Gender dysphoria finally hits me like a freight train

>gender dysphoria finally hits me like a freight train
>after years of fighting it
>relapse into sissy porn and feminization
>today things were really bugging me and i thought I'd have some fun with some stranger
>they have my dox now and want me to order cute shit+ a chastity cage

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kill yourself or kill them
pretty simple

i gotta hear more of this omg

>they told me everything will be fine if i just obey

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d-did this really happen user?

how do i kill someone over the net user?

Get his information. Go to his house and beat him.

to be fair, she was a cunt in the beginning
asa chan deserved to be with MC

>gender dysphoria
>watches sissy stuff
Op literally shut the fuck up and suck-start a 12 gauge, you're an AGP, not trans. If you get turned on by the idea of being a girl you aren't trans. Stop whatever the fuck you're doing and think about it before you start HRT, get an axe wound, and join the 40%, since the 40% is almost entirely AGP's.

you better deliver some interesting threads if this escalates

fetishism is my go to escape for all my problems

Why aren't you doing as you're told?

hes an accelerated graphics port?

Then just kill yourself, easy

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scare of what will happen if i do
won't doing as htey want make things worse?

I identify as a hyperthreaded cpu. Fuck off single thread bigots

>gatekeeping being a tranny

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I am not the OP user

Okay if this post isn't just bait and that actually happened and you're legitimately scared and don't want to do this (and OP isn't missing vital information):

Tell them honestly this was a mistake and you can't handle this.

If they're just roleplaying and not actually a terrible person they'll respect this. If they are a terrible person, well... they don't really get anything out of doxxing you and then going away so your situation doesn't really change.

>relapse into sissy porn and feminization
why do people do this? Porn is immoral and wrong.

oh it's real user ... just worried they'l mail some shit to me or print out the pics i sent them
and mail them or do something to mess things up for me

autogynephiles are the ones causing problems, hsts mostly keep to themselves.

Sorry ment to reply to

Where are you from user? Might be good to know so can check if dox is illegal.

Actually i agree with you. I dont care about the labels you give it but there is definitely a difference between the obnoxious trannies and the ones who you barely see outside of their tranny communities. I would support the latter if you wage active war against the former

Fucking murder him dood.

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I am from canada user idk if it's legal here or not

that's not gender dysphoria you're just a degenerate

i won't lie i fell for a meme i most likely was groomed and conditioned I've tried to resist it but i always end up relapsing into it i know I'm a degenerate user
why else would this happen?

alright listen to me
you don't have gender dysphoria, that's not it, you're autogynephilic
crossdress all you want, that's fine and a relatively normal fetish
but don't whore yourself out, it'll never lead to anything good, but even if you do, please stay safe
don't give people personal information about yourself
keep the "whore you" and yourself separate
and that person won't do shit if you just ghost him, it's just an empty threat

enjoy becoming someone's bitch user
post pics when you become a cute tranny

please don't fetishize my humility

give femboy dick, user
i want it please

at this point user I'l do anything to get out of this mess

there are some basic AGP tests. sissy porn does not necessarily indicate AGPA.

OP, at what age did you start feeling this way? what genders are you sexually attracted to and what genders are you romantically attracted to?

You deserve this, youre disgusting

im not sure if you think i mean like sever it from your body or what
but i want it like, sexually

Just accept your faggotry and let people know you are a cock drunk sissy! It'll take away the power from your blackmailers and instead you can buy an emlalock and let us control your orgasms via webcam! Double points for buying a long range internet controlled toy like a vibease and letting us stim your boi g-spot

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thats not a thing, you can't deal with what you like and dislike, why are you even posting here? there is a board full of mentally ill people like you.

romantically ? I'd say men
and i felt feeling this way around 10 years old it started off with fantasies of being a girl and imaging what it'd be like to be one
and sometimes trying to mimic them
and look like them
then it gradually escalated to looking at pov porn from a woman's perspective tg captions
crossdressing traps and feminization
i discovered that stuff around 13 14 originally nobody tried grooming me into it it was just a naturally occuring thing for me and i felt repulsed by it but always ended up succumbing to them
i also remember feeling some dysphoria during puberty but being too stupid to know what was going on because i was pretty sheltered at the time and my parents were uber strict so i tried to hide all these feelings as much as i could
i remember trying to steal from my sister or my mom's make-up just to see how I'd look with it
I'm bi but I'm primarily attracted to men
I've tried finding women attractive but 80 % of the time i just try to self insert as them whenever I'm looking at porn or lewd shit

user what is an emalock I'm actually fairly innocent for someone with a fetish like this

user sounds cute lol
It was this computer program/website I did a while back where you would get a chastity cage, a combo lock, lock your boiclit up, and based on sexual favors you did for either a private person or for the public they would extend or lower the amount of time you were cock caged up. It was kinda lackluster at first. Guys would say "send a pic of the cage!" And I would, then they would lower the time I was in chastity and leave. I did have fun with a few guys though. One user made me ride a dildo until I filled up a shot glass with precum. Idk if the site is still up but what good days those were! Thinking about it made my bussy twitch just now

where would i get the chastity ?

You buy any chastity cage from a sex shop, take a pic of a combo lock (it is on "integrity" that you take a pic of the combo, share it, then toss the combo paper.

my fate is probably sealed anyway maybe I'l atleast have some fun on here lmao

Most AGP's are the obnoxious trannies, they also comprise almost all of the 40%. Id even argue there are more AGP's than real trannies now, since plebbits lgbt. (Page? Board?) Said you dont need dysphoria to be trans and thats where most lgbt people go. If you say that in 4chans actually based lgbt board theyll fucking throw you into the gaping maw of cerberus

you need fucking therapy

i need alot of things user .....

This, listen to this user Being turned on by the idea of being a woman is being autogynephile. It's not dysphoria at all.

she also said this too user :^)

I'm exactly like you OP, to every single word.
That's paraphilic AGP. It's not curable, but you can live pretty well with it, as a man, using escapism and whatnot, as long as you repersonalize and keep the fetish and your life separated.
So what? That's textbook agp lol. Stop trying to convince him, fucking skittle pushers

nah, you're just a fag in denial.

d-do you have a discord user? I'l add you on a temp
it's rare that i get to vent to someone so similar if you're serious about that statement

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Right, no problem, RhodieRanger#0661

there is nothing cute about them or this thread

>taking advice on dysphoria
>from a guy called "rhodieranger"
Reactionary as fuck. AGP is a meme made by alt-righters to demean trans people and you need to talk to an actual doctor

wish you would get hit by a real freight train

do i sound like I'm a mentally ill tranny user?
I don't really know anymore

I'm sorry user
but this entire thing is pretty hot
i hope you're atleast cute

Fuck off I'm not alt right, you pill pushers really like using sophisms.
>AGP is a meme made by alt-righters to demean trans people
AGP means that you are turned on by the thought of being a woman. It's real, you absolute moron.
No, you sound like an AGP guy, nothing bad about it.

why what did OP do to you user?

i can't believe what I'm reading
how and why did you even let this happen?

maybe it's time for the pink pill user

>clearly paraphilic agp
>become a tranny, user!
You guys really can't cope with the fact that men can have some gender non conforming thoughts and indulge in AGP, you really want to impose your shitty decisions on everyone.

well what are you waiting for?
just block them

user listen to this guy Time to give back to the community :)

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This fetish ruined their life

This is merely punishment for your degeneracy

How do you know if they aren't trans though there's obviously some reason this fetish consumes them

You sound cute can I have your discord

>How do you know if they aren't trans though
Because i'm the same and came to the conclusion I wasn"t.
>there's obviously some reason this fetish consumes them
It's not a regular fetish. It's a paraphilia. AGP can have very varying strength depending on the person, the state of mind etc. It can also be very confusing, cause depersonalization, lack of motivation etc.

I came here expecting help not encouragement

yes op needs to be a good girl

you fucking faggot
i hope you enjoy being a girl

most of the replies are people pushing me further into degeneracy and not actual advice

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Where do you think you are posting? Listen to your brain.

is it okay if i harass you?

you know suicide is always an option

looks like fate thinks you're better suited to be a cute girl

is the OP still here? I'd like to chat with you on discord user

just stay on their good side that's literally it

i know user but still
i expected a few people to atleast try to help

>>gender dysphoria finally hits me like a freight train
>>after years of fighting it
>>relapse into sissy porn and feminization
>>today things were really bugging me and i thought I'd have some fun with some stranger
>>they have my dox now and want me to order cute shit+ a chastity cage

This sounds fun if it were a girl with a vagina
Idk why

im nowhere that far down the rabbit hole, but ive started having nightmares where i crossdress and get publicly ridiculed

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just buy the cute shit and put the damn cage on. you know you want it deep down.

w-won't that lead to more issues

>the i don't know im a tranny yet starterpack

the Tg captions alone are a redflag you're a repressed faggot

user is a cute confused twink don't corrupt them user

i don't even really know their gender user
they say they're female though

No, it'll lead to acceptance which will lead to happiness :)

>gender dysphoria
>but purely sexual

if this doesn't scream tranny i don't know what does user

god they're so fucking lucky user
you're lucky it's not me that has your dox
I'd make sure you'd never forget it

oh hi Reiko :^)

Its screams AGP not tranny

agp is an alt right forced meme
OP is just confused

have you considered transitioning instead of using fetishism as a coping mechanism for your gender issues? or at the least see a gender therapist

Go back to plebbit you fag, dumbasses like you cause the 40%
OP you arent trans, you're AGP, dont do hormones, dont get an axe wound, sure dress up as a girl but dont make any permenant changes as you'll regret it, this fucktard just thinks its not real.
Even the sane part of the LGBT community will tell you its AGP, just go to /LGBT/ and ask, its not altright.