you all deserve to be loved and find happiness
i hope that you get it one day
From your local femanon
bless you femanon. Bless us all. I love you all
Thank you Tiny Tim
no fuck off no fuck off no fuck off no fuck off no fuck off no fuck off
i just thought we needed some love in the server
If you really want me to be happy, you'd let me use you as a human punching bag
I wasn't born female and it makes me want to kill myself on multiple levels
please dont hit too too hard
but i will submit for you, user
T-thanks femanon. Y-you too! Is there anything I can do to make you happy today?
Now if only I could actually find a girl like this.
post your penis femanon! I bet it's feminine!
Yeah right, she would probably trick me and try and get half of what I own, no thank you. When I speak to females I stare at the ground and just obey because if I don't they would probably plot to harm me somehow!
Gee, thanks! I hope Chad goes easy on you when he slaps you across the face with his cock!
Please don't be mean to maylene
You made my day! Thanks femanon!
We need more posts like yours here
I agree with you femanon. You're doing the good work here.
im sorry dear, it'll be better once you can do something about it
thank you! you're welcome, loves
there's nothing i need, just wanted to spread the loves
i don't have a dick, sorry
chad is boring, don't bring down the post sir
you should try finding people who arent shitty
>chad is boring,
Maybe should get to know Chad before being so judgemental, he's a nice guy.
are you chad, then? is that why you're defending chad?
>are you chad?
Nah unironic basement dweller whose only friend is a Chad, no idea how it happened.
do you want to be my friend
i have stacy friends
: )
Awww. Thank you veyr muhc
Chad is based and willing to help most robots to get a grip and slay if you happen to enter one of his social circles by chance
Robots can only be saved by wimman and chads period.
be my friend, loser!!!
you know you want to!!
Everyone is shitty to me, I'm very reserved on my day to day basis and I don't step on anyones toes or do anything of the sort. Even then, everyone hates me and are extremely bad to me. They plot to take me down and have suceeded by bullying me for no reason at all, mainly woman. It's impossible for me to trust a woman, I'm very ugly and I always make sure I act invisible but that doesnt always work. I have tried everything, and as I said, woman hate me and so I'm stuck obeying them so they don't send me to jail for rape or abuse accusations, even though I have never even thought about any of the sort and stay away from them when speaking and dont even look at them. You are lying and would probably be bad to me also using me as a social exhaust of your frustations.
i guess you're right if you believe it so hard
sorry that it's like that my dude
I hope you enjoy getting slapped across the face with a robot (Who is really a Chad) cock
There's nothing bad in obeying woman, I hope you can find one that appreciates your nice attitude.
why is it like this
i just want to be your friend DOOD
but seriously be
my friend
email me your disc
[email protected]
I feel like it's unnatural since I don't owe them anything and have always done everything in my power to not upset anyone by basically not existing. The problem is, they have power somehow, and will use it against me. I feel like shooting myself everyday so I stop worrying about getting sent to jail because they decided to.
please see above post
i don't think y'all are the same person, i realized this after sending reply, but yea ^^