body and they can do what they want with their own body because you should respect them enough to allow them the freedom of their own sexuality. Do you know why everyone has a problem with it? It's not becauz it is objectively imoral, it's becauz we are TOLD it's wrong by society. You see it on TV and everywhere around you and becauz of that, they believe it's the actual truth. It's fucking sex and no one's body belongs to someone else. People aren't property unless they're slaves.

Please kill yourself. Bait or not

If there isn't any exclusivity, then you don't have a meaningful relationship of any kind with your partner.

Why would you need exclusivity if you're not insecure and needy?

>Having sex with someone else does not cost anything to the other person unless they're insecure which most people are. It's their body and they can do what they want with their own body because you should respect them enough to allow them the freedom of their own sexuality.
Yes most people are insecure, most people fear that they partners might cheat on them and most people suffer with the thought of their loved ones sleeping around with other people.
You are not better because you think you have overcome these primal feelings of possession, in fact you are a liar.
You don't really give a fuck about your partner if they do as they wish and you just nod.
Please just admit that you find monogamy boring and you would rather sleep around with lots of people than just your partner it's okay no one is going to judge you.

I wish I could have a partner that would be completely faithful to me but was ok with me fucking around with whoever whenever I want.

Then you're just a terrible person

whole thread is a reddit larp holy fucking shit

pic related

saged bait thread. you people are miserable for trying to break these poor autistic robots on this board

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