/r9gay/ - #759

Bf just got home from work edition.

Last thread:

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too early. we dont need a new thread.

The other thread is over its 500 post bump limit guy.

Hang yourself, gaywad.

Meows bf is sleeping :3

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Old thread isnt archived dumbass, wait until its actually archived not hit the bump limit
Unrelated but is it wrong to try to be a matchmaker? Im friends with a boy whos actually precious on every level and hes really inept at everything socially and i wanna help him find a bf (both insane bottoms) but i think it seems weird
What do anons think?

since when do you have a bf

What, is it illegal to have bfs nyow?

Your hand fell asleep? I hate it when that happens

>wait until its actually archived not hit the bump limit
not OP but that is pretty dumb. We have always been making new threads at the bump limit.

only normans have bfs...

>bf takes selfie of us and uploads to facebook
>doesnt take it at my angles
do you think he did this to spite me or it was an accident? am i over thinking. idk what i did.

I thin it's really kind of you.

Meow has immunity haha

meow is a norman or a liar!

congradulations meow. im honestly happy for anyone in these threads to get a bf.

No, I'm not. At least not anymore.

hey its me user from earlier who said his bf took a picture in the bathrooms. i went to his work and didnt see anything suspisious. i asked him about the photo being in the toilets and he said he felt weird taking selfie at work. he's all clear.


You have been played

Why would meow lie about meow bf legally acquired in an official way
You too!
But he is sleeping!

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reminder; guys prefer debt free virgin boys!

Keep your bullshit up and you won't have a bf anymore

i didnt acuse him of anything. i did nothing wrong.

Are bi bros allowed in here?

Bi scum is not welcome in our happy gay community.

of course? why wouldn't we be?

Your paranoia and insecurity will be your relationship's downfall

Tfw just jerked off to some cute girlpenises

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Everyone is bi here nyon :3

mmf felipe is #1

Definitely not. Women are disgusting, loathsome scum

This post was made by the prisongay gang

>TFW you will never lift up his skirt, bend him over a table, fuck him, and reach around and stroke his little peepee till he quivers and cums

I bet his cum tastes like berries

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Not that user. But I love women. I also like men. But I think its because I'm a fucking degenerate who wants more things to jerk off to.

I'm gonna fuck you to death :)

Suck meows weewee loser

fuck off retard tranny chasers

I'd forbid him from cumming, with brutal rape in front of his friends and family being the punishment

chasers who only like men when they look like girls are perverted straights, not gay.

>meow when he can't find his own weewee to berate anons to suck it

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They like men and women so they're bi. Deal with it faggot.

Imagine having such low self worth that you resort to gaytkeeping as part of your identity

by this logic a man is still straight even if he's attracted to buck angel

this is not a tranny thread you stupid retard, gatekeeping is completely justified here

Prison gays deserve death by firing squad gtfo

>hurr durr DIALATE xD
Sissies and trannies are two separate things

that guy literally takes hormones and calls himself a trans female on his facebook, he's not a femboy he's a tranny

Calm down bby. Just because we'd fuck felipe doesn't mean we wouldn't also fuck you.

And yet you still call him "that guy". Intact penis = sissy/trap/femboy. HRT or not

>And yet you still call him "that guy".
because trannies aren't girls even if they think they are lol, he takes hormones and calls himself a trans female, fuck off

Is there an official name yet for you gay male version of TERFs?

He's being called a he out of spite, I wouldn't doubt it if he enjoyed or otherwise preferred being called she. It doesn't matter either way though, his penis could be there but the mere fact that whoever posted his image first said "girlpenis", ironically or not sets a precedent. He's a guy because of chromosomes, but past that he's chemically and artificially changing his body to be a girl's. By your own logic, let's say this person or someone else is extremely passing and otherwise indistinguishable from a cis woman aside from having a penis, you're telling me that's still gay?

>Is there an official name yet for you gay male version of TERFs?

If you both got dicks it certainly isn't straight. I wouldn't be attracted to him if he didn't have a dick. I simply like my bottoms smol

huh? why do gay people have to be accepting of trannies in our own spaces? i think everyone and anyone can acknlowedge they exist but thats kinda where it stops since that aside there's literally no reason to do much more interacting. completely different struggles that neither side can quite relate to 100%


>If you both got dicks it certainly isn't straight.
That's where you're wrong though, like I said if there was a person who literally looked like some normal girl (not a tranny abomination either, this hypothetical bitch passes 100%) and the only thing setting her apart from some other girl is the fact that she had a penis, it's gay to you? That's just denial at this point.

>you're straight if you're attracted to this because she has a vagina

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so what year did you join Jow Forums and from where?

friend told me about it

zoomer flith

I was an orginalfag, came over from Something Awful.

If you didn't tell a guy that the person in the picture was trans and had a vagina and they found the person attractive, they're not automatically straight now. That's literally the point I'm trying to get at.

some off topic section of a forum
i'm almost 30 now

idgaf about gay being my identity. i just dont want straight people in a gay thread. it's just an excuse for straight people to talk in an homo thread. every lgbt place hates guys like you because you're the worse posters. guys who fap to so much porn that girls having penises doesnt disgust them anymore, then through self obsession they like the idea of being 'bi' so they latch on it as fast as they can. put down the porn and go back to being a het.

2019. been here almost 6 months. my friend told me to check out r9k and funny enough he's a normalfag with a girlfriend and a girl chasing him.

Thats not my reality at all though. I like boys who don't take hormones just as much as ones who do. I'm simply a dom top and that is my taste. I was never a porn addict

so why are you on r9gay then

it's the gay board
i'm gay
where's the confusion

does everyone know you're bi?

you're still bisexual though, not gay which is what the user was getting at. you have no place on this thread, not that you'll actually go to a bisexual thread but still.

what's with the weird bi denial? i get it liking roasties is kind of seen as icky i know i couldn't imagine putting myself though that kek but it's always the obviously bi guys getting so butt blasted about being called bi. no one's going to physically remove you from the thread, just shut up

I'm not bi, I detest women and am repulsed by the sight of vagina. Don't even like being around them in public. You boys need to accept that there is a whole spectrum of taste beyond your own

Bi scum are notorious philanderers.

>no one's going to physically remove you from the thread

God I wish they were removed

>likes trannies and ultra-girly femboys
>hates women
every time

I honestly can't imagine being this new. Had I found Jow Forums after 2012 I don't think I'd even like it. Just here by habit at this point

We were having a great time all day foe the past 4 threads before you sperged at my attraction to felipe.

They don't have female brains and they don't have female genitals. If they did I'd hate them too

You don't hate women though, you just hate vaginas. Leave it at that, still bisexual user. Most if not all femboys and trannies are mentally women, it's a running joke that bottoms are all women.

trannies are legitimately worse than most women
it is funny how it's never just an attraction for guys that like trannies, they always hate women too

They are nothing like women outside of kinks. The simple fact that they can hold a conversation proves that

hey quick question user, if you had a tranny gf(bf) with a penis would you touch it at all or play with it or suck it?

most of my friend circle go on Jow Forums now. i like r9k. one of us has been here since 2017 and he told us how its funny af. im pretty sure he found out about Jow Forums through youtube political videos.

felipe was okay until I learned HE wants to go full tranny mode

>the way to kill r9gay is to larp as bi
they found our weakness bros ngl

Whether they were a boy on HRT or just a regular twink I doubt I would suck it often. My kink involves being heavily dominant and feeling bigger/more manly than my partner. But thats only sexually, in regular relationship practice I'm very respectful and amorous

you guys should try this cool trick where you mix clorox powder with ammonia. shit gets you high af. its what I did when I was your age

>im pretty sure he found out about Jow Forums through youtube political videos.
him and the other 75% of users that ruined this site by flooding it in 2012 and 2016

>I doubt I would suck it often
then why does it matter what fucking genitals they have if you're not going to use anything else but the ass hole? the whole hating women personality wise doesn't work because trannies are even more unstable, it's the hormones. the vagina thing, you'd ignore it as much as you would a penis. lmfao nice job answering that question and digging your hole deeper here

how do i get my bf to take me without consent? i really want to feel fully under his control.

>tfw you want this too but underlying trust issues makes it basically impossible

Tell him you have a rape fantasy and he's allowed to just bend you over whenever he wants no questions asked, even if you say no

Express this desire and establish a safeword.
The rest should work itself out.

I knew you would say that but I also know my own reality so I wasn't afraid to answer honestly. You are incorrect about me and my life experiences.

>I also know my own reality
your reality that revolves around fleeting and unstable creatures that live in delusion 90% of the time, whew. i really hope it's a larp because all hostility has flown out the window and it's pure pity at this point

thats fine and all but i want it to be real. i trust him not to physically hurt me or anything. i want it to be like walkter white and skylar in breaking bad.

but that would be real, you think people just randomly accept rape one day? you have to have some sort of setup beforehand.

lole you crazy bitch, wish you were mine. Just be sure to have a safeword in case you start bleeding

my plan is to tell him we're not going to have sex for a while then be very suggestively sexy when we're alone like i want him to fuck me then when he goes to do it immediately shut him down. do it a few times and he wont be able to help himself.

I want to bully user for getting addicted to stroking his little dick to boy butts

Fuck I'm getting hard just imagining taking a bad day out on your teasing ass. You better hope he's mentally up for your challenge

that's literally just going to make him break up with you user

You're playing roastie games. It's fine if you want to do this, just tell him beforehand and establish a safeword. Expecting him to literally rape you is wrong. Don't explicitly plan it out but tell him so he can do it when he wants, and protect both of you by using a safeword. Even if it's slightly less hot consent is absolutely essential when it comes to this kind of play.

not that user but reading this made me drip precum, imagining if i had a bf and he came home upset from work and just shoved his cock in my mouth with no explanation would be heaven