Tell me cute things you wanna do to a fembot, more details the better!

tell me cute things you wanna do to a fembot, more details the better!

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impregnate and start a happy family with her

Define "cute". ororo

non sexual acts user

Lovingly rub her feet while she plays videogames or shitposts, and tells me how was her day

I want to impregnate one multiple times until she becomes infertile. While raising our kids to the best of my ability and give her passionate sex everyday. I want to smell her and learn everything about how her body works specifically. Sadly, it's impossible.

That's not a definition, that's a necessary (but not sufficient) condition. As a counterexample, punching her isn't cute, even though it's also totally nonsexual (unless you're into that).

I wanna go to quaint little dates with my fembot gf! There is a local bowling alley that has on black lights in the evening and I would love to go with her and bowl!

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I always liked hugging people even though I'm not that affectionate and might seem cold to people outside my own family.
I'd just want to snuggle with someone in bed and talk as if I were talking to myself.
The dopamine rush would probably be enough for me to never long for anything else

i want to be held in bed for days

I want to take her to my my place and give her a bed to sleep on and feed her. Then I would ask her to take care of my place while I'm at work and cook and clean. Then after she trusts me I would hypnotize her and slowly take away her self over time until she wants nothing more than to be a mindless maid/sex slave.

Take her to a park where we can sit down and enjoy the weather, watching life pass by and enjoying our company and a light meal

What the fuck is wrong with you robots? I hope you can never get close to any women.

this is the cutest one user! i hope in the future you can find someone you could cuddle

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I want to hold her down and tickle her.

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OK, the mind control guy is pretty creepy, but what's wrong with the guy who just wants to have lots of kids with her?

Thanks fren, we'll all make it

I want to record her with my phone as she blow dries her hair. Then I want to kneel down behind her and hug her bare legs and kiss the back of her knees, slowly, over and over.

Clean the house while she browses things she wants online, and provide her with my credit card when she snaps her fingers. Once the cleaning is done be her footstool while she watches a good movie.

Bathing. I wanna get one of the biggest baths money can reasonably buy. In a totally non sexual way i just wanna bathe her. Run my hands through her hair rubbing shampoo in, cleaning off her arms and back, feeling the warmth of her body against my ownz before drying off and heading to bed to sleep in each others arms

I want to go out innawoods without anyone else around for miles, have a fire and sit around talking about nothing for hours.

I believe my first sentence was badly written since I'm not a native speaker. What I meant by "impregnating her until she becomes infertile" was more like "giving her a shitton of kids until she's at the age she cant have kids anymore". Not against her will or anything either.

Act as her personal coach bothering her to fulfill her goals for each month, cheering for her daily

I just wanna hug you because im lonely and sad, origg

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I'm sleepy. I want to cuddle and fall asleep.

Bathe and wash her hair, dress her up in something pretty and then brush her hair for a long time.

"Cute" doesn't always have to be non-sexual.
>I want to lie behind her and sniff her freshly-washed hair right out of the shower as I rest my hand on her tummy
>but if that turns into hot, steamy, silky-smooth sex on a wet towel unfolded to expose her body, that's great
>I want to drive her along the coast at sunset with music blasting and the windows down and just share that moment with her as the ocean sparkles
>but if that turns into crazy car sunset sex I'm cool with that too
>I want to make spaghetti with her and dance around the kitchen and spin her around to some dumb song on the speakers
>but if I wind up putting her on the counter and penetrating her that's awesome too
>I want to pick her up, pin her against the wall, press my crotch into her, look her dead in her startled face, smile, and give her a little peck on the tip of her nose before letting her go
>but if she pulls me back in that's fine too

> Get her on her knees
> Unsheath my unwashed robot cock
> Pause to admire it for 20 seconds
> Pull back and helicopter it to gain momentum
> Yell "Falco PUNCH!"
> Slap her across the face so hard it knocks out teeth

Stop making me feel things

i enjoy this greatly, user
please marry me

idk, silent hill 2 at 1 am?

Give thme headpats after they screw a meal up.

>it's okay femanon, let's get take out and snuggle.

>"Cute" doesn't always have to be non-sexual.
Yes it has, sex is many things, but cute is not one of them

I want to lightly tease and tickle their navel enough to make them squeal and fidget in adorable, ticklish giggles.

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