Should I hire a sex worker to peg me?

Should I hire a sex worker to peg me?

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if you wait long enough in the thread, someone will offer.

I'll fuck your bussy for free op

"get your boypussy TOPPED btw I'm going to shoot up some place here's my discord"

I'm straight, would be much easier if I was gay really but nothing I can do about it.

how does one finds a cute dom gf

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i will peg you, user
i love boy butt and i have a strap on already
we can buy a new attachment if you dont want a cleaned one

If the price is right

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fucking kek
you are a disgusting degenerate faggot, kms with something in your ass

I would do it for free but you most likely don't live anywhere near me

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id be down for getting pegged

Why wouldn't the new one be clean?

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1) take sleeping pills
2) mix with vodka
3) dream

warning: gf will dissapear upon waking.

women will happily dominate you financially, socially, psychologically, legally- but not in any way that you enjoy or might show her as anything but a sweet innocent perfect strong indepent flower that could never do anything naughty, ever.

unless you're Chad, but if you are Chad you aren't posting on Jow Forums

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Hire a peg worker to sex me

This, lucid dreaming and dreams is probably the only way to experience actual, true, femdom

Unless you are a degenerate devoid of any higher emotions, a prostitute won't do it for you.
The feeling of being loved and cherished is way more important than sex, even more so if you are a sub.

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>women will happily dominate you financially, socially, psychologically, legally- but not in any way that you enjoy or might show her as anything but a sweet innocent perfect strong indepent flower that could never do anything naughty, ever.
The sad truth

>hanging out with a bi girl
>she casually mentions she has a strap-on in the drawer next to me
What did she mean by this...

She just wanted to remind you that she fucks both Chad and Stacy, but not you.

>The feeling of being loved and cherished is way more important than sex
Yes but that's never going to happen

It annoys me that bi women are fine with femininity in women but expect men to be masc

sux 2 b u fag

Yes, and dress like 9S, and tape it.