So are we agreed that unifags can't be robots?
So are we agreed that unifags can't be robots?
Yes if you can afford college you are at a minimum of a failed normie. Real robots work dead end jobs.
I'm glad we agree on this user.
Em unifags all crave for the CHAD way anyway, so screw those guys
How does taking out a loan I'll have to pay back count as affording college?
You cannot support the jews and be a robot.
>paying for college
American education, everyone
Yeah, tell him user, you struck right in his kidneys
To be a robot you have e to meet the following
>under 6ft
>penis u der 6.5x6
>zero friends
>gay or bisexual
Yet Europoors come here in droves.
Off to Jow Forums europoor
Better question can sissies be robots
Robots don't work they spend all day in their room fapping to Bailey Jay and shota
You have to be a NEET to be a real robot, no exceptions.
I'm south american, retard. Even in my third world dystopic shithole we have free education. What does that say of burgerland?
>3rd world country
What'd they teach you? How to contract malaria and eat mud pies?
Unifags are by almost by definition normalfags. You do have some smart virgin autists that struggle though.
>south american
Stopped reading right there lol
Do you know how many unifags just sit in their rooms alone all day before inevitably dropping out and moving into mommy's basement after a year or two?
Lots of fledging robots are in uni.
That's exactly what a unifag would say. You will never be one of us. Robots have come to terms with life, accepted their fate and live in pure despair and try no attempt at living a normie life and fetching after an education or job or any kind.
I'm lucky that my parents can pay tuition. I make straight A's, but the social part of my brain is irreparably damaged from years of social isolation. cant make friends because im boring, too scared to show emotion or say anything because of "post traumatic cringe syndrome"
The reason im in university is because I think things like math and chemistry and physics are cool, and i want to learn them. Not just "for the piece of paper to get a job". if that was the only reason to go to university, i would not go. if i didnt want to learn, I would be happy living my whole life as a janitor in the ghetto
Oh don't get me wrong I definitely don't want to be you. I'm currently making moves and getting ahead. I'm just observing the fact that for many robots dropping out of uni was the first step.
Have fun living in squalor.
>bragging about making As in 2000 level classes.
kek, no shit?
Let us know what happens when you get to the big boy stuff.
>So are we agreed that unifags can't be robots?
I'm a robot through and fucking through user. Don't worry. On the loser scale I'm maxed out.
Not being a manlet does not matter when you have Aspergers user
>gay or bisexual
back to /lgbt/, you scum
You can get into a uni on the pell grant for free, just pirate all your books.