There's no way to find complete liberation from pain and sufferin-

There's no way to find complete liberation from pain and sufferin-

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So if Im a Buddhist or Hindu or some shit and I cut myself I wont feel pain?

>So if Im a Buddhist or Hindu or some shit and I cut myself I wont feel pain?

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This is a Christian board. Please cease all false religious discussion.

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I had the misfortune of being born into a buddhist family. For me, it's a bullshit eastern philosophy of the just world fallacy weaponized into a religion used for nothing more than to dismiss others' suffering, to tell whoever you are punching down that they deserve it (going as far as to claim their crime was from a "previous life"), and to justify this smug, sanctimonious garbage.

Fuck buddhism.

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I've grown out of Christianity, fren. Now we're all part of the buddhagang.

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Looks like this thread needs to be cleaned then.

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Try me bitch, you can't kill the Buddha.

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Too bad the fat fuck is already dead

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Yes embrace Buddhism and go celebrate. All the Asian girls belong to the white man anyways.

Go back to AMWF thread bud, we are trying to get spiritually enlightened while you guys are focused on lust.

You are stinky and stupid. Be glad God doesn't exist, because he would spray you with retard repellent (Lavender scent).

Leave this board neckbeard scum. God is real.

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I personally never been born into it but I feel like its a final step, the last step to accepting a death, acceptance itself because through all the shit youve seen, youre still kicking it. Maybe youre facing denial but just know that real Buddhism is a healthy way to better yourself.

That's right user!

Now off you go, back to redit.

>just world fallacy
It's not so much about believing that kindness directly leads to reward. As long as you cling to that possibility of reward, you'll later be let down, find that the evil go unpunished and feel jealous, etc. Buddhism is about letting go of taking either pleasure or pain personally. Even the luckiest have to deal with eventual aging, illness, and death, which mars every blush of happiness - Buddhism proposes a solution to that problem.

It definitely isn't about dismissing others' suffering, either, although non-arhats may have too much pride to see that. The sole aim is to relieve the suffering of others. An enlightened person feels compassion and love for all sentient beings because there are no barriers to it. A follower of the Dharma aims to face reality, and therefore, they don't strive to be either an optimist or a pessimist. The previous life stuff is carried over from Hinduism - according to the Buddha, all there is to a person are the 5 aggregates, and therefore there's no such thing as reincarnation in that sense.

hi op, its me the one who summoned you yesterday i made this today i hope you like it

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This isn't a Christian board. Though there are some Christians here, Jow Forums is as much an atheist board as Jow Forums is a pagan board.

But even if it were a Christian board, Buddhism (and Hinduism) would still be worth discussing, firstly to understand what (aside from the obvious) they've got wrong, and secondly to see what we could learn from them. For their false beliefs haven't prevented them from gaining a deep understanding of the human condition.

you will still feel physical pain

>says he's a buddhist
>hasn't renounced food
>isn't currently starving to death in the cold with a smile on his face
This life is worthless.

>Too bad the fat fuck is already dead
What? The Buddha wasn't fat, he literally starved himself until he almost died.

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Christianity is bs. Where do I begin with Buddhism?

>he isn't an atheist
you're slow

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No. Kys christfag

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Didn't he make himself fat at one point just to fend off roasties?

What the Buddha Taught by Walpola Rahula - concise introduction to Gautama Buddha's ideas.
Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind - nice, short guide to practicing Zen.

Fuck that motherfucker.