Why don't you just settIe for a trans girlfriend?

why don't you just settIe for a trans girlfriend?

Attached: Untitled2.png (1455x603, 1.29M)

if i didnt see the dude pic before that i would. i would even jerk her little feminine penis

kill yourself faggot sage this shit sage

I don't like dudes.

roasty getting toasty lmao whore

Because he would be a boyfriend, not a girlfriend. Fucking retard.

fucking faggots but would do right

cause I can't fuckin find em

stop trying to normalize this shit. I'll tolerate racemixing threads but trans is going way way way too far.

Why doesn't everyone in this thread settle for better shitposts?


No baka.

This thread type is always ironic. Trannies that pass are more sought over than actual females.


Race mixing threads are by far more annoying.

Leave the website.

Yeah im not gay. fucking transfucks

Its fucking gay to date a tranny or fuck one. and not every guy wants to fuck another dude. sorry

based heterosexual virgins

Because I am the trans girlfriend

how do I find a cute tranny GF. don't mind if they don't pass, I'm bi

Based normies taking over this board and kicking the gays out


ugh kms
and a faggot, probably a disgusting bottom
normies dont want any tranny shit

im a top you stupid person

hope your gay dad and gay grandfather is happy for you, bugchasing and fucking infront minors

I don't bugchase or fuck in front of minors though

keep on lying you degenerate fucking citizen of soddom and gomorah, the cock is strong in you since your gay ass bitch

I don't though, im not lying to you