Tfw black and exclusively attracted to the most racist race of women on the planet

>tfw black and exclusively attracted to the most racist race of women on the planet
It never began for me, anons.

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>tfw asian but tall so asian pussy is freely available

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>be a pathetic asiaboo loser
no sympathy for you faggot.

How tall are we talking here, user?

Not my fault, you'd be attracted to them too if they were all of your high school classmates as a student in a very asian city

six foot three. i feel bad bragging about it though sorry

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all my classmates were spics in jr high and highschool, yet im not attracted to them.
nice try faggot weeb.

Don't watch anime

Yeah they constantly put down blacks and look strangely when hip hop is played but will praise whites every chance they get

asian americans love black culture but maybe op wants a fob

>op wants a fob
Not particularly but westernized asians are libtards usually

Most western Asians are into pop or indie and the one who are probably want a white guy like tila tequila who where in rap videos and circles but dated white guys and is literally hitler

Liliypichu? she does gravure now?

while i htink its okay to prefer and like a certain race/look/culture without fetishizing it, i would still be more open to dating other women who you are attracted to/intrigued in to see if your tastes can change. having an ideal is good but sometimes life doesnt always work out and you can fall in love with someone who is far from the mold you wanted a frist

What city? I grew up in a ~33% Asian city and I don't think there are any cities more Asian than that in the contiguous US.

Never had a thing for Asians despite nearly every girl who had a crush on me throughout school being Asian.

Get a pinay. Filipinos are the blacks of asians.

plenty of amateur porn of asian girls sucking black cocks, its probably not too hard user.

certainly not with that attitude, op

A lot are probably prostitutes like white and black ameture I saw an asian who refused to even kiss the black guy on the lips

t. snake tongue caveskins

Find one with daddy issues and she'll do anything for attention, including date your sorry ass

get fucked nigger and stay the fuck out of the whiteman's playground while you're at. i fucking HATE these threads. how dare you think you're worthy of anything above your fellow sheeboons.

you're gross musty jungle smelling shitskin race has absolutely no right or claim to porcelain azn cuties. you hear me boy? you stay in your miserable inner-city hovels and don't you dare think you're deserving of anything else.

fuckin monkey.

oh look its that faggot that thinks "caveskins" is somehow offensive to white people.
>if i repeat the same meaningless phrase it'll sting THIS time
no it won't ricefaggot. you literally live in OUR world. you have to learn english to get ahead. shut the fuck up. everyone lived in a cave at some point. and our sociopathy lets us run circles around your dumb insect civilization.

dont fool yourself. the entire world hate our kind. liberals that claim they dont use us and are closet racists. the right that claim they dont use us to try to look good and are closet racists.

yep. this nigger knows the game. stay in your USA ghetto zone and don't you dare even contemplate a foray into the white man's playground. you stay down like god intended. you stay down boy

>I can't get an Asian gf because racists idiots on this cancer filled site said I can't

Imagine actually being this weak minded

Go home filthy Stormfags

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>tfw smol qt asian gf
life can be good

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