You'd have a girlfriend right now if you actually tried

you'd have a girlfriend right now if you actually tried.

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what the fuck do you mean by "try"

how do yew noe that i dont?

>you'd have a girlfriend right now if you didn't have standards

Then it's convenient that I don't want one.

- i tried and she roasted the fuck out of me infront of all the freshmen that year

Indian named muzzie girl
- i tried but she was a muzzie and couldnt date
sophomore year of high school

S S named filipina girl
- "i just dont date"
-"i just dont feel that way about you"

after leading me on and doing all the female things to attract a dude and signal him
junior/senior year of high school

*joins the army*
>AIT sluts all try to get the sarges dick
>ignore me

and then i deployed and got tinder and fucked a bunch of air force sluts i have no feelings for and only wanted to lost my virginity

after doing this i cannot see women as anything but holes really after having sex i see no point in a gf because while sex is enjoyable it really isn't that important

Nah man women don't like me because I'm a racist mad man

and by "try" he means "be fit, handsome, rich, outgoing, and otherwise high status and socially dominant"

No thanks, I just gonna spend 8 hours in my room dreaming literally perfect girls every day til I die.

Every girl im attracted to either comes out as gay or is in a relationship. I hate myself.

Probably, but i don't know and never knew how to try.

I don't need a girlfriend, I need a friend to help me cope with the loneliness.

(comment was not original)

fuck the memes, the shilled us to death like state of life

Yeah, and I could be rich if I actually tried, I could be interesting if I actually tried, I could be happy if I actually tried, I could find direction if I actually tried, etc etc...

It's just something virtue signalers use to trick idiots into hating themselves rather than the world.

I know but I'm still in love with the last one, I'm not gonna pretend I care about someone like that, that would be mean

In my case, "tried" means "turned my entire life around"

>Lose like 80 pounds
>Gain it back in muscle
>Buy a whole new wardrobe
>Learn to drive
>Buy a car
>Move to an actual city
>Get my own place
>Go back to college
>Get a better job
>Force myself to somehow enjoy hobbies I'm not actually interested in
>Become able to talk to people and get a social circle

Yeah, nah

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Oh, no question. But all the "trying" in the world isn't gonna stop me from being autistic and, quite frankly, a little scared of women.

it's happened a couple times but i'm not good with people and i have pretty bad taste in the people i wanna date so idk

Work on it slowly man. And besides, who says you have to fake interests? Your goal is to find someone you can be yourself with. Lying only causes trouble down the road

You're not wrong, but it wouldn't make me happy and we wouldn't last. Not worth.

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i got an r9k girlfriend but i don't love her and i'm not sure why. i'm still miserable. what do i do?

It's almost like getting a gf really doesn't magically solve all your problems.

i realized that. my problem is she's perfect but i don't feel anything for her. i know if i leave her i'm going to regret it because she's a dream come true for me and most people on here. perhaps i've lost my capacity to fall in love altogether

Get therapy and work on yourself.

I got my only gf back when I DIDN'T try

"I" wouldn't.
Someone else would.

I don't know if that's true. I'm not a great person to be around and I'm not someone who is pleasant to look at. If I was a girl I wouldn't want to be with me.

>work on yourself.


you can't win unless you've already won. but 95% of Jow Forums are complete normalfags that can't imagine anyone over age 16 ever goes 2 weeks without sex, so I don't know what OP is trying to say (other than announce his status as a flaming homosexual)

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I have one but you faggots never approve of anyone having anything. I could post a literal 10/10 Ukrainian model with only three percent body fat, cooks for me, doesn't cheat and has sex with me every day and you'd still say that she's shit or worthless. The reason you faggots are lonely losers is because you're actually all women haters but refuse to admit it. You don't want to be happy at all, you just want to wallow in your own misery and bring everyone down with you. That's how pathetic all you failures are. You blame the world for you own incompetency but deep down you all know it's your own fault.

I would wish the worst for you but you're all already living. You all actively choose to be failures and get upset when others don't do the same and work to better their situation. You're all failures of your own volition.

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>you will never a winged sphynx

tremendous yearning and arousal followed by dissapointment and tears

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