I fucked up big time robots...
I got my roommates wife pregnant and he thinks it's his kid
wat do
I fucked up big time robots...
I got my roommates wife pregnant and he thinks it's his kid
wat do
go celebrate
also how bad a loser is that guy for having a roomate when hes married?
Well he's in his mid 30's, works a minimum wage job, and buys lootcrates still so p big I guess
how about shooting yourself in the head ?
where does his wife live? with female roomates?
Take a trip to Belize.
Skin tones?
No we share an apartment. It's me, his wife, and her husband.
Everyone is white (and not le 56% white, I mean two huwhite par)
kill yourself pls
do it now
Wow. You need to get out of there before you get landed with child support and before you get your head bashed in
Then you'll be fine as long as you get out before the kid hits puberty
I won't get my head bashed in, I'm much bigger and stronger than he is. Also if he finds out he won't do shit because he's a manchild.
lmao I'm not going to pay child support. They have to prove it's mine in the first place and I'm not volunteering
How do you know it's yours tho?
Can't they force you to take a dna test?
Okay? Why are you here, retard? You clearly have it all figured out. They will likely never find out who's child it is, and even if they do it won't matter. Child support is an issue but if that's the case then just move somewhere else and cut all ties with these people. Are you just a larping faggot here for attention?
Well, she went to the doctor and they told her the day it was conceived, which was the night before her birthday (which we fooled around on). The good thing is that they fucked (which they never do) the next day which covers me.
I'm not larping. Also they are moving out of state in about a year so I think I'm in the clear. Just worried if the kid is going to look different than the one they already have.
Let's say the kid does look super different. Worst case scenario, they do a paternity test. Turns out this cuck husband isn't the father. By then you'll be away from them right? Or would they know where to find you? I think you should be fine, unless they can somehow track you down and take you to child support court.
Can the doctor seriously tell you the exact day of conception?
I think they will be able to find me if they really wanted to. I'm just looking into the laws regarding a court ordered paternity test and how the court can force you to take one. I could just deny we ever had sex and that the bitch is crazy. Not sure what allows them to do so.
if you don't want to the kid the just go along with it till you can leave then ghost them or some shit.
How about you leave this board and stop tackling us with such questions please.
There is no such thing as sweet honesty. But seriously you need to grasp the fucking nettle and tell the truth user. Even if it feels like you might die. Godspeed user
I mean, there is a possibility that the kid might actually be his. But it's highly unlikely as the whole reason I was having sex with her is because he is asexual.
When the time comes, I will tell the truth. But that may not be for a while.
Kill yourself and his hussy wife.
just stopping by to tell you you're a fucking moron, OP. lets flesh this out since your ignorance is ridiculous.
Scenario 1:
>cuck finds out the kid isn't his
>demands paternity test
>he gets ruled out based on court ordered results
this bitch will then HAVE to supply a name in order to get the process rolling. At this point she will have ZERO incentive not to fuck you over.
>despite your attempts to hide, you will be served by publication (eventually). when you don't show up to court, they will rule you the father by default
Scenario 2:
>cuck never finds out the kids his
>signs the birth certificate
>you're in the clear, especially after 2 years
>after two years has elapsed paternity cannot be contested
hopefully you luck out and the 2nd scenario is yours. don't think you can just "disappear." If she drops your name, and you don't show up for the paternity affadavit, you will be ruled the father by default. If you drop your S.S number for any job in the U.S, they will find you and start garnishing your paycheck automatically for whatever amount they determined. once your child support debt exceeds $2500, your passport gets revoked.
So to cover your ass, i recommend getting your passport renewed in 9 months, keep tabs on her court records in whatever state she is in (and your own state). If you see anything pop up. Get outta the country ASAP. You'll have 10 years of freedom. When your passport needs to be renewed you'll be denied a renewal and sent back to America to face your felonious level of child support arrears
>In parentage cases, also called "paternity cases," the court makes orders that say who the child's legal parents are.
>If parents are married when a child is born, there is usually no question about parentage. The law assumes that the married persons are the chlid's legal parents, so parentage is automatically established in most cases.
Depending on the state you live in, if the mother puts your name on the birth certificate the police can force a paternity test. be careful.
If she were to do that when the kid is born, then that would mean she is admitting to not being faithful and basically ruining her marriage.
this, but if they cant force a paternity test after 2 years then what is stopping him from just coming back after his 2 year vacation?
but seriously OP you need to fucking dissapear faster than a proverbial black olympic sprinter, move to bumfuck montana, your parents basement, or paraguay
>he buys lootcrates
i forgive you