>get match on tinder
>8/10, pic related
>messenge her instantly
>end up texting about sex for an hour straight
>things are going amazing
>we have similar interests
>agree to meet THIS WEEK
>asks me what my absolute tabus are
>say kinfeplay, watersports and scat
>she said she had to look 2 of those up and that she hates me now (with an emoji so obviously sarcastic)
>asks me how long my dick is
>think: better be honest
>16cm ( 6.3 inches)
>suddenly writes she is not ready for sex or tinder in general
>after she agreed to meet up
>adds i can give her my number so she can write her when she is ready
>she fucking unmatches before i even have the chance
What just was that?! She seemed so eager to meet up and is then suddenly not interested anymore?
Either im a dicklet in her eyes or she thinks if i know such wierd fetishes like scat i must be disgusting too.
Sucks for you but shit happens user, hope nothing bad happened to her
She probably has a boyfriend, was looking for "adventure" or some usual bullshit like that, and got cold feet.
Should have lied. Once you get her in bed she won't care.
Every 6" dick guy she's fucked has told her his dick is 8". She assumes that since you're telling her it's 6", its really 4"
She was hoping for BBC>
No that wasn't it, she told me she had broken up with him after 1.5 years. If anything its to early for a new partner, but that still doesn't explain why she seemed so willing to meet and fuck.
>pic related
U wot
This. I can get girls to agree to sex all day on tinder. The skill is also getting to meet them. There a lot of girls that just want to dirty talk. Dont sweat it. If you matched her you will match more. Build some more game and move fast. If they want to fuck you have 24 hours usually.
Ideally you want to get the chat sexual for a bit then off it and immediately ask to meet for drinks within 2 days. Make sure you pick them up and youll fuck them as long as youre not an idiot. Just act normal and kinda flirty. Theyll invite you back. Some will not but then want to meet again. This time arrange your place or hers.
it was a gay guy who wanted to erp with you
Okay then what is your idea of an 8/10?
She is definitely not a 7 but not quite a 9. While she is really pretty she isnt entirely my type.
idk man maybe telling a girl youd like to piss and shit on her first thing isnt the way to go
thats a strong jaw she has you sure she isnt a he
Here is the other pic of her. God if that really is her i could gave finally made it.
s it possible to find anything via reverse image search with the tinder options in the way?
No she asked for and i told her my TABUS... You know stuff i would NEVER do with her.
Obviously the average girl on tinder would run if i said i liked scat etc
Learn how to read.
Damn i mean if it was a dude and he looked like that i wouldn't mind very much desu
I dont have high standards dude, but if you see this 5-6/10 as a 8/10 you will have a happy relationship sooner or later.
>she asked my taboos
>i said shitting on people and cutting them with knives
>she unmatched
b-b-but i was just being honest
jesus christ you are a retard
i enjoy how aggressive this message is
ty user
want to be my friend
sorry. im a loner
She could have just been catfishing. Best to not get too attached to one woman on these sites.
i'm a ......female.
im not larping i swear
The problem may have been telling a nice normal girl that you want to play with her shit and use knives on her. Most people don't want to do either of those things, and the fact that you're confused about why things went bad shows how utterly, extremely and profoundly out of touch you are with the entirety of reality. Seriously, how do you not get this shit?
Congrats. You talked to a bot.
Brainlet please read the OP again. Remember that OP is also a brainlet and when he writes tabu he means taboo.
It's the fetishes, you fucking dumbass.
God, if you're looking for just sex, you should say your absolute taboos are like bondage or something normie-tier like that.
>chadbots talk about getting sexual off the bat with tinder matches
>every time i try to do this doesnt work
>i'm a literal 9/10
can someone post screenshots or something from successful first contacts they've had?
>(with an emoji so obviously sarcastic)
lol, no
This thread screams "normalfag". Kill yourself degenerate.
weird fetish then average penis size is possibly deadly combo, this might have come into play or maybe it's just actually true
better luck next time
6" is well above average it's your fucking kinks bro
poo poo and pee pee play is not normie tier retard
Just be glad you got away from her, her pictures say pretentious and horse face. Do you even know where to buy hay for her? She would not have been happy if you didn't. Reeee Waaahahaha
not an 8/10 user, she looks a decent trannie
maybe she's a size queen and just being super fucking picky, which would also explain why she might match a dude who isn't really that hot just to see what his dick size is
She meant taboo as things you don't want to do (presumably) not naughty things you secretly want. Of course mentioning such obvious no's is unnecessary and makes you look like a weirdo, it's implied you don't want them.
6" is nominally above average, but so is 5'10", and most people looking for a hookup are hoping for the top shelf fucks, not above average. 6 inches is small in most people's minds, he should have just said he had a 7 incher and he'd be pounding miss eyebrows right now.
Had the same kinda shit happen to me not even two weeks ago. Asked a girl out, she acted super enthusiastic and then at the last second she said she had to help her grandma with something and ghosted. who the fuck knows why they do shit like that, but fuck if its not infuriating as hell.
>she wants to fuck a random on tinder
>you somehow believe her to be telling the truth
dont believe the roasties user rookie mistake. prolly some other shit going on with her.
and yes you should have lied but hey at least you were honest :D !