I agree, janny. Life is pointless

I agree, janny. Life is pointless.

Attached: Hassu.png (600x600, 370K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Hey Aiste, how is life treating you you big dumb retarded faggot

Life's not at fault here. I've ruined it myself.

Attached: Tous.png (600x600, 368K)

you're the product of your environment

My environment is better than most people's. But I still managed to fail.

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I can relate. I managed to become a self destructive cunt with anger issues and non existent ambition.

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What do you do all day origiinally

most people have very strong immune systems and don't understand how privileged they are.

If I let you suck my dick will you stop making these threads?

I remember worrying about not having any direction in life while others seemingly did. Yet I never managed to acquire one. You get afraid of the future, so you isolate yourself in the moment, living day by day. Most people in my position would have been forced to get their shit together by now, but I still manage to do nothing.
I don't even know. Right now I'm slowly packing my things for the trip. Just waiting for the sun to go down haha.
Probably not.

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I thought you had ambition to kill yourself?? what's taking so long? just do it man

Life's hard for all of us. Hope this cheers you up, just follow my advice and everything will be daijoubu.

based advice
kill yourself a*ste

Obviously I would have done it by now if I wasn't a coward. Regardless, when I do it, you won't know.
I remember you. You never told me what accent that was.

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this tbqhwy (to be quite honest with you)

>he is friends with the jannies on a himalayan goat farming forum

you never replied to

>Regardless, when I do it, you won't know.

That's why you livestream it, retard

What do you mean in your position? Don't you live comfortably?

they were gang stalked by wild niggere their whole life in an attempt to drive them to suicide

I suppose that's true. I have a good safety net so my failures rarely mattered.
Yes. I mean that a person who doesn't have the privileges I have would be forced to get their act together had they failed at life as much as I have.

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did you really fail at life? try not to be too harsh on yourself

maybe your weakened immune system put you at an impossible disadvantage? whatever, I sincerely hope you die soon. I mean that, you don't deserve this.

I've been "not too harsh on myself" my whole life. It hasn't brought me any success.
Maybe you're right. At least it would make some people happy haha.

Attached: Fair.png (600x600, 375K)

it sounds like you were too harsh on yourself, because with your immune system you never had a chance against the germs.

do you resemble your avatar

What do you do then? Wallow in your misery? I don't think any of use here deserved to live. Someone has to be the mistake to set an example.
I mean, as far as real people resembling anime girls goes. I'm not really the hideous tranny everyone wants me to be. But what do I know. Maybe I would if I actually did hrt.

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>What do you do then?
what should have been done a long time ago, have faith and end your life.

Oh so you're actually a dood

Aiste, why do you keep doing this when you know the jannies will take you down again? Also do you know someone made like 4 threads using your profile to support trannies after you got banned last time? Ironically enough they seem to get to stay up longer than your threads normally.

user why are you still down i though you would do better or atleast tried after you moved

Well this one's still up. It depends. Regarding the tranny threads, yeah it's blatantly obvious how those obvious bait threads are being favored. I guess they just care about generated traffic.
I haven't moved yet.

why do you keep posting if you never even enjoyed doing it?

do you really think jannies or anons give a fuck besides thinking to themselves what a stupid retard when they see your threads?

You should still try to improve your mental instead of rotting on r9k