posted thread earlier and just got this warning.
I'm not sure if I drank enough or what but it hasn't done it's job yet.
Who's the janny that gave me this warning?
What has this place become
Jesus fucking Christmas I hope this is shopped
it literally isn't. screencapped not even 5 mins ago
Probably a one off mod that found out about Jow Forums from Jow Forumsgreentext and sucked enough cock to get where he's at.
But you should seek help if you're suicidal, user.
Mods are only there to troll you online in current year.
Did you not get the memo?
nah it's too late for help damage is already done I'm just working on the right amounts to complete the job. Godspeed.
Got this warning some weeks ago too when drunk suicideposting.
Suicide hotlines are a big meme and should never be used
If true there's a mod that needs to kill himself.
I've had mostly shitty experiences with them.
Protip - Never speak to the niggers
I care so much sweaty just call this platitude dispensor that will treat you as if your are a 13 year old girl about to overdose on skittles.
user, make sure to combine various methods. Don't end up a vegetable. I loved you so much throughout the years, you are my friend. Thank you for the laughs and the moments shared. I will write down this date and screencap you post and drink in your honor.
There's always someone on Jow Forums who will find a problem with anything.
what do you suggest I try?
Hanging with belt or rope is painful and I'll get up before I can be unconscious.
Those hotlines were merely invented to try to figure out where you are so they could send cops to stop you as suicide is often against le law. Things that are illegal in current year get ban hammered due to advertising issues. That's why the mod took it so seriously with these venting shitposters. Reddit does this and it's why reddit went to hell years ago and why Jow Forums went to hell a few years ago too. Capitalist corruption. In fact, suicide was made illegal to being with over capitalist issues as insurance scammers would write fake notes and kill their husbands so they outright banned suicide for that reason. Insurance issues. They automatically assume foul play when you die and have life insurance meant to give your family money.
I always thought suicide was illegal because it's illegal to destroy government property.
Whatever the reason, fuck the laws
Also, that suicide insurance stuff made things void now days. You can't an hero then expect your family to get the money. They banned that, so you have to die of natural causes or someone that is not your family must kill them then take the fall.
We care about you user
At best he's trying to save your life, at worst he's discouraging you from attention whoring, we need every single janitor on this site to be like him.
There's nothing interesting in posts like woe is me I'm going to kill myself to defend them, let alone glorify them. That retard part of Jow Forums's "culture" really needs to go.
No. Life insurance means your family can get like hundreds of thousands when you die, so they banned you killing yourself for the sake of your family.
It's all such capitalist corruption. Advertising issues make people ban talking about kratom vendors and such on even redd*t. They banned that a while ago as I shook my head watching redditors demonstrate how bad adhering to faux smiles ideologies is bad for the Internet due to advertising issues with companies.
No he dosen't and neither do the hotlines. They are there to send the police after you over law issues you naive faggot. It's capitalist corruption.
Freedom of expression needs to stay and YOU need to go.
What's really scary is that the mods/jannies could be reporting our IPs to the authorities for suicidal ideation. Imagine getting sent to a mental hospital because a janitor betrayed your anonymity in their retarded attempt to "help" you.
Psych wards are legitimately gulags, and you should avoid them at all costs. Your legal rights and privileges will be forever fucked if you end up in one due to a brief period of melancholy.
This website has been on a steep decline ever since the Gamergate shit. It's nice to know that I can't vent without worrying about Gestapo thought police coming to kill me for not being a complete spastic regarding suicide.
i hope i'm not around to see that change.
Why do we care about anons online?
About vendors, places like to ban the advertising due to pressuring the people that would WANT to advertise to pay the site first.
It's a dickhead move and doesn't actually avoid spam.
If you pay reddit enough they'd let you post your vendor.
Very corrupt.
I've mentioned this shit before. Suicide cost the US alone, over 65 billion dollars a year. They want faggots to stay alive. The incentive to push suicide hotlines is mainly monetary.
it's also technically illegal to kill yourself so police have an excuse to intervene. If it wasn't considered illegal, law enforcement would be pretty much powerless to stop someone from killing themselves. At least that's my understanding
The janny scum could have reported him to the police, and this violating his anonymity on the internet. You don't help people by potentially destroying their anonymity to vent on the internet.
I suspect there is darker motives most people are wageslaves and they secretly resent people who escaped they want everyone to suffer like them
This might sound too elaborate but, get a high caliber revolver or pistol with hollow point bullets, something to strangle yourself with and A LOT of meds, if you can get your hands on prescription, even better. Also, gasoline. Check the timing for the drugs, chug maximum amount you can, now wait until its about time for them to take effect while tying the rope soaked in gas, put the rope around neck with the weapon in your hands, shoot yourself when you are starting to feel ANYTHING strange(drugs taking effect). You will fall to the ground but the rope will strangle you and the gas will irritate your lungs even more, all that with a bullet in your head and an overdose.
>muh freedom
>dead but anonymous
I'm sorry to tell you, but if you talk about suicide with a psychologist. You will get sent to the psych ward immediately, so people need an anonymous place to discuss so they don't get fucked in their future. You can be denied access to a lot of jobs if you ever been in a mental hospital. For most people, it's a temporary state and they just need an outlet to vent. If you remove that, you make the situation 10x worse. Also, fuck you faggot for trying to turn the internet into a giant hugbox. Post your address and name, and we'll see if you cherish your anonymity status....
>ban dark minded venting
>no longer can vent
>they actually go do it in real life
>who knows who it was as didn't vent first even if were going to eventually do it anyway
>nothing to go on
>backpage has underage hookers
>ban all of backpage
>now when girls go missing no one has anything to go on
>no IP to search for who talked to her
>she has to street walk and get kidnapped now
good job with that strategy
I'm pretty sure a bullet through the brain is more than enough but okay lol.
The only people that survive gun-suicides are people that put it under their chin and blow their jaw off, or to the temple and blind theirselves.
If you put that shit to your forehead, you will not survive. It might hurt your wrist, but you wont be feeling it very long.
Scary stuff, good thing nobody was banned.
Watch less tv, it will help you have a better grasp of a reality and decrease the speculation. A win win
Only shotgun to head has decent stats, people flinch when shooting their heads and end up grazing the brain and shit like that too, thats terrifying, that's why I plan on doing it in a more elaborate manner. I'm just waiting for my father to die, as he is old and sick.
suicide threads seem to be at least dissallowed but idk if people cop bans for it
post in any thread where the op says theyre ending it or want to talk about methods and it will 404 before 50
>no one was banned
People get banned for the dumbest shit like this funny guy here:
>dumbest shit
to be fair impersonating mods or site officials is a ding dong bannu
I know, but he was banned pretty fast yet dubs are also bannable yet it stayed up for like 7 hours, that russian roulette thread finally got the axe but it took at least five hours last I checked. That thread was banned in like a minute though. I mean wew.
depends on who reports and which janny reviews i guess
for example most times bloxx posts are fine but sometimes i get warned
desu i always assumed noone cared because noone ever followed that rule
>person is miserable
>feels alone
>no frens
>vents suicidal feelings the one place they feel they can express themselves and be heard
>lol nope. Your feelongs are unwelcome and unwanted here.
Mods R dum.
Not the first time I've seen it happen either. It's a trend for a while now that goes against us.
Did you want that to not be banned? it's shit
Holy shit, based janny, this is fucking hilarious.
It's random. Tons of images with locks on their upper right corner stay up but due to autism the specific wording got the thread banned.
Selective censorship pisses me off no matter what it is about due to not being able to accurately predict when you can actually post something. Like: says it just le depends. In the past though you got away with just about anything of which is deep down why anyone would be pissy. If someone is going to delete things why not adhere to the actual culture? Suicide threads. Good. Race bait? Bad. Which is banned despite racism being against the rules? The suicide gray area thread is.
OP I got banned for 3 weeks for posting something thats on topic. Not on this forum but another part of the chan.
Actually I consider r9k to be one of the lesser moderated places, so I'm surprised to see something like this.
It's not the first time a janny pruned suicide threads. Also, today a murder drone thread was banned. There's a redditor janny afoot. Don't believe me? Make a post about uprising to make females our slaves and I bet you ten (You)s it'll get pruned before the archive. Prove me wrong.
remember that thread i made the other day about if you post in this thread you die in the upcoming week?
well the mods caught up to me and traced where i live by my IP and now im sitting here browsing with a charity girlfriend because the goverment caught me being suicidial, we just had sex earlier aswell.
When someone does something like that what you do is reset IP router, delete cookies and cached data, and then post it every day for a month to teach a faggot a lesson, not be a unabashed retard and a normalfaggot about it.