"why do you hate trans-girls so much, user? what have they ever done to you?"

>"why do you hate trans-girls so much, user? what have they ever done to you?"

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>trans (girls)

They tried to convince me i was one of them.

They don't want to share their boipussy with me

I dont hate them, but I do think that they are abnormal.

hilariously ironic

Fuck AGPs. That is the only people who trans post on Jow Forums

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One of them left me and broke my heart after saying we were soul mates that would be together forever.
I don't hate them but I've lost a lot of faith that they're any better than cis women.

Cause trannies are so fuckin obsessed with that retarded """""""""flag"""""""""

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*decapitates you with a shovel*

They never shut the fuck up about being trans, kinda like how you're acting right now.
Take the fucking hint.

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If I could I would bury you alive

I used to think transgenders are gross because they defy nature by taking artificial hormones. Clothes and makeup I understand because those are constructs unrelated to biology, but artificial hormones defy nature

But then I realized that if there was a hunter-gatherer caveman who wanted to become a cavewoman, he could just drink a pregnant cavewoman's urine for natural estrogen

Before calling something unnatural, remember how fucked up nature can be

Just be a femboy or trap.

You do not need to wreck your body with hormones or chop off your dick and sell it to China.

advocating for sterilization of children via hormone blockers ,destruction of the lgb comunity ,destruction of women's rights.
the only good thing about the oncoming wave of fascism is that you'll all end up in ovens.

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Except your already nonsensical banter is retarded because a man cannot become a woman, even with hormones.

kill yourself, you tranny faggot lmao join the 40% already
this comment is very original

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They hate us because we're too based, simple as.

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>"why do you hate trans-girls so much, user? what have they ever done to you?"
They spam one of my imageboard and they keep bothering all robots, that's why i hate them.
Now, abomination, can you explain to me how i could not hate you in this situation?

>he doesn't realize most traps & femboys go on hormomes to preserve their feminity

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>trans "girls"
Look, I'd gladly fuck one of you and maybe even kiss you if you actually looked like the anime characters you keep posting, but irl you look more like chris chan or arnold schwarzenegger in a wig

>want to date a tranny pretty bad
>call me a chaser and refuses to talk to me

I do not hate you, but do not expect me to get into your fantasy about being a woman just because you think you are, you aren't so stop pretending

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If they quite spamming in a "certain" imageboard and you guys stay in your board, people will complain a lot less of you creatures. Remember don't feed the delusion, it will just make your life sad.

Didn't dad tell you not to lie? Oh wait... he's dead. If he saw you. What abominacion you have become he would have certainly considered the rope. You know that people here are considered the bottom barrel of society, when these people make fun of you, don't you think anything is wrong? Your not "based", your the epitome of cringe.

disgust me and shove their mental disorder down my throat

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I spoke to two of them from here and other than depressive episodes they were actually really nice to me. They were weird but who isn't.

>mental disorder
Not according to DSM5
Sorry cissie, facts dont care about your feelings

I don't and nothing. I just hate how you are slowly migrating to r9k and adding nothing of value to the board, no good threads no nothing. if you made some good threads I wouldn't have this kind of view on all of you, just stop making cringe worthy threads, mate. no one likes that

learn to spell before you become an asshole

Probably one of the most retarded posts I've read on this board

By potentially wrecking their brain chemistry, risking complications of estrogen, and being unable to accept reality and let go of their attachment to remaining feminine when biology and time catches up to them

Doesn't seem healthy desu.

It's nice of you to be so invested in other people's health. I assume you do the same for schizophrenics?

These are just the conclusions I came to desu, logically it makes no sense to put oneself through that just for delaying the inevitable as a male grows and ages

You know your computer is unnatural, right?

41% is not enough. 41% is not enough. 41% is not enough. 41% is not enough. 41% is not enough. 41% is not enough. 41% is not enough.

They are ugly.Nothing more nothing less.

so are robots though

Acting like this already? Maybe they are women after all

The hot ones are just as annoying though, just in a different way.

They're nasty, malicious manipulators. Been burned too many times by them to ever trust another one.

I don't think I hate them, I just feel bad for them

just popped in to say that you're all faggots

Basically this. I have no problem with trannies and think it's sad that they get bullied
But I would never date one, not even because the dick but because they have horrible personalities and they're way pickier than cis girls. People seem to get the misconception that they'll settle for anyone and they behave just like "one of the guys", but that's not true at all.