Max comfy edition
Yukaman is my favorite schizo pedo artist
About to go home and smoke my brains out
How are you all
Doing anything interesting tonight?
How much vyvanse do I need to get "high"?
I have no tolerance btw
Any fellow burgers use lysergi?
how long does your stuff take to arrive?
Why are drugs comedown so comfy?
what drugs are you taking user?
my comedowns are never comfy but i mainly use MDMA
lost contact with my dealer and im too autistic to branch out
how the fuck do i do this crypto shit? from an outsider it looks genuinely impossible
someone help pls
researching has got me nowhere
On the comedown of my first time on MDMA, went light so I shouldn't crash too hard. I have stuff to cut the edges off in case shit hit the fan anyway. Peace
I'd say around 100mg would be a decent recreational starting dose as long as you're not an anxious person
Be prepared to not be able to sleep for at least 10-12 hours
I kind of wish Jow Forums had a dedicated drug board. I know 420chan exists, but it's a bit too slow for me
Also I miss al/ck/. Fuck the /ck/ mods
All i got are a bunch of lorazapam tonight. How can I have fun?
Whatever you guys do don't fap on weed everytime you get high. That shit ruined my faps sessions.
Are there any risks using psychedelics every week? Should I be giving my brain a longer rest?
yes, everyone I know who did this lost their mind
It's better in every circumstance to wait. Digest, understand your last trip.
How so friend? I'm always getting some euphoric orgasm that make my whole body shiver when I orgasm high on weed.
Fapping sober just doesn't feel good anymore. I can only feel good when I do it while I'm high.
Ohh, my bad. Yeah, It's pretty crazy to masturbate while high. Even though, for me it can get quite tricky to get hard.
Last night I used shrooms for the first time. Bought and eigth, ate the entire bag, next thing you know I thought I was gonna die. The first two hours werre really rough, but after I let just let go, the rest of the trip was amazing.
It was dumb, but whatever
I might finally take the mix-pill and finally plunge the dxm+weed combo on my next day off from work, but yeah fapping everytime I got high ruined it for me so was just trying to warn fellow bots.
Glad you're back with us intact senpai, you'll probably realize that you learned a lot of stuff from that trip later.
04:39 and still wide awake after some speed
Thank you, friend. I was lucky enough to be good friends with my dealer and he talked me down from it.
Pretty chill of him, but don't do that again, respect these mushies as much they respect you.
no benzos?
No, only some weed, lets hope it helps
Ride the wave senpai, you won't be able to sleep until tonight. Speed is really good at keeping you awake and whenever you try to sleep you get those fucking hallucinations in bed, and not the good one.
I have 12 1mg dilaudid pills left from getting my wisdom teeth removed a few days ago. Never taken any opioids recreationally before. What dosage would you guys recommend to have a good time?
it either helps or it gives u psychosis
50/50 good luck
What are Vyvanse comedowns like, frens?
Probably fucking terrible like all the stims comedown.
Right now I feel some headache and fucking have to sleep AT LEAST 12 hours. Fuck. This thing hits me like a fucking truck. I just fucking have to sleep 12 hours after taking this Vyvanse but shit, it's worth it.
im doing pretty well thanks
been smoking h all day and night, got a slight headache tho, hope ibuprofen can fix it
btw i made a sucker out of a pen shell with thumbtacks and all like you said but when i use it i definitely taste something different other than the smoke, feel like plastic taste
kinda scary desu im not sure if i wanna use this one to smoke
Water, fruits, banana especially.
there is no comedown, it's too gradual
its not showing any signs of melting or discoloring or anything but theres definitely some plasticy taste to it
had some friends that once crushed up enough benadryl to fill a gram bowl and smoked it out of a bong. is this a good idea anons?
Has he stopped making stuff? His art is great
I'm way too autistic too get drugs on my own, always found ways to make others get them for me and now I somehow managed to ruin my relationships with all of my "friends"
aw that sucks its doing that :c
how close are you holding it to the foil?
if the pen thing doesnt work for you maybe try just using the pen to mold an aluminum one and just use that
if youre not comfortable using it id prolly pass on it
having something like that make me paranoid while im tryna be comfy isnt groovy desu
I moved to a small town and don't have a plug for weed anymore. Aside from weed I only enjoy Ambien. Are there some other things for roughly the same kind of feel that are easily obtainable?
your MDMA comedown is comfy? Mine are always fucking awful. Glad it's going well user
>try just using the pen to mold an aluminum one and just use that
yea ive been using foil rolls like that for suckers up until trying this pen thing
i really want this pen thing to work tho because even after smoking just a tiny bit the thumbtack needles are already almost black with residue, it looks yummy
id like to try this with a metal pen instead, if i somehow can figure out a smart way to poke/drill holes for the thumbtacks in the metal shell
>how close are you holding it to the foil?
good point ive been holding it quite close to the foil because im afraid otherwise i will let too much smoke escape outside the pen if i dont inhale very forcefully
so i should hold it a couple centimeters about the foil? also another question, do you hold the pen sucker right above the drop your chasing or do you position it slightly behind/above the drop?
btw thanks so much for you answering my silly questions, youve been a great help on my adventures with H
above* the foil
you dont really feel it. ive been using vyvanse for well over 8 years. even on my first time there was really a come down
Man I wish I was normie enough to buy drugs IRL. Online is nice because reviews and it's generally safer, higher quality products but it's just so much more of a hassle, plus you have the anxiety while waiting for the package. It would be nice if I could buy drugs from some random nigger living near me.
how does a complete beginner get into it?
mostly relief that you havent died of a heart attack
a metal pen would prolly be pretty nice desu
i imagine it could get warm tho
the pins do collect a decent bit, i like the pin design a lot more than the bent pens, or the bendy straws etc
itd be best to keep it a little behind the drop, keep the drop at or around the edge of the pen opening
ive found i usually have less of it get away that way
using the least amount of heat possible will help too
id rather inhale harder and keep the tooter a lil farther away but everyone is different
i cant really do long inhales anyway so i prefer short long bursts
takes a lil longer to finish off the dope but its just how i do it
you wanna be catching the vapors off the trail
not the drop
if that makes sense
the trail is gonna be what is heating up most and giving off vapors
its hard to kinda explain lol
lot easier to demonstrate in person
How long do I have to wait after I eat lunch to eat an edible? Wouldn't eating one as soon as I finish lunch take longer if I just wait and then eat it?
it's piss easy, I just read some onlien guides when I did it a couple years ago. there was one on r*ddit back then, has since been deleted but is still on the darknet version of reddit
Wait at least 2 hours for your stomach to be empty.
Damn so 4hours total. 2hours for my stomache to be empty and then another 2hours for them to kick in. Okay thanks user
I only got a pinch of some platinum kush left.
My plug is on vacation and won't be back for another week.
Save me anons
Forced t-break, best t-break
Time for a quick speedy time on meth. Then get cozy with H
Start off by snorting 1mg. Those things are crazy fucking strong so you should get pretty fucked. If 1mg doesnt work then snort another half and keep snorting halves until you get high
The dnm bible should be able to help you
>been thinking about my ex a bit
>she messages me out of the blue asking if she can snort dihydrocodeine
Don't know if she's done opiates at all since we split up. Don't know if she just used it as an excuse to talk to me or if it's because she expects me to be a walking drug encyclopedia
Weed has lost all it's magic and novelty for me already (I only started smoking in January) and so I'm going to stop smoking it. everytime I get high the same thing happens I become dissociated lazy i recognize patterns better music is slightly better and jerking off is slightly better that's all that happens. So why the fuck do so many people on here smoke weed so commonly? Like it's not bad but honestly after a few times it just becomes boring and mundane are all the people that promote weed just underage or something? Why not just do acid or shrooms instead? Honestly I might not even finish the gram I have left it just seems like a chore.
Idk I used to take it for my anxiety it just makes you kind of stupid and tired but It does take away anxiety really effectively I usually only took 1mg per day though so maybe try 2mg+ for more recreational effects.
Yeah we need one 420 chan sucks
Yeah I do need to take a break. Been smoking about a gram a day for 3 months. Sometimes when i get a lil sober I feel like I'm high if ya get what I mean
Can someone explain to me how the fuck niggas get addicted to fucking tobacco
I mean sure you get a buzz I guess but even caffeine gets me more "high" than this shit. But then again I don't smoke regularly so whatever
I think so, his site doesn't show any new content last I checked. Might be under a different pseudonym.
Well I really started to like weed because it made me relax. I was always anxious unless I was playing vidya or watching a movie. Also weed has a lot of health benefits unlike other drugs
that would be epic. Would become the 3rd biggest board after /b/ and Jow Forums
gonna do molly with my crush in a few days, wish me luck
Stopped taking them bcuz it made me feel like a zombie
Does anyone juull here? im just thinking of vaping nicotine.
no it would be a litle bigger than /fa/
Well normies almost 'force' themselves to like it because of le peer pressure
I dont think they like it actually very much
same, although started smoking around march. no matter how much i smoke now its like i plateau at 6-7/10, i cant destroy myself with only 1 bowl anymore.
and i still have a shitload of 1p lsd and 4aco dmt stashed away but the body load i get on both is extremely unpleasant and just makes taking it a waste of time.
How come I don't get energetic and crazy on stimulants. Even if I smoke meth I get focused and it is good stuff because my friends try it and they are fucked. And where is this extreme sex drive everyone gets I have no desire to jack off? Is that a sign of ADHD?
I get really tweaked out but never have the urge to fap
Doctor cut me off Ambien and I've been awake for three days straight now. About go down the DM trail just so I can fucking sleep. Joke doctor says I need move more when I go to gym 4-5 times a week and work fulltime labor job. Any RCs like Ambien? Fuck
Im the user that was asking about fentanyl in the last couple threads. I was asking because i was going to buy pulls laced with it and i did. I tested it out by snorting a little piece. I waited about a minute and felt nothing so i got mad and took a whole pill. Im waiting for it to kick in and so far nothing has happened. If it turns out its not laced i might just sue my plug for false advertisement
Whats wrong with you!
are you looking to die lad?
What do you mean by tweaked out? I thought that was usually when you are burnt out after binge for at least 24 hours?
I never binge, I always make sure to sleep so I never get burnt out. But I thought most people feel very energetic, euphoric and chatty? To me it feels like my thoughts are more quiet and less erratic although I do type a lot it seems
Absolutely nothing. I did what anybody else would do
What pills? If you are buying xanax laced with fentanyl you are going to end up dead. I tried to kill myself with fentanyl and valium but a friend found me, it is deadly man, be careful if that's not what you want. Fentanyl isn't even as good as heroin, no where near as euphoric
I have both bipolar disorder and ADHD and my life is just generally a fucking shitshow, so it's nice to get sucked into the simplicity of weed. It has cool effects and it's relaxing. Even the anxiety attacks are enjoyable to me. But I'm also kinda crazy.
I mean tweaked put from the high. Likr all energetic and wanting to do a bunch of shit and feeling euphoric.
Not dead yet. Dont feel anything right now. Am i dead? Maybe
They were hydrocodones laced with fentanyl
Not a mad lad i just want to get high
Okay right. Yeah I feel like that maybe 20% of the time but usually am just calm.
Oh okay 2 opiates is better than opiate and benzo I guess. You should try H instead though, less deadly and more euphoric. I'm not your dad though, do whatever feels good for you man, fuck it
hey robots I want to try DMT but I'm worried that I won't be satisfied by LSD anymore if I do. What's your experience with this
I was trying to get heroin but i got a deal of 5 fentanyl pills for 25 dollars so i went with that because i figured it would last a long time if i just did small pieces
Why wouldn't you be? They both have different uses. You can function more on acid and it lasts longer. I think you will still enjoy both and if you don't then just do DMT instead of LSD
Ah, fair enough. Good luck, stay safe mate
This shit isnt even kicking in after almost 40 minutes. I dont even have a fucking tolerance right biw so even if it was just 10mg of hydro i should still be getting high. The pills look fake as fuck too, they have a bunch of craters and are super uneven and just look like shit reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee i just want to get high
They probably would look fake if they are crushed hydrocodone mixed with fent and then pressed. But yeah you should be feeling something... Maybe that was a dud pill, just try another half maybe
>Tfw day 1 of t break
this fucking sucks lads
oral opis take a while user
id wait at least another 30 minutes
being in a hurry to take these will kill you
snorting isnt instant
where do people get that idea
insufflation can take up to 15-20 minutes for me
oral takes a lot longer too cos of the need to digest
dont keep munching pills til you black out and die user
I dont even have a tolerance at the moment so i should be either high or dead right and im sober and alive. I just want to be high and im a poorfag so it doesnt happen very often
Yeah no idea where people get the idea snorting is instant. Probably movies. Even coke takes a couple minutes which is why it's embarrassing when (usually) girls rail a line and immediately act fucked
normal dose should get you going well
i say 60mg