Fembots, how can you compete with modern bussi when the science is this good?

Fembots, how can you compete with modern bussi when the science is this good?

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Thats a...b-b-boy (male)?!?!

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Name please
Also the ugly femoloids can fuck off id rather fuck a nice trans

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>My name? You can call me sherry__berry ano. You think im sexy? Wow! I dont know what to say... i think I know how to thank you though ;)

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I'm not an aggressive male like them?

That's such a cringey face. I hate actors.

too much makeup. looks like a tranny

being degenerate in a public setting

>Looks like a tranny
Its a Tranny user

His boobs are huge and look natural

Jesus fucking Christ even on nofap I got a boner for a fucking tranny. Im too far gone arent I

In fairness they actually look gross as hell when he isnt supporting them or wearing bras

No, bussi technology is just improving every year. Soon roasties will be obsolete and we will have pure love between men of both genders

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by being females and being able to bear my children
why should anyone even care about bussi?

Good goy, continue to bring taxable humans into the world!

Imagine dressing like this in public.

>trannies can't compete with roast beef
Can you imagine the feel?

Is this actually unironically a male?

>actually wanting to build a family with a modern woman
Im not even a tranny, youre just an idiot and asking to be divorce fucked

Enjoy being a dead end, lonely, abused by Shaneeka in the old folks home, faggot.

and you can enjoy, huh.. idk, what do faggots bring to the table again?
a few years of sex?

Enjoy years of minimal sleep
Enjoy $100K total expense per kid
Enjoy a busted vagina to fuck
Enjoy your daughter getting fucked by nigs
Enjoy your son revealing he was a girl all along

I will enjoy fucking PTP on birth control until the day I die. Stay seething, idiots

Based femanon

Original femanon too

>haha enjoy all these things that have a chance of happening because murphy's law!!1!
not only did you miss the point, though it was to be expected from some low IQ trannyposter, but you still didn't answer my question
what do you bring to the table user

whether you like kids or not is irrelevant here, on one hand on you have a biological female that can give something, and on the other we have you that can't do anything but shitpost on anonymous forums
so, what can you bring to the table?

Imaginegeting assblasted because a woman wears shorts

did you reply to the wrong guy?

what's ptp mean user?

must be tranny codetalk for penis to penis or something

>Faggot tries to hide his chin

>tfw no beautiful tranny wife

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How in fucking hell can you be so mad?

that's a man sticking his ass out, are you blind?


Imagine getting assblasted because a woman wears shorts

This isn't a man. I fap to tranny porn regularly and I have never seen this one.

better than some roasties you see

Prime Teen Pussy
Originally with gusto


She has XY chromosomes if thats what youre asking

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Thanks for the free (you)s

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thanks for being so mad and proving my point

that's exactly how you define male.

Dude, Im a straight biological male shitposting to derail the tranny thread

Just accept that you got baited and move on. You dont have to be so assblasted

but you are a man who wants to be a woman. obviously you must think being a woman is pretty great if you will humiliate and debase and lie to yourself in order to try and be one. but you arent, of course, and you will never be

XX gang for lyfe

I'm a straight male and know a girl when I see one and that is a girl. God the things i'd do to that fat ass.

post her nudes fag

>sassy adele gif
wow you really are a faggot.

I am so unbelievably tired of all the faggots on this board.

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>uses the word sassy
>calls another person gay
user, its time for some introspection

I'm a gay who wants this tranny shit gone. We don't want you narcissistic freaks or the sad fetishists who fuck you at our events or using our resources. None of us want you around. Your entire existence is a sin against nature.

>100k total

AHA think again, the average American child will cost 200k-1 million by the time they turn 18

>LARPing this ferociously

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refute any of what I said freak. I fucking dare you.

>I was merely pretending haha!
of course you were :^)

Reiko won the r9k culture war. This is a pro-sissy board now.

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>he cant let it go
Its okay user. Shhhh

dude I'm just trolling you xD

>dude ur so mad XD

Wereally need to crack down on these12 year olds

>post a old worn out nigger lover
i wish aids would make a big comeback

>His boobs are huge and look natural

He has a boxy manbody, just look at it

It's just photo editing software and tricks, but it looks hot in a filthy whore way.

Yes this nice gurl is a trap actually perfectly passable

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Shes only 35 for traps thats pretty nice age

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that's just fucking nasty man
bottom of the iceberg


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Eww nasty as fuck

Go back to Jow Forumsincels faggot

this world is going to hell

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hes sherry_berry has instagram idk about porn user

theres nothing bro

>Fembots, how can you compete with modern bussi when the science is this good?

Not a girl. But I could see how being in somebody's ass all the time could get old.

there's more where that came from.

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still 3dpd
normgroids OUT

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