
tuesday morning edition. hows it going bros? enjoying some tasty fish burger myself

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The sissy sucked me off this morning and I plan on having some vodka, her penis was locked in chastity and I fucked her mouth and shot some cum in it

>tuesday morning edition
its Wednesday user

thats great if thats true but please dont try and shill trap shit if its not i just want a comfy thread while i get drunk
oh fuck

Its wed you fag

That's hot user I'm talking to a bottomboi from Grindr he is a twink can't wait to fuck his boicunt

well i guess the trap shill brigade is here so goodbye thread

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Took me a hour to fap this morning to Bailey Jay I was drunk from last night but managed to cum

drank a few cans and now im eating a kfc fuck

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what you get from kfc user? and cans of what?

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Getting drunk on a Tuesday morning?

i guess its wednesday the days have been blurring for me the past week or so since ive been dirnking everyday

only thing in the house was 3 ciders and a beer so i drank the lot. gonna get myself some vodka or something tomorrow. Just got myself a 3 piece and some extra hot wings

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pick one, friend. doesn't work together.

cheers lad i would hav eto make a beer run if i were to start drinking with just that in the house but hopefully the chicken fills you up so you can drink more tomorrow
i like the fish sandwich

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yeah wish there was more but i'm not in the mood to leave the house. enjoy your fish friend

cheers have a comfy day in bro

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>tfw bought two IPAs from a quaint local brewery that recently opened up
>mom won't let me drink them because my brother is here on a drug/alcohol bender


Then why and the fuck did you call it a burger?

hopefully your brother can get better.he's back home on a bender or to get better after one?
that was a mistake but you mentioned its taste not me mislabeling it as a burger

1 its fucking Wednesday and 2 it's a fish sandwich you stupid faggot

thanks bro both those points have been pointed out to me and i have made sure to note my mistakes

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I have never heard of a fish sandwich being called a hamburger, its Wednesday btw..

thanks bro both those points have been pointed out to me and i have made sure to note my mistakess

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This bottom I met on Tinder made me a good fish sandwich after I pounded his boipussy

This will literally happen to me tomorrow

It's pretty bad if you don't even know what day it is and think a fish sandwich is a hamburge lmao seriously are you retarded?

This morning, I had some fresh ground coffee (major dickason's blend from Peet's), splash of milk, and a slug of meyer's dark rum. Of all the liquor I've put in coffee, this may be my favorite.

Wait are you getting fucked or doing the fucking?

You sound like a faggot I bet you take a splash of cum to the face fagboi

ive never had coffee and liquor together. is it something you can have a lot of or is it a few cups kind of deal?

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Coffe liquor is popular in Maine

Getting fucked and im going to swallow his cum he will facefuck me

Having a nice tall glass of Skim Milk right now.

ive always grown up on 2 percent and will die by it but as long as youre not whole milk family we are good bro

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Flying dog? Where in MD are you from?

live in beltsville now but used to live in gaithersburg. you a felow MDbro?

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Been drinking beers for 2 hours now. Pretty comfy. Its hot as fuck and I was sitting on my back deck. Wish I had people to drink with but its all good

cheers bro, sounds lovely. whats the view like from your back deck? i would dirnk outside too but its too early to have my roommates see me dirnking again

I used to live in gaithersburg like 7~ years ago, right by the pool and skate park. Now im in dumbfuck hagerstown

Man not him but that's lewd, did you use a app?

i cant remember a skatepark but i was never a skater. gaithersburg was pretty nice desu. very quiet and a good school system. i go back once in a while to the neighborhood because my dentist is in rockville and its fun to visit the old liquor sotes and other places i would go to

Cheers man. I'm inside with the air condition now, but basically 1/4 of an acre looking out at some grass and some trees. This is a pic I took a few days ago of my potted tomato plants. Not the best pic of the entire landscape but should give you a basic idea

I'm home alone and just enjoying the quiet

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I used a site for hookups and for selling stuff and other shit i used it when i was 16 to get my first dick

nice, is this your first time growing vegs or are you experienced? my family used to grow sesame/perilla leave in our background but they were like weeds and we didnt have to do much

That sounds comfy.
My first year actually. I have 5 tomatoes and a few zucchinis. Hoping for the best, its a pretty relaxing hobby desu

best of luck friend hopefully thye grow into tasty treats for you. do you have any plans onf what kind of dishes you are going to make with them?

Fucking leave this mans thread alone and hang yourselves from your necks until dead
Jesus christ no one loves you insufferable faggots I hope your next grindr date beheads you

thanks bro i appreciate but honestly those fucks just want more Yous so its better to ignore. hows your day going bro?

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I hope so. I usually just bake zucchini with olive oil and salt. I'll have to think of something for the tomatoes

What are you drinking today? I'm downing some IPAs from the brew house I work at

man baked veg with olive oil salt and pepper is invincible. im drinking ipa as well from flying dog what kind of work do you do at the brew house user?

Just woke up from a binge and already puked. Its gonna be a long shitty day today. Vodka of course. I was pretty well hydrated during it but im feelin it. No alcohol for me.

iktf, feel better user. you have anything like gatorade at your home? or maybe some tea or honey water. take it easy bro

Just another day as a wagie, I do IT helpdesk from home tho so its usually very comfy, cant drink yet cause I have a wicked hangover from yesterday. So I hope all you non hungover anons can have a nice buzz this wednesday

What the fuck is a fish burger? This is a fish sandwich you cuck.

Its Wednesday you little mong

thanks for the bump and thank for the correction bro. i m about to pass out soon but if any others can join in and share a comfy threa dthat would be great

>drank a stupid amount of strong lager yesterday
>woke up this morning throwing up like a mad man
>promised myself i'm gonna quit drinking for good
>ends up drinking again
the ride never ends

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>tfw want to drink and eat out, but don't want to force myself out of bed
I don't even want to look at myself. Fucking overweight, poor, disgusting piece of shit I am. Only got St. Germaine Liquor and and Dr. Mcgillicuddy's Buttscotch in the house, and I just want to get annihilated. Fuck this whole living thing.

Based Raging Bitch IPA poster. I drank the last weekend away so now I'm cooling down by not drinking until Friday. I'm going to a friend's birthday party on Friday and then an ex tempore overnight booze cruise on the day after (a friend invited me, got a very cheap cabin). Luckily the booze cruise leaves in the evening so I can get ready.

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What does Raging Bitch taste like? Is it piney? Floral? Farty?

canning beer and other miscellaneous tasks, its pretty chill

Marinara or slice them for a caprese salad.

raging bitch drinker man you always have so nice food what your secret sir?

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