I am apparently the mascot of this website

i am apparently the mascot of this website
i will respond to every question

Attached: 2019-06-05 (1).png (608x1080, 478K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Is this our god Sminem?

sminem is that you?

apparently people here call me "sminem" because of a shirt i had

What's your dick size? Bonus question: preferred dick size?

I pretty sure this is a larp, but on the off chance this is smin this board is infested with summer and new fags normies now only a handful will actually know who u are, sorry you didnt get the welcome you deserve
P.S youre not the mascot per se just one of the couple

this, i will not answer

Hello Sminem. Big fan here. Care to give us some trading tips?

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how did you grow a jaw?

is sminem really your favourite rapper?

it is a cool shirt i bought at china shop

>remember sminem, this is what he looks like NOW!


how much does China cost?

Say something to prove you're real. I refuse to let myself believe and be disappointed.

300 rubel
which is about 5 dollars

write the time and date on a piece of paper and post it with another photo of yourself

A website to explain this man's importance for those who are unaware.

post more pictures of yourself if this is really you sminem

OP here
i was just fucking with y'all heres his ok.ru account
if any of yall are interested in messaging him he is apparently active almost every day

Thank you for the meme OP.
Will now browse ok Ru for mail order waifu.
Wish luck.

alright robot lurkers i just made a ok ru account and messaged him
hope he responds
i will make a new thread if he responds

Bumpity bump bump AM I ORIGINAL NOW ROBOT?!

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Size queen detected lmao

How much link to make it?

Jow Forums knows....

i would never message him but thanks for the great thread

We meet again eh

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boi sminem will save us

sminem dosnt speak english. biz reached out to him in a russian forum and he had no idea what they fuck they were talking about when some anons offered him some bitcoins

i messaged him in google translate russian hope he responds with something

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fucking lol
he should set up a patreon

whats his name/screenname in english? hope he is well
i think a few autists on here would give him a decent bit of money for fun

>mfw when cyka americans trying to give me free bitcoins

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roma zuev
most likely his name is roman

what a fantastic name. may snimen stay blessed

Hey man, he gets fan. Biz board will always live you mate. Also congrats on the new cutie

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side note from OP
i have no idea how to speak russian it just so happens that most eastern slav languages use cyrilic and therefore by proxy i understand but not really

how did you find him? why did no one else?

i got lucky i guess lol

glow in the dark

We got em ehehehehehe

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