They purged YouTube today for anything white and right wing

they purged YouTube today for anything white and right wing
my entire channel got deleted because I had historical german military instruction videos like "scharfschutze"
and I got a video takedown on another account I had where I had shia le bouf "do it" video with nazi music and background pictures

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Other urls found in this thread:

Oh no, an unstable and irregularly funded internet platform did something that inconvenienced you as part of a desperate attempt to get more advertising money
Never seen that before

but it is sacrilege that they not only deleted all nazi videos, but it was only nazi videos, nothing else, no commies, no isis, no nothing

>using jewtube
>uploading things to jewtube
>current year
lad wew

OP is fucking retarded

How stupid can you be to not think that they depend on ads

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I've completely left youtube. It's a shame, because there isn't another platform with nearly as much content. I have a channel with quite a few views, so I am leaving that content up, but I'm perpetually logged out, and don't have the app on any of my devices.

I can't stand censorship.

Attached: Screenshot_20170807-014126.png (720x1280, 91K)

Finally they did it!!! I'm over the moon
YT shrugging over the rabbit holes of nazism and pedophilia recommended by their platform was infuriating

How much does it cost to host videos on my own website, but just my videos? I never made a website before but it would be fun to learn just so I can put my videos there with no fear of being taken down, ever. Enough big names leave Youtube and that will be the only solution because it takes millions of dollars probably to run an open website for everyone, so the internet might "expand", like back in the old days when it was new.
>historical german military instruction videos
Sorry OP, sounds pretty tame. Did you ever personally promote Nazism and call for violence? If not, then Youtube are being faggot retards like usual.

get fucked
check and baste

Alternatives to goytube?

It depends on how big your videos are. If you're gonna have your own website for personal usage and host your videos there, they're gonna make you pay for bandwidth. They usually have a finite space for storage that you reserve for yourself, so that's probably not a problem. If it's like 10 cents per gigabyte of bandwidth being used, you can cram very compressed 240p .mp4's or .webm's on your web server and have one video be... 5 megabytes, and you'd have 2000 videos per gigabyte of bandwidth, which means if you're not a poorfag, you can very easily do this. Also, don't think people watch your video just once, they'll watch it multiple times, share it, and spooks and web crawlers will transcript it and index your shit, which subjects you to their standards and if they catch you being a viable competitor against YouTube, you'll receive the treatment.

However, if you're a "high quality video" faggot, you'll probably have 500 views per gigabyte of bandwidth.

>kek at gringos version of dindu nuffin

Only skittlez, bro!

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really sucks. gmail also deleted videos of the new zealand shooting across the entire system. in everyones mail accounts. thats what these companies can do as monopolies. shut it all down.

same. theres nothing helpful about it. very childish, emotion driven response.

Hes probably talking about the little girls who upload vids of themselves doing little girl shit like gymnastics.

I'd settle for 240p for most videos and 480 for select ones that really deserve it. What happened to Haven't heard of that one. Bitchute is still around but my videos will absolutely have copyright infringing content and I'm pretty sure that's not allowed. Fuck DMCAs, fuck cease and desist, I figured out a way around it all so that a lawsuit is trivial and I can just keep going. All it takes is being NEET on "paper". Don't want to share more just in case it's used against me some day.
How do they detect the video? What if you rename the file? Does gmail scan videos like youtube does, because that makes sense.

probably just scan for chunks of identified code in files. same way anti virus scans for embedded virii

Mine also got deleted, I had a lot of German music on it and there were like 1 or 2 nazi videos, most were East German

It's their site. If you don't match their corporate values they should kick you off.

Find somewhere else to host your stuff or host it yourself.

That sucks OP. They should realise censorship is not going to end well. After a good session of shitposting about Jews I feel a lot of burden off my shoulders. Make that illegal and I might have to take down a few immigrants. The rise of Nazi Germany was preceded by the Great Depression and a 33% unemployment rate, which is about what our generation is facing rn.


>That sucks OP. They should realise censorship is not going to end well.
Why not? The technology today is such that it will end perfectly for what's planned. No one is going to do anything, has anyone historically done anything to counter mass propaganda through the advancement of technology? Has anyone done anything to counter mass surveillance through the advancement of technology? Has anyone done anything to counter total control through CCTV/facial recognition/AI? And so on.

There is only one future for the world, and no one has ever done a single thing about it that mattered, or ever will.

I had a fucking 10 hour video on my channel as well.

Good. Im happy they did that


bruh niggas sub to me its ya boi ;P

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People have to realize that the wild west internet age is coming to an end, kids come home and get on youtube now, not tv. Big websites are gonna be bought out by rich elite and made normie friendly for profits.

If the internet is going to become the new television, what will be next? What will the next communications breakthrough be that ushers in a golden era of freedom until it's inevtiably subverted by authoritarian niggers?

gay sites like discord

Right wingers are such crybabies. They've been deleting and removing from the algorithm anything to left of AOC for years under "extremeism". Victims of Communism literally lobbies YouTube 24/7, make any video about Stalin and the USSR and it gets over 10,000 views, its gone.

All my fash wave stuff is still there.

Cry me a river commie. Nice digits but.

Don't they actively ban people for being racist while allowing furfag loli shit? Is there anywhere on the internet where it's a complete free for all, where you can have lolis, gore, racism, left and right extremism, and no one gets b& unless it's CP and user info isn't sold to China and datamined by corporations and spied on by the NSA?

I'm not crying a river. Communist are well aware the power that be will try to censor us, we care about legality. Its right wingers who are the bitches.

try fullch bro why are you on r9literalgays if you want that

So left wing faggots cry about censorship and thats a legal issue, when right wingers do exactly the same thing they're cry babies. Fuck off and go starve. No one cares about communism, its the enemy of society. Right wing nationalism is the only way forward.

No it isn't a legal issue. Communism is already illegal, you don't see us complaining about it. The real reason you're even bothered is because of the money. Right wingers don't actually have any opinions other than greed.

Because I'm a sad NEET loser who enjoys the rare discussions on here that are fun and interesting. 4+4 is full of glowniggers and strange people obsessed with Jow Forums who can't stop talking about how much better their boards are, wizard has clearly gained some refugees from here but they're painfully obvious and the quality has gone down. Plus it's so slow I have nothing else to do while waiting. I don't know where else to go. 7 is dead right? 420 might as well be drugfeel. I don't know anymore where I can get feels, NEETs, loli, gore, politics, vidya, music, all in one. I'll try this fullch

The irony of fascists complaining about government censorship baffles me. What would you rather have, censorship or rampant liberalism and degeneracy? Without one the other is inevitable.

Haha yeah bro! Censorship sure is based when it censors things I dislike!
Fucking nigger. Leave this site, you aren't worthy to call yourself anonymous. You probably don't even know or care whether being able to post anonymously is allowed. faggot

as if those words when combined aren't meaningless, the concept of internet websites as "corporations" in the first place and not private, cencorship free information exchange locations is fucking insane

I'm not a fascist. I don't subscribe to Nazi ideals and don't care what people believe in as long as they're allowed to express it. I'm a liberal who finds extreme views very understandable and wants a world that isn't bland, boring nigger shit you find on MTV or HGTV or whatever shit is on tv now. If faggots want to promote faggotry online, let them. If pedos and robots and /fitlits/ and ironic "gamers" and Strasserists and Maoists and Falun Gong members and civic nationalists and Mennonites and turkish supremacists and haploautists and Jews and whatever the fuck else want to shitpost, let them. The world is more interesting with diversity online, rather than in real life. I feel the more separate and closed off irl is, the more room for growth and change will happen. Blossoming subcultures that can show themselves online where communication globally is instant and better than bland homogenization. Less consequences online for blending as well.

amazingly and originally based