>never shower
>never brush teeth
>never wear makeup
>never shave
>never workout
>dress like a hobo
>kinda dumb
>average looks
>men still compete for me mfw when
>never shower
>never brush teeth
>never wear makeup
>never shave
>never workout
>dress like a hobo
>kinda dumb
>average looks
>men still compete for me mfw when
>The exact opposite to OP
>Girls aknowledge me being interesting but never go on nothing flirty
you forgot
>no sense of self
I'll add that i'm no incel cuz Ive had a couple of gf's, so screw you virgins
Makes no sense, but ok
Ever consider you're intimidating? I've liked plenty of guys I never had the balls to pursue beyond flirty chitchat
>>never shower
>>never brush teeth
>>never wear makeup
>>never shave
>>never workout
>>dress like a hobo
>>kinda dumb
>>average looks
Hot, girls like that are fucking cool
>putting mfw at the end of a sentence
>Mfw when
Go the fuck back to *nstagram you fucking faggot
Yeah, i might look like a Chad, but in the inside i'm a robot, girls might smell my inner self
they're not competing for you but competing for your body
>telling someone to go back to instagram, reddit, tumblr, etc.
What a stale meme
Press on. Every guy I've dated was way more insecure than they let on.
Holy fuck this is relatable. I tried tinder and other apps but non of the girls were interested in me, out of the 250 matches i got in 3 months i went on 1 date
That may be true, but at least I have someone who looks out for me (my body), and wants to spend time with me (my body)
My problem is beyond being a robot, i'm extremelly clingy and idealistic romantic.
As i've seen, this does scare women for whatever reason.
Loves a game, and everyone likes a challenge. Romance is ok, but you can't let them feel like they have all the power, or they'll get bored and look for a new challenge.
Yeah, i'm actually like a romantic date game in super easy with godmode cheats on.
Thats the level of a robot i am uwu
At least i have my waifu
be grateful that it makes no sense to you
It makes no sense to me either
Nice dubs btw, quite dreamy 00/10 would bang
I don't think you understand the meaning of the term, bro
this is probably fake so dont waste your time getting angry
>probably fake
Is it that hard to believe a girl could be depressed/lazy/low confidence?
Tbh I only made this post to trigger trannies although it is entirely true