Let's play Russian Roulette Jow Forums
If post ends with 0, 4 or 9 you die.
Let's play Russian Roulette Jow Forums
If post ends with 0, 4 or 9 you die.
originally end my life please
how many tries do i get?
Coolio nigga lets go
Well im the first i guess, rip
i actually want to die, so the devil denies me.
here we go please end my life
DUbs and the gun shoots itself
If I die the next user to survive shall inherit my loli stash
ok fellas letts gooooooooooooo
Please let it be 0,4 or 9.
I want out of this hell.
Play with someone in this thread.
End me godamnit
I'll play. First to die is a rotten egg.
Not today
Bam bam bam roll
Heh. You thought you would die before me?
Spinnnnnnn *click*
Oh my rubbbber nne
bye bye
my turn
Fuck you I'm unkillable
Rolling fellas
Hola mis amigos robots
I'm such a dumbass.
Let's go out with a bang.
I love you Bailey Jay
How many times do you get to die before you're actually dead?
Don't tell me you're afraid to die
please, I can't take this anymore. This is my last chance
I've never been more ready for anything in my life.
Rip user I'm so sorry.
Both of us died
fuck the fucking muted bullshit fuck me now get 0, 4 or 9 idgaf anymore
luckily my post ends with neigher 0 nor 4 nor 9
And we shall continue to die, until the end of time.
come at me motherfucker
ok test oasdasdsadsa
I want it, so im putting in more bullets
If this post is anything but a 1 or a 6 then i'm dead
Haha have a nice life faggot.
i'm invincible lmao
we almost had some real nice quints there OP
look at this bitch ass mf lmao
>tfw god denies me the sweet release of death and then lets me get bullied
At this point I don't even care
(Inb4 unoriginal)
Let's see if I die itt
Swag kunt
Dying like flies
Deadly digits I'm about to check
Could it finally be my time.
I never die on your terms, I die on my own
also 6
finally something I can look forward and try to win
Just let it happen pls
end my suffering and get me out of this forsaken hellhole
Not gonna die, just watch I'll even get dubs
Rolling originaloli
Rolllolol You have been muted for 8 seconds, because your comment was not original.
Literally dying so nothing to lose
Rerollironio, i dont want to die but i dont care either
Here we fucking go boys, let's see how it goes
welcome to my mine we are mining diamons
please be me please be me
aswerdufgty ukyjsery gvukjyhser bgjukweash brvg
I bet you pussies won't even do it
tonight i die
Spin the barrel
You have been muted for 1 hour, because your comment was not original.
boom click snap
fuck originalianlity
spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam
Let's go stupid bitch BANG BANG GI YOU SHOOT BANG BANG
rolling i dont really care
Will I be cute in the afterlife? :3
For you Helena
see you anons in hell
Let's add 5,6, and 7
If I die, delete my browser history for me guys.
Well shit, guess I have to suffer a bit longer.
I'm Russian and I win this roulette. Watch
Here I am Charlie.
Make it my last night.
Make it my last night.
I want to win win win
killl me pleaz
Get hhhhh
i'm truly living on the edge
Lets roll these dice baby
See ya fellas
Release me.
wait, this isnt Jow Forums!
In way hole hole
quite intriguing I want to die now
Rolling hshljuyh
esketit YEEEET
Okay nigger do your worst!
Im immortal you can't touch me you filthy human
help a fellow out, kill me
boom nigger boom
Alrighty then, give me your best shot
Biji Kurdistan rolerinooo