"hey user, I recently moved in next door and wanted to wish you an Eid Mubarak...

>"hey user, I recently moved in next door and wanted to wish you an Eid Mubarak. I wanted to invite you over for some tea and baked sweets"

wat do

Attached: 1521785615581.jpg (736x981, 145K)

Go over to have some tea and baked sweets.

Let me be the first to wish you A NICE FUCKING TRIP TO HELL *shoots the invader dead*

do you even own a gun basedboy autist??

if i pull that hajib off, will you die?

>go to flea market
>buy broadsword
>go to tea party

>Punch her in face
>Roll her unconscious form over
>Lift up burka

BASED. Close the thread.

Attached: Brentonandgf.jpg (300x400, 25K)

Based. He does indeed will it.

I would go out to tea and have a conversation with her she seems swell enough.
Then if i manage to convert her finally get a gf. If not then i will just be friendly neighbors with her.
Everyone saying they would kill her is based but larppilled.

Attached: apu crusader.png (320x316, 160K)


Just saw a muslim girl in veil. She looked so beautiful in it.

>Everyone saying they would kill her is based
killing an innocent is always jewpilled and unbased

Convert and marry

As much as I hate them, an effort to be civil and pleasant deserves a like response.

>Another Edd Barak thread
Why? Is this board now obsessed with Muslims because of Brenton Tarrant?

Reply with:
La ilaha ill allah a Muhammadur rasoolallah.

By taking shahadah in front of her I am now a Muslim.
Now ask her father for her hand in marriage.

>hey user
How do you know my name?

Attached: 7058DD56-9A8B-404B-BFC1-63B169CA4F79.jpg (960x539, 39K)

this, it's the only logical response

Taking it seriously is retard-pilled.

We are white and like white girls is the real joke, and mavericks/robots hate religion and politics so we'd hate her for those various reasons so we responded ironically to the obvious troll post, if you can even call this shitpost a troll post. You are not meant to respond like a normalfaggot.

>killing an innocent
>abrahamic religion
>THE war monger religion(s)
>the MOST overbearing current abrahamic type
>implying self defense is a bad thing and the jews want you to defend yourself from dark skins
Your post gave me cancer.

>We are white
10 bucks shes whiter than you shitskin

>mavericks/robots hate

Ate a full bag of frozen onion rings t'other week lads. Bloody wankin brilliant but never got any minge.

Bet none of you lads could do that.