>god makes life shit
>person hates god
God makes life shit
>user fucks up
>Blames god
Reality is way fucking worst than you think dude. Way fucking worst.
>Is correct in doing so
Imagine having the potential to create any world you wanted and creating this shitshow.
Sorry but if god exists i don't want to meet him.
I could not find any respect for someone causing suffering for no reason.
Well, God is suposse to see everything that happened and what it's going to happen
so he let me fuck up, his fault
It isn't God's job to follow you around and save you from your own damn self whenever you are being a wanker. He gave people free will. What is fucking up the world and your life is other humans, yourself included.
>God gives me lifelong mental illness
>I fucked up somehow.
What makes free will good enough to force hell upon mankind?
I would rather be a happy slave of gods plan than to live a live in chaos and anarchy.
oh no trust me i have nothing but a fucking rain cloud over my head 24/7 ruining everything i do
ive tried religion christianity bible sticking with it no matter how bad shit got
finally got so bad i threw in the towel. fuck god
Serious question, are you a liberal?
And schizoaffective bipolar
Im a libertarian accelerationist.
So right wing by common interpretation.
I think the human condition itself to make any social order undesirable.
Its not society or any conspiracy that makes life shit.
Its our inherent human needs that require constant sacrifice and effort just to sustain existence.
I could go on about how spending >80% of your time sustaining your body just to die anyway seems like an investment not covering its costs but i think i answered your question.
I thought that's treatable.
There's a kind of people who hate freedom. Not just everyone else's but as a concept in general. They want to be looked after and told what to do instead of taking risks and responsibility. They have a child-like, entitled attitude that craves the overbearing parent. These people are the ones who frequently fall for the "since evil exists the God is either not good or powerful" because in their mind God, the ultimate father figure, isn't attending to their needs. These are also the people who support the idea of an overbearing government who attends to their needs without caring for restriction of freedoms. And these people nowadays are usually liberals. They want gibs, they want banning of wrongthink, and they act like brats. In the case of fatties they even look like babies.
Here is the thing. Morality is subjective. If God intevened to help a man, He'd be wronging another. Plus He would be violating both their free wills. Furthermore, God has this huuuuge ass thing to worry about called the universe. He deals in insanely macrocosmic scales. We are irrelevant.
My understanding is that the universe is a vast machine. The point of a machine is to automate tedious functions. If God had to constantly maintain the machine, then it would had failed it's purpose.
What I'm saying here is that God is irrelevant to out situation. There will be no help, no reinforcements. Only our own hands.
The problem isn't God. Trying to stick to the Bible to a tee isn't going to fix your life. Stop looking for outside help when the only person who can fix your life is yourself.
I'm not saying you shouldn't believe in God. I believe in God, but, as the Bible says, 'Knock and the door shall be opened.'
>If God intevened to help a man, He'd be wronging another
Not the guy you're replying to, but why would a god need to create conditions in which any lifeform would need help?
>Plus He would be violating both their free wills
What kind of pussy invents free will and punishes people who independently arrive at conclusions with good reason like ones that deny this supposed god's existence?
>Furthermore, God has this huuuuge ass thing to worry about called the universe
Judging by what he considers sinful, not really.
>What kind of pussy invents free will and punishes people who independently arrive at conclusions with good reason like ones that deny this supposed god's existence?
Are you refering to people being sent to Hell for sinning?
People who want a maternal welfare state have not thought their demands through.
You can't improve the total wealth of a society by implementing redistributive matters you in fact inhibit its growth by keeping sparse resources from being invested most productively and burn them in consumption.
They, like I think you grasped correctly, want the state to take their live from their hands and make decisions for them.
The entire history of human states, dating back to the roman empire, should make it very clear that state authority has caused more harm than any other thing man invented.
Wanting it in every aspect of private life is insanity.
That being said it is my believe that in the long run human work will become obsolete as computers and machines become cheaper and cheaper and as more people will be forced out of employment for good, as they simply won't cover their costs.
Mankind will have to figure out a system in which the automated economy will distribute its products.
And it is at this point that i think some form of socialism or preferably enforced peoples capitalism will become inevitable.
But thats economics.
Lets talk theology.
First yes there is no ground to believe that god will take care of mankind in this realm of existence.
Any improvement towards the general well being of mankind will have to come from and through mankind and the same goes for the individual respecting his expectations towards the state.
For your argument that the universe serves a purpose outside human existence and understanding and that god created the universe for that and not for us or our wellbeing.
What makes that position different in result from any atheist one?
I cant argue against that but why would you have to go the extra unneeded mile towards believing in a god who does not care about you, for who you are nothing but a gear in his system?
I'm referring to a lot of things, an example of which is people who arrive at the conclusion this fictional ego-maniac doesn't exist.
I just want to state my respect for you actively rephrasing your opponents argument in your words.
That is a sign that you actually want to understand his position and this is something you dont see often.
I think your effort is wasted on this board however i do respect it.
You can have this apu.
I gift it to you.
trust me dude I have disaster strike down and everything ripped away from me by god
>Planetwide automation causes people to lose their jobs
>Humans achieve digital immortality
>Leadership solves unemployment by having humans uploaded into the production line machinery
So much in the universe clicks with eachother. Take for example the circle of water, or how bees have a symbiotic relationship with plants. How ecosystems work, or how a predator eats a herbivore and eventually dies and becomes food for the herbivore's food. I'm agnostic but I see too much structure and patterns in the cosmos to believe it all occured on it's own. I love observing it all, it does things to my brain.
I've decided that I'll act the way I see fit. If God exists and approves of me then I'll have been a true believer all along. My beef with atheists is that I hate their personalities. Almost always they only hate their parents' religion, or they hate God because he isn't their personal Mysterious Stranger.
Thanks guy. But beware, people like to twist words under the pretense of rephrasing something. "Are you saying that X is..."
Serikus question, are you fat?
When will you realize god's the evil one OP?