Do men care if a girl is dumb? Its not something that matters

Do men care if a girl is dumb? Its not something that matters.

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for pump n dumps its great if theyre stupid. for anything else it just gets annoying quick

Last GF had a PhD and was a college professor. I can't go back to dating brainlet girls anons

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Yes, actually, I hate stupid people. It's also really annoying when girls fake stupidity to seem "cute".

what if the girl just seems dumb due to lack of confidence/expressing herself?

My exgf tried brit college thing like 4 times, fucking bitch used to make fun of me and she can't even get good grades.

Being socially inept is a different thing that I can relate to, just spouting dumb uninformed opinions grates on me. Also being uncultured is a turn off.

As long as she is loyal and open minded. IDGAF. I'll help teach her.

>I'll help teach her.
Trying to explain things to IQ89 types is one of the most frustrating experiences you can have.

Yeah, a bit into my relationship I felt a desire for actual, meaningful debates and discussions. Theres a time to be silly and child-like but it gets tiring and I wouldn't want to be with someone for long periods of time without the ability to talk to them at an equal level about things like literature, film, philosophy... etc. I know that sounds a little fedora-y but idc. Its a naturally human thing, I think.

as a guy who attended a top university, my standards are that she's at least university educated. Beyond that I don't care, as long as the degree isn't something laughably low quality like film studies at a shitty university. Am I being too demanding? Do I have to settle for some brainlet waitress roaster? I can't even seem to cheat the system and get someone of much lower status interested in me by virtue of my far, far greater accomplishment in life compared to theirs

you being well educated doesn't help the fact that you're a retard

Professor girlfriend gang. Pray for me bro

I'm not a retard though, I was poor and made it into a top institution against all the odds and normie state education

It's fucking painful to date a dumb girl. It's like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. You want the yang to your ying. Keep stuff in balance. Instead you got to sink or a level where darwinism is a low bar and highering the bar rewards people that survive no matter what but they get a better quality of life while dragging everyone else down till they're dead. It's amazing if they're smart, it's just horrific if they're smart enough to try to make your life a living hell because it improves their shit enough that it seems like an improvement but overall it's really bad for everyone. I would really love to settle for a dumb one over a smart one if it weren't for that kind of bull shit. When you're about fucked, and someone gets something out of teeter tottering a see saw to a point you're fucked because they're less fucked but everyone ends up fucked, you're all fucked.

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How do I put this? She's a black girl from various unsavory parts of LA county. She didn't know there were galaxies outside our own (watching that feeling of profound smallness and awe overtake her when I explained was fascinating). She didn't know that smoking meat counted as cooking. She didn't know how to eat an artichoke. History is right out. She didn't know many things I took for common knowledge, and she has no taste whatever for the impractical or esoteric.
But she is sharp as a fucking tack. She's cunning, an astute observer of situation and surrounding, reads people like a book (for my sperg ass, it's like watching a fucking superpower), and has a single minded determination that reduces every obstacle. She is the perfect foil.

yeah like i said, education won't make you any less retarded

How did a robot get a professor gf? I want one so bad FUCK

This is a nigger-free board

you fuck dumb girls you you dont date them

probably the whitest poster in this thread

define 'dumb'
I don't care if she's not good at maths, or at spelling words, or even if she has half of my general knowledge, but she does need to be capable of holding a conversation and even outwitting me every now and then

a girl that can't into bantz is garbage, I'll leave those to the weebs

Gotta be professional and have your shit together, user.

There's literally no reason to be dumb in the age of the internet, so yeah it matters.

I don't mind as long as she doesn't burn the house down.

>Gotta be professional and have your shit together, user.
I met her playing word games on my phone. They are full of lonely older women who have a brain

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I once cybered with some MILF on words with friends.


you mean there's no reason to not be dumb when everyone carries around a supercomputer in their pocket

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i now know how old you are

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if she's as dumb as a brick yes.
if she's not smart, no.

Can she still talk passionately about what she enjoys, and is more than a passive consumer? Then I don't honestly care.

Guilty as charged my man.

Actually, I'm looking for a dumb/low education girl, like hairdresser, cashier, retail job, .. with max high school education.

Shut up newfag

>Cute and smol > smart

>Actually, I'm looking for a dumb/low education girl, like hairdresser, cashier, retail job, .. with max high school education.

I'm not LOOKING for one of those, but I don't end up meeting any other kind of girl. It's actually possible to occasionally meet and talk to girls in low-education service industry jobs. Girls with better jobs spend most of their time hiding from and avoiding any possibility that I'll run into them (other than the women in my own workplace, who are problematic for other reasons).

Why would someone want to fap to akko? no merits. you don't want to self insert because she sucks, AND her design is worse than average. Yup, generic anime girls look better.

I actually think stupid girls are pretty hot for corruption/rape, I also just like stupid people better. Normal intelligence people are the worst, at least 70-80IQ retards are fun to be around.

Yes, I care a lot. You'd think a dumb, vapid fuckslave would be nice, but no, it's not.
I have to be able to hold a conversation with her. I have to be able to trust her with simple instructions and to rely on her judgement in a crisis. I have to be able to watch her complete a simple task without wanting to scream. I have to be able to ask her to weigh in on decisions. I have to be able to toss her the keys and ask her to drive me somewhere in the confisence that she won't kill me. When we fight and argue, hopefully she's reasonable and intelligent enough to listen to reason and occasionally even teach me something or give me a fresh perspective. Most women are willful and stubborn. If someone is willful AND retarded, I can't respect that.
Also, dumb bitches are bad lays. Smart girls just fuck better and are bigger freaks with more creative ways to bang you. It's a fact.

>I met her playing word games on my phone
What games? I like how you kept it vague for no reason, almost like you're making it up

Not that it's bad per se, but women instinctively date up, not down. If a woman gets a PhD she wants her husband to be the postdoc that runs the lab, or a super successful dude like a CEO. She won't be okay with providing for a beach bum. So you gotta go for women who look up to you. This requires you bettering yourself to be a strong husband and more practically dating hood rats

it was hanging with friends... which has been pulled from the app store by zynga. it no longer exists.

Girls are really smart, there's a reason males fail to understand them

I dunno. You don't necessarily have to be more educated. I know super-smart, educated girls in my family who married men less educated than them.
>A professional chef and wine connoisseur with connections in the industry
>an army vet and car enthusiast who flips/fixes cars
>a rich real estate tycoon
>a punk rock guitarist from a semi-famous band
Granted, none of them are anything short of Chad, but they aren't more educated or career-driven than their wives. The wives actually work more.

I still consider their social and earning potentials equal to or greater than a career driven woman. Say a woman gets a PhD and works in a lab. She probably makes equivalent to a measly $45k/yr unless she gets more money from Grant's. About equivalent to an army officer that is a captain, who unlike a lab technician has more earning potential. You don't have to be a millionaire compared to her. But think of the opposite extreme. A career focused woman has a stay at home husband. That woman probably hates her man and she will probably look for better. I have seen this happen before

in all honesty it's something I look for in women. It feels nice being needed.

Again, I think it varies. You're right about earning potential, but stay-at-home dad's can still be a thing, or at least households where the men raise the kids more. In all of those, though, I've noticed that the men have some kind of passive income or side gig going on, and the wives were career-driven to begin with.
I think the key is that you can't be some schlub. She just has to be able to see something in you. Girls with phd' s are still susceptible to Dock Worker Chad, Captain Chad, and Chef Chad.

I'm pretty dumb as well so i don't.
Wish i had a dumb gf so we could struggle together.

I don't care if she's dumb as long as she's fun. Most smart girls try too hard for my taste. As long as she isn't putting us at risk with stupidity then it's fine.

Only for sex, or else they are so usually so fucking stupid they cant name 1 capital city in their continent including their own one.

Lel i love the university meme, they think they are fucking smart this includes hipster faggots. God i couldnt stand that enviroment for more than 3 months. Boring fucking political correct bullshit.

It depends really but at the end of the day as long as you are loved then it is all good.

if they are self conscious about being dumb it's awful, otherwise it's fine

It's really cute for a girl to say dumb things. I don't think my girlfriend is dumb in general but she says really ditzy stuff sometimes and I think it's adorable

>thought Stonehenge was called "stone hedge"
>thought a shop-vac was called a "shock vac" because you plug it into the wall
>didn't know goats and sheep were different animals
>once asked me "how much is 15 minutes of fruit roll-ups?"

that sort of stuff is so sweet.

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I've never really interacted with any women that aren't
I don't expect much from them, it's like they're not fully human.

It depends on how dumb we are talking about. There was this shortstack girl who liked me on highschool. She straight up said to me many times "Wow user you are so beautiful, wanna date?" and I kind of just waved it off as silly joke. I used to help her with some of her homeworks and stuff, but she was too dumb. Most times she would just want to talk about TV drama. Plus she kind of acted like my mom when it comes to religion, which is a fucking massive red flag for me, so there's that. She was some nice eye candy though.

yes goyim college makes you smart!

sounds ESTJ. gross.

Yea I won't have sex with a girl that's too dumb cause I can't get excited

And obviously dating a girl I don't think is smart is out of the question

>didn't know goats and sheep were different animals
Eh, they close enough and can sometimes manage to make hybrids.

she thought all goats were boys and all sheep were girls

Is it not called that anymore? What do the kids call it?

If they're dumb and funny or dumb and interesting sure, but if I can't talk to you about stuff then it's going to be really difficult to maintain a relationship.

that's true though. that's how it works

>>>once asked me "how much is 15 minutes of fruit roll-ups?"
can you please explain to me what exactly this question even means?

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It's obviously a problem if you want children but otherwise it's better. All women are extremely sociopathic and manipulative and so a dumber one will have a more difficult time manipulating you.

Geez someone has some real healthy relationships

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These are fruit roll-ups but I have no idea what she meant to ask and she got frustrated trying to explain it

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is she native english?

yes, she absolutely and originally is

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I'm currently dating an absolute idiot, certified moron, oxygen deprived at birth, genuinely, diagnostically retarded. Fully functioning and very social and sociable. Kind heart. Enthusiastic and helpful. Former virgin, great in bed, quick learner. Sometimes it's frustrating to try to explain concepts or emotions, but overall it's 9/10 comfy. I've had enough high IQ partners who talk down to me or are always busy with shit, now I have a simple qt who adores me and am content.

As long as she's not assertively dumb. Nothing is more annoying than someone who is unaware of their ineptitude. Ignorance is fine as long as you're aware you are ignorant, as that is what allows you to learn.

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that feel when no retard girlfriend

Depends on how they handle their stupidity, to be honest. If they're stupid, but they conduct themselves with a humble attitude and don't try to act like know-it-alls, then I can at least respect them for their humility. The ones I absolutely cannot stand are the ones that talk about topics that are way beyond their depth and act like they're experts in the field because they read a trivia fact off a snapple bottle. The ones that babble on and on about "this is so deep" bullshit annoy me so god damned much.

How many-or what amount of fruit roll ups can be consumed in 15 minutes
t. sort of smart idiot who understands idiots

Dumb women can be cute but intelligent women ensure greater longevity in a relationship which requires close communication, which is to say all strong relationships. If you love someone they will be familiar with almost all parts of your life. Beyond that, you should want your children to be as intelligent as they can be (so you should have children with an intelligent woman).

I thought so too but she insisted that this isn't what she meant.

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15 minutes = 1/4 of an hour
What length of fruit roll up is 1/4 its total length?
If that's not it then idk

it matters but not because i want her to be smart. i want the opposite. i don't want a bitch smart enough to fuck my life over with the biased family courts here in the U.S. if she doesn't want to deal with me anymore for whatever reason. hell, might be easier for her to agree to a prenup as well.
as for actually putting up with her ignorance, i don't think i'll have much of a problem if i make it more like i'm mentoring her into being a good wife. there's plenty of reasons to date a dumb girl.

also, smart girls get cocky and annoying too. don't think they won't try to put you down, anything that separates them from many other girls automatically makes them feel superior to their peers, including you.

if fruit rollups were time how much fruitrollups would you have if you had 15 minutes worth

>Do men care if a girl is dumb?
so yea know they actually hate if you are better at one single thing other than tickling their prostate or telling them how awesome they are in a baby voice, washing their stanky ass clothes or cooking food the way mommy did.

I love a dumb bitch

If you work as a lab technician after getting a PhD then youve failed. Thats a graduate level position

Yes. It's only so much fun to be around someone if you can't have good conversations with them. On the occasions I've dated girls that weren't too bright I was constantly making plans to do exciting things together to keep things engaging and it was exhausting. I need to be on a similar enough level with someone that we can just chill and shoot the shit sometimes and still enjoy each others company. It's also important in dealing with conflicts and looking towards the future. A girl admiring how clever they think you are isn't worth the feeling that they're like an idiot child every time they open their mouth. I know that's judgemental and I've never been cruel about it but it's still how I feel talking to them. It's just not a solid foundation for stable relationship between partners and doomed relationships are ultimately just a waste of time, money, energy, and emotional pain.

that is honestly kind of adorable desu

yes it's very important when it comes to having a long lasting relationship


Feminists will bitch about how men like dumb women because they enjoy feeling in power, but the fact of the matter is most guys just don't care. Some get annoyed by dumb women, but I guarantee the vast majority of Jow Forums users would pretty much take what they can get.

fuck, I know that term too. time to pick up the can

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this guy gets it