Make thread

>make thread
>no response in 10 minutes
>delete thread from shame

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I've got like two threads up and no replies :(

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Here are some (you)'s friends. Don't spend them all in one place.

only threads that get replies on r9k are:
wahhh wimmin
weeb shit
all are cancer tier

Zombie right, boys love sissycunt

Thanks. You're a real swell guy

Don't do that, I'm someone who looks for almost dead threads.

>a thread is super active with a reply every minute
>make post
>nobody ever posts in thread again

>been on this site for 13 years
>don't know how to delete posts

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You do u miss the button that literally says delete post for 13 years

I've been here for 7 years and I still don't know how to spoiler text

ctrl+s for pros

I've been here for less than a year (after discovering how funny r/Jow Forums actually is) and already know how to delete posts lol.

die please and thank you

anoder eleband :DDDDD


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Wow I just figured it out, thanks user

this. I always try to go for fpbp

Ok this is epic bait

>make a thread
>janny deletes them before I get any (you)s
>make 30 threads in quick succession
>janny gives up and lets one stay
>just as I start getting a decent amount of replies and good conversation going, he deletes it
You can never win.

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I post so many guinea pigs and get so little thanks

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The ultimate redpill: all newfags are actually oldfags larping as newfags