>she left me for a drug addict Walmart employee who is also her abusive ex who she has called me crying about
She left me for a drug addict Walmart employee who is also her abusive ex who she has called me crying about
happened to me too man a while back, just move on with shit and be glad that you're not with such a pathetic person who prefers to downgrade
Let her know you still want to be her emotional boyfriend
sounds like a rebound
probably has a bigger cock
>she was extremely clingy and possessive and I constantly had to reassure her that I wasn't going to leave her and always be there for her
>she dumps me because things just "aren't the same anymore"
feels confusing man
She was fucking someone behind your back idiot.
She dumped you because she was bored with playing bf/gf games with you.
no she missed her ex's hyper masculine, dominant personality and his massive thick cock. this is why women are worthless
Same man same. Idk what to do anymore she was literally a girl from my dreams
She would have stayed if you threaten to leave her ass. Women are trash and retarded
Yeah probably, but honestly I'm already over it. It was incredibly exhausting having to baby her all the time. Here's to hoping the next one won't be a psycho bitch.
Maybe, but then again I find the idea of hurting my loved ones abhorrent, so it is likely for the best that the relationship ended. I'm definitely less exhausted now that I don't have to treat her like a second job.
Don't respond, wait it out
I have an ex who left me for a small time drug dealer (the kind that would fill nickel and dime bags to smoke for free) I was working and going to school. She must have thought he had more 'potential'
She reached out recently, telling me she made a mistake and
>I loved you with all my heart
I work in Wall Street now and am dating a hotter girl. I think she heard about her too, because she asked
>How could you just move on so quickly?
Just wait. She'll come crawling back, then you can spit in her face. Feelsgoodman.jpg
In other news, water is wet. If there is a dumb decision, then women will do it because it feels right. You were supposed to guide her into wanting you. But I guess some women get too attached
makes me feel better since im in literally the exact situation, minus having a hot gf. feelswierdman
Trust me, three months after cutting her off (she threw a fit, and tried to guilt trip me into going out of my way to meet with her) I felt the best I felt in years.
You have to let go of her, you'll know when you're truly over her because you'll stop thinking about those feelings you thought only she could give you. You'll wake up full of energy, instead of cursing her name. You'll stop asking 'What if?' and just taking care of yourself.
All that will come, and it may attract your next partner. You just have to start by letting her go.
Hey bro at least she gave you a reason, mine told me to leave her alone because in the end I would just dump her, and I told her that I won't and I promised her, I really had no intentions of leaving her, then all of the sudden she stopped returning my calls and answering my messages. I tried for a while but then I ultimately gave up... Whenever I get sad I get tempted to just text her asking what went wrong
He's more mellow then you. You need to be chill OP
Sounds like she created her own drama because she couldn't face up and break up with you in an honest way.
I'm sorry, but odds are she was beginning to feel interest for someone else and needed a way out. She's immature and would have made your life hell if you stayed with her. You dodged a bullet, now go on with your life
Stay strong, user.
It's really hard for a robot to resist a kicked puppy who just needs a good guy in her life.
The reality is that she's an emotional vampire who has evolved to use apparent helplessness as a weapon. There's nothing you can ever give her that will be enough. She will always go back to an abusive ex, and then come crying to whoever is willing to comfort her.
>best friends gfs best friend is single
>usually pretty stringent with gf material
>no red flags so far
>have a few good dates and a double date
>very pretty, we share a lot of hobbies
>we hang out a fair bit, she seems super into it
>haven't liked a girl this much before
>lining her up for a relationship
>get message out of the blue saying she can't see me anymore
>she went back to her ex
>I cut all contact immediately
>about a week later her friend started texting me and calling me saying i should try and talk to her
>hear from friend that her ex had her pay the bond and initial rent on a place for them both
>he broke up with her immediately
>then started banging other girls in the house
>Says she made a mistake
>says she's extremely upset
>regrets not choosing me
>etc. etc.
>as of a month after that the guy was homeless
I never contacted her deliberately again, we've run into each other at parties a few times since
she's still good for a laugh and she was constantly dropping hints but sometimes you have to draw a hard line
at least it's not your fault. all of mine have left because i cheated.
get off this board normie what the fuck are you even doing here
happens user, hopefully you have the sense to cut all contact with her.
She was literally 10/10 wife material. Same interests and everything, she even likes how good at games I was. Like how do I leave and forget that
I know it hurts, because ive been in this exact situation before. In about a year or two, you'll look back and realize you're not really that attracted to her at all. It's slow, but eventually it'll be nothing but a bad memory
some women like violent thugs. its a survival adaptation from prehistoric times when the strongest meanest males were able to protect the tribe.
ive noticed people react pretty well to honesty
tell her how you feel
how stupid she looks to you now that shes done that and how you wish her all the best but dont fucking talk to me because youre trash : )
Don't be an idiot and take her back when she will come crying back.
One literally just did this to me. Claimed how great I was and how she loved me much. Went on about how shitty her ex treated her and how much it caused her mental damage and no confidence. Would here this regularly because she would get upset when something reminded her of him, always I reassured her I'm here and not like that and I love her very much.
She breaks up with me out of no where and today I find out she's basically back together with him and living with him in another state. I dunno how I'm supposed to rationalize any of this to be honest, I feel like everything has been a lie and I was used.
>he will never be a qts emotional rock
>I feel like everything has been a lie and I was used
You were. Honestly, she is probably spouting some bullshit about you to him now. Its shocking how deceitful people can be when they are narcissists and believe their own delusions.
Women want be used and abused by a bad boy. That is it.
This image is highly related to OP
bumperoo bumpity bumpo
>he fell for the girlfriend meme
>had a girlfried
I trust who made that with making several ones about good girls.
Is there more ?
Tell her "maybe there is God after all!" in your best Al Bundy voice and hang up.
Bang your head with a car door.
fucking hell, this stories are red pill, fuck women
>she was extremely clingy and possessive and I constantly had to reassure her that I wasn't going to leave her and always be there for her
biggest redflag there is