Old thread I ordered another bible edition.
John 3:16: For God so loved the world, as to give his only begotten Son; that whosoever believeth in him, may not perish, but may have life everlasting.
Old thread I ordered another bible edition.
John 3:16: For God so loved the world, as to give his only begotten Son; that whosoever believeth in him, may not perish, but may have life everlasting.
God is not real there is plenty of evidence to prove it
Like what evidence are we talking about?
>Tfw no cowboy bf
Is skelly Lover still around by the way?
That dude was based af
Colorado was so beautiful and full of fit bois with tight tums, I wanna go back
Reminder that meow would prefer we use strawberry flavored lube when we gangbang him
This thread was killed before it even begun.
Why do you love slumming it with the gays so much? Could it be that you are in fact barely containing yourself in the closet?
Coco oil is nice too, but you cant gangbang the meow :3
This is the newfag again isn't it
Sorry, I meant to say gangrape
>that pic
Slutty slutty slutty meow
nice to know
pic related
Apostle poster is based and I'm the newfag :^)
user 0
me 3
As I stated before, I am bisexual, and yes I am preaching to the gays because I want to hone my skills and considering the hostility most have against the Holy Church and Jesus, I think it is the perfect place to get a baptism by fire.
And you want to frick guys too :3
I have a question.
According to Leviticus 18:22 laying with another man is a mega sin.
What if I'm just gay and don't do the unspeakable deed?
Am I good for heaven still?
That's basically what he's practicing. It's fine if you're gay as long as you never have sex.
Progress! I remember you started out telling us gays were all gonna burn in hell and that we were hopeless. Keep sticking around and we'll have you sucking cock in a slutty nun costume before you know it :)
That's not even me, glad to know you're this obsessed though
Nope, I am chaste, no sex for me, the lust is there though.
Yes, don't get into the gay lifestyle or get bf or whatever then you will be fine. Just live a celibate life.
>old testament
I'm in the mood to have a beer with an user while we listen some tunes on a portable speaker.
That'll be a vodka tonic for me. Can we listen to Panic! At The Disco's debut album?
old testament best testament
>or get bf
Where does it say this is wrong?
why are christfags so annoying and so persistent? ive never seen a muslim try and convert anyone to allah here before it's always just christians
>no sex for me
For nyow!
Anyone up for me storytiming a shota doujin?
i want to be the shota i want to be the shota! i think you asked how short i was last thread if youre the same one i think im 5'5 last i checked
Of course user, but only if you let me play some Gorillaz later.
>cheating on Moth with Apostle
What a whore
don't say that i hate them both
>cheating on Moth with Apostle
Can I join if I'm drinking rum?
Anything pre-Humanz is good with me
Smol and spicy
TheApostle's just memeing. it's kinda cute desu
Everybody is welcome to relax with a drink and showcase their faggotry without fear to be rejected.
You know you've been lonely without the shortlived vocaroo suicide boy tripfag. After enough time staring at a lightbulb even meow will look attractive temporarily
>shortlived vocaroo suicide boy tripfag
i miss him a lot actually
We all KNEW you were tsundere for him
im not going to post my body here it's not allowed and my body is ugly anyways
>i miss him a lot actually
Moth is a norman lover!
that aside i liked his voice, but that's where it ends. meow you're right he is a norman and i shouldn't like him
How to make meows voice sound better
What's your voice like anyways?
i would say i don't know what you sound like but i'm pretty sure you meowed, it was whispering though so i still can't really say i know what you sound like
He was supposed to record himself moaning for us last month but of course that was just another unkempt promise
Its hard to do anything else for meow because meow has problems with talking especially when meow is talking to meowself.
Meow didnt promise anything
so why are you asking how you can make your voice better if no one's going to hear it
talk to yourself in front of a mirror like they do in sims
hey it me pretty sure its impossible to get a unique tripcode without a really powerful computer..
>tfw keyboard is sticky with precum from writing a meow x gang of BBC thugs fapfic
thinking of putting it up for ebook download on Amazon desu
Meow sucked off a guy at NASA to get his
you only need a powerful computer to get a 10 character one like meow
6-8 characters is easy
Like the evidence that nothinv in reality that we measure is congruous with the bible.
8 is easy? wouldn't that take weeks still?
i dont think its that hard lemme try
ok it is hard nevermind
>no Brit bf to relax in bed with
it doesn't take that long unless you have a really slow old computer or something
Trips mean you must remain a tripfag now. Dumb faggot.
>so why are you asking how you can make your voice better if no one's going to hear it
Because meow wants to sound better
>talk to yourself in front of a mirror like they do in sims
It would be even worse
I am a bong, but what can you offer?
we all are trip fags now
hey look the nobodys back
Not Catholic, but I've got a Da Vinci print of Madonna over my desk. It brings me deep joy to look at.
ok ill see how long it takes
>Can't even make a tripcode
Wonder which of her songs was his favorite
yeah but for who though? just yourself? make whatever voice you want in your head and that should be enough
>wants to learn to speak better
>won't talk to others
>won't talk to himself
>I am gay
>Look gay culture reference
>Hehe do you get it because Madonna is for fucking poofters
>Hey, pay attention to me! I said I'M GAY!
I fucking hate this sexuality so much. Wish I could trade it.
>yeah but for who though
Future meow bf
Meow talks on vc with some old frens becasue meow is nyot scared of them anymore
I never was making tripcodes because i am not a trip fag I am not so degenerate
newfag? Fuck off, Dont jump to conclusions just because i orp jiqw[p qwfop fqop qrnigger
>make a dad joke
>tripfag gets galactically asspained
Sometimes you win when you don't even know you're playing
>talks on vc with friends
Norman alert
what a pathetic faggot, off yourself already
So thats a big "no thank you" on storytiming a shota doujin? Bummer, we coulda fapped together
what? i said i was interested user!
>he's a career focused boy
>Norman alert
Took them like 2 years to force the meow
All you said was that you wanted to BE the shota
>has friends
>isn't stopped from talking on vc by crippling anxiety
You probably aren't even scared of answering the phone, normie9000
Based and neetpilled oreg
>isn't stopped from talking on vc by crippling anxiety
Meow is if meow doesnt know someone for a long time
>You probably aren't even scared of answering the phone
Phone calls are too scary for meow, never called anyone. Meow avoids talking with people on phone and only family would call meow.
but i'll still take part in it either way user, i hope it's not too late
Go home costanon, you're a slut
Wow this general is at an all time low lmao, good grief this is sad
"If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them." Leviticus Chapter 20 verse 13
Gonna leave this here.
yeah i can pull out random scriptures from ancient jews and other people too doesn't mean it's true retard
"You are to keep my statutes. Do not crossbreed two different kinds of your livestock, sow your fields with two kinds of seed, or put on a garment made of two kinds of material."
well fuck, since i like cotton/polyester blends i guess i'm already going to hell, and I should amp up the faggotry then?
Some pretty good cuddles I'd hope...
You'd be the judge.
Well if no one else is on board someone will probably try to get me b& for it
>he's not a single issue voter (issue being gay rights)
DROPPED nobody want's a smart bf with an ego who'll argue with the man. Easy going, loving and amenable or you don't deserve a bf.
Imagine actually voting.
Top fucking kek.
>gay rights
>Imagine actually voting.
Only normans do vote
>letting republidumps taking away your rights
mmm fresh out the shower in fresh out the dryer socks and underwear
who here /cozy/?
Just saying that faggots go to hell, why so butthurt(pun intended)?
it's as stupid as saying anything else that's objectively false, i don't think anyone was actually upset
>objectively false
>quotes from the bible
Has the hormone treatment goten to your head sissy?
Should I try drawing today?