Be fembot

>be fembot
>met a guy on Jow Forums who is tfw no gf
>depressed virgin at 24
>help him get a job
>help him gain confidence
>go out with him places and play vidya with him
>after a few months he starts criticizing me for small things like my hand writing and not pressing clear after I use the microwave
>dumps me because he now he feels he can do better than me

Fembots if you meet some robot who cries about being lonely, just ignore him like stacy does. Being with you will just inflate his ego and he will start to feel hes too good for you.

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well if you have anything to take away from this you killed someones virginity , so good for you you just straight up made the world a better place. i hope your next partner treats you with the respect you deserve

Do you think it's fair to treat all men that way because one guy did that to you?

Please be my gf, I will never criticize your hand writing and will press clear on the microwave at the time of your choosing

I wouldnt treat robots badly but I'd warn women not to ever date one. All my friends have had the same experience with dating robots.

Absolutely shit thread, neck yourself you larping tranny

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lmao, women always date pieces of shit and then complain

I wouldn't ever do that because of an autistic sense of loyalty and obligation

fake and gay
nice try roastie but this bait is pointless

But should kissless, jobless losers be nicer and Chad the asshole?

you never want to be anyone's first and intend to remain their only, that's stupid

Well we actually did get married and we are separated now

I'm male and I had 2 5 year relationships and to me those girls are my medals of honor. Both were a freaking mess but through my guidance and general common sense I managed to help both of them get a job their own car and essentially a good life. Not only would I provide physical protection and emotional stability I also gave them material goods which a lot of people might not agree but this is how I was raised to behave. I would give her 100 dollars for random shopping and she was welcomed to keep some of that money as long as she would have the responsibility to buy propper groceries, yeah men have shit tests to, what can I say?

Anyway both of them were wife material up until the point their sex drives started to drop which made me unironically feel insecure and less attractive to them to the point of me having to terminate the relationship because they couldn't satisfy me sexualy.

Male bots, the only 3 things you want out of a women is Sex, domestic comfort and the ability to have kids. Never be afraid to let her know this is what you want out of her and AT ALL TIMES she is welcomed to leave if she doesn't like it. peace.

I'm sorry this happened, us males tend to be extremely ungrateful with the women who help us, missing out on great opportunities because we somehow feel entitled to "better" things
We should be more self aware of all the positive ways women contribute to our lives, being grateful with them, cherishing and admiring their kindness and compassion.

ok now i dont belive you no way you married a virgin robot thats basically impossible

Do not date robots. There is a reason you all hang out here. Date normies.

Dang, I'm pretty much doing this rn but only a year into it. Any tips?

Hey same thing happened to me except gay

A lot of femanons would be messed up by porn as well (speaking from experience), if you try and mutually discuss the declining sex drive and the causes of it, it might turns out that there were some underlying issues related to porn and sexual expectation of women that are fixable with dialogue, rather than them feeling not attracted to you all of a sudden.
I know that it can be hard and somewhat complicated, but it's well worth to just ask and be understanding, so you both can enjoy yourselves and feel satisfied with your partner.

>But should kissless, jobless losers be nicer
Many dudes on here are bitter, so no.

Just find a guy who has a moral compass that doesn't allow him to fuck you over. There are plenty of down-on-their-luck men who aren't careless scum.

Don't date an incel, if he can't get in a relationship even though he desires it so much, it's a redflag.
You should find a volcel, befriend him and slowly convince him that a relationship is something worth it.

the only difference between and incel and a volcel is 1 of them is a liar.

>fembot thread
>stacey roommate moves in a day ago
>nags me twice about cleaning
>knocks on my door when I was just finished maturbating and about to go to sleep, the lights were off and it's 10PM on a workday night
>" what, were you just sitting in your room all day?"
>actually lol I have two parttime jobs and I'm doing full time computer science studies so fuck off and choke on a kilometer of black dick
>I was gonna do it but now I'm so angry I won't
>maybe will throw mold on her toothbrush
I hate being told what to do by attractive bitchy women. Takes me back to high school and instantly makes me defiant.

It's called "practice gf" and it sucks, fellow femanon.

Anyway, very true. Men love stacey because she's a cunt. They like being treated like shit / exploited because it gives them a perverse sense of utility. Men unironically love abuse.

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>things that literally never happened the post


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>woman has a terrible experience with a man
>doesn't even through vitriol, just warns other women
>"wow femanon don't generalise!"

>robot hears about a fake news story about cheerleaders fucking an all blac sports team during half time
>"fucking roasties all want niggers i wish women would die i hate them"
>user is silent

>go on date with robot I met on this website
>he physically assaults me
>when I have a nice conversation here and decline continued contact as a result I'm accused of turning down my many options for a bf when I'm just trying not to get murdered

You're an autism LARPer.

This is fake but I like it anyway.

Or date me where I'd get more controlling and possessive

Why would you trust a stranger on the internet?

OP you fucking roastie, why not give chad a chance sometime?

>choke on a kilometer of black dick
hahaha fucking poetry

100% of this scenario was completely made up on the spot by a TOASTY ROASTY telling herself that "well that's probably what he would have done anyways so whatev LMAO".

>he physically assaults me
wow, maybe you should just have a better sense of what men you go with

He seemed cool / into my autistic interests. I'm desperate so whatever. Met a dude off Jow Forums. Was kind of a dick to me but I dismissed it as autism. Then he attacked me.

Thank you, I'm quite proud of that. Some others include:
>go clean that cancer causing HPV cunt slime out of your thong
>go wash the taste of chad's large intestine out of your mouth
>go pick chad's ball hairs out of your teeth
>go eat a british ton of nigger smegma

>woman meets man
>he's sort of creepy
>she stops talking to him
>"only ugly dudes are called creepy fucking roasties wouldnt care if chad acted that way fuck creepy is such a meme"

>woman ignores instinct and gives the guy a second chance
>"wow, maybe you should just have a better sense of what men you go with"

>man is autistic
>gets friendzoned and orbits a girl who takes advantage of him
>"fucking roastie skanks beta bucks beta cucks"

>woman is autistic
>has a hard time judging character
>"wow, maybe you should just have a better sense of what men you go with"

>Claims to be a robot
>Doesn't live at home
>Got a stacy to move in with him

Fuck off.

impressive collection, so much detailed shit there. record one day you telling some random bitch that

I'm sorry
I guess some guys are worth trusting
I would say you can trust me, but you can't, can you?

this is why marriage is a thing
lock that shit down and become entitled to half his stuff, what's the point in a project if there are no rewards to reap

If you're actually autistic, then it's completely understandable, but it's so tiring to hear women complain about obviously abusive men when they choose to date them.

That's pretty shitty desu, i've met maybe 12 girls from here and im friends with all of them still except for 1. But she was a stupid cunt who lied about not having a bf and I will not be used to enable cheating god damnit.

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I honestly went from a naive romantic to just straight up hating women through experience and thinking. All of the negative character traits I can think of just end up describing a woman. Needy, dependent, cruel, empty, expecting, and sadly in the modern world, quite frankly just gross and rude behavior. There are few cute, non-bitchy and clean women out there. Ever since I internalized this it's taken a lot of stress off my mind and I have internships lined up with a probably lucrative career ahead of me. Women think I'm attractive and intelligent and WISH I would talk to them, but it's precisely that reason that I don't. Women are fucking ugly creatures. Invest your money into a waifu in 4 years and leave the mental tax behind, seriously. Any man who can be himself is already better than 80% of women.

didn't pump and dump tho, doesn't that count for something anonette?

why are people still making fembot threads after like 3-4 years

>>dumps me because he now he feels he can do better than me
That's because you never sucked his dick you idiot

you aren't fooling anyone you fat cunt
you're just jealous that she is actually getting dick.

>tfw no cynical grumpy gf with acidic sense of humor who can still occasionally experience a moment of childlike wonder and joy that makes life worth it
where the fuck do you live that tehre are so many fembots

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near Los Angeles, and it's more so i met some from here and others from tinder that happened to be from here.

I've fully accepted that I'm never going to have a girlfriend
No girl will ever love me besides my mom

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Honestly, if you're an ugly woman just dont even bother with dating. They will only date you because they have no other options, not because they like you.

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thats actually not completely true...... unless your fat then gg i could love an ugly chick if she had a good personality but fattys disgust me in ways you couldn't imagine

First mistake.

Can do.

I am actually autistic, but even I still have sympathy for non-autists because my other point still stands. You people will bitch about women when we use our intuition, and you'll bitch when we don't.

Dude, I know that's from the Terror, but seeing Ciaran Hinds in that uniform is tripping me out. He was also a member of the British navy in Persuasion where he is one of my husbandos. He was also in Excalibur, which I loved.

Anyway, glad your relationships worked out, you fucking normal fag ;)

>Women think I'm attractive and intelligent and WISH I would talk to them
Sure, pal.

>tells someone on Jow Forums that a source of their anger is jealousy over not getting laid as if it's some sort of relevation

!!!!! Jeepers user. You flatter me.

Very true. Thank you for the sympathy nonetheless.

you probably are just fat or have bad dress sense
you just want a chad

>replying to like 10 posts
>press enter in between all of them
fucking kill yourself please

Don't fucking date people you meet online. It's only asking for trouble.

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do you still feel miserable about it despite accepting it? coz I still do and it's annoying.

what are some places i can meet people?

Outside. Try volunteering or going to events in your town.

there is a website called meetup thats supposed to help find stuff like that but the only events near me is yoga stuff and im not into that really , outside is to general id seem like a weirdo walking up to people randomly on the street.

It's the only way to actually connect first.

Sometimes I feel a little lonely, but I've largely learned to live with it. It's like chronic pain. When it first starts happening it sucks, but as time moves on it dulls and dulls until you're mostly numb to it.
It became a bit easier for me when I realized that I objectively dont deserve to reproduce.

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> I objectively dont deserve to reproduce
I agree that you dont
why dont you fix your shit though

>glad your relationships worked out, you fucking normal fag ;)

I'm a guy with majority female friends who has given up on love and only started using tinder and meeting up with girls in the last few months of my dad dying to cancer as a way to distract myself.

>at least all my friends really love me and i derive joy from participating in their lives and ignoring my own which i wish would end.

I understand
Everyone here hates fembots
But I just want to cuddle a girl so badly and tell her she's my everything
And I can never have the opportunity

>paragraphs are bad because buzzwords

Yeesh. That's rough, user. How'd your dad die?

cancer my speedreading friend.

ok normie
I didnt use a single buzzword retard and that isnt paragraphs, you just put a space for no reason making a fuckhuge wall of text. go back to plebdit pls.

>I am actually autistic
That makes it hard to hate you, despite you being so bitter and toxic. Good luck on your quest for a good bf.

>not pressing clear after I use the microwave
You deserve it, you fucking animal.

>one single sentence is a paragraph.
I should probably let you off easy, so I'll spoiler this if you don't feel like taking random abuse.

Fairly lame.

Honestly my heart isn't in it. Seek Jesus.

Because I have no will to.
I have come to realize that survival of the fittest is still very much in effect in modern day society. The only difference is that it is more focused on mental strength than physical.
I lack the will and proper mental strength to truly survive in modern day society. Once my parents get tired of me leeching off of them then I'll definitely die out on the street.

So sad. Any fembots in montreal?

this is a very redpilled post
im on the other side of this (mentally resilient)
what I recommend is quitting society, not as a NEET but living off the grid. go into the woods.

If jesus truly was the son of god then the terrible person i have become is a slap in the face to his forgiveness and i deserve nothing but the worst.

>They like being treated like shit / exploited because it gives them a perverse sense of utility. Men unironically love abuse.
This post was made by a guy who wants to keep all the nice and sweet fembots for himself.

Just stop sinning.

>sweet fembots

big oofly

This might make it easier:

The world's sin is that it refuses to believe in me.
John 16:9

That's nice.

Oh, gosh, sorry dude. About the speedreading, I mean. And the event itself.

Never really got the whole self distraction thing. I tried self medicating and then went back to just wallowing in misery. I suppose I shouldn't encourage you to meet random chicks on Tinder but...iunno what I'm saying. Maybe your problems are bigger than mine and that's why it's easier to facilitate that.

...did I atone myself?

I never said you used buzzwords, only that your objection was based on buzzwords. And what do you know? I was right:
Get fucked.

Thanks. You autismal as well?

A sentence can be a paragraph if it's a distinct idea to the paragraphs around it, which, yes, talking to unique individuals is. So if you're going to insult me, use better insults (I recommend "cumdumpster") and know what words mean before you run your mouth.

M-maybe. or maybe I was just throwing robot logic about women back at them

I've seen this happen too, plenty of times. I've had a lot of girl friends playing WoW and other games and it happens when they meet guys they played games with. The type that does this are failed normies. Once they've improved they go normie mode and this is what happens. I've seen a few situations where a guy truly doesn't crave normiedom and it works out fine because he's the same person, his life is just better.

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Nice fucking bait you disgusting roastie. I am nothing like this at all and I am still a virgin. So shut the fuck up

I'm a guy, but there's times where I realized that too. True self versus False self.