How cringy would it be to wear this thing on my backpack in public?

How cringy would it be to wear this thing on my backpack in public?

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As a general rule anything originated or popularized on Jow Forums is cringe AF IRL

stitch it to you cock so when a girl sees it she takes your babies

You'll fit in with the other redittors :)



why do you care if others will find it cringy or not? if you like it and want to wear then just do it dude

most people won't notice or won't care
it will be like a dog whistle to idiots tho

You think I could be noticed by a qt neet robot who will then ask me out?

I ironically wore one until my literature teacher scolded me about how it is a hate symbol. Now I unironically show it off.

>"OMG user, I go on twitch and play games too. Can we be friends?"

IRL means also other websites and other media

AF = as fuark

what music does Jow Forums enjoy?

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the more important question is who cares? just put the fucking thing on

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It would work better as an earring

eh. i collect enamel pins because i'm mildly spergy and find messing around with them satisfying, but i don't actually wear them out like a full on autist though. pepe would be rather cringy. wouldn't recommend.

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It's not cringy if you're wearing it ironically

you need to be 18 or older to post m8

I have a slav squatting gondola sticker on my laptop, so far no qt asked about it, but no fat nerd either. Pins as terrible but as far as pins go that one isn't too bad and pretty normie overall

based zyzz

fucking nigger fuck off this shit this is filler text so the fucking gay alogirthm fucks off omgealul

The Beatles are pritty baste desu

I have a pin of my family crest, and a few others. Want me to post em?