Isn't it crazy to exist?

Isn't it crazy to exist?

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Who is crazy to exist?

yeah I know I don't want to but its better then the alternative


It's pretty fucking weird indeed

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And then comes the resurrection.

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that's crazy

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Look at the odds of existence. Consider the origin of the universe on an infinite timeline. There is a distinct possibility that it could happen all over again.

Its truely mindblowing how random chance could be so ironic and cruel.

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>live in area filled with rocks called space
>we dont know where the universe is
>this universe is all well ever know
>what would happen if all life seized to exist?
>everything we will ever know is a part of space
>every human is to each other like the moon is to the earth were all a part of space
>we were all just spawned on this rock yet people give no effort trying to find out why they are here
>scientists are just regular people trying to find out more about this rock
yea its pretty weird. space makes zero sense
visualize these thoughts and you will see

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Pray that there's intelligent life somewhere up in space, cause there's bugger all down here on Earth

What if people close to the heat death of the universe have discovered time travel and the extraterrestrials we encounter are just beefed out superhumans capable of manipulating reality as we know it

>tfw exist without gf

no it happens every day and my body melts away from poison but suicide is somehow difficult

The craziest part of existence is the arbitrary nature of our temporary consciousness.
Everything is true from those DMT hippies.
We really are like existing at all points in time and space. We are the universe experiencing itself after all. Your perspective could have popped into any lifeform at any point in space or time. Really.
Every lifeform's perspective is you. It could have been you, it will be you, it was you 1000 times, everyone the same.
The idea that you "came from the void and will return to the void" and death even has any meaning as an end state is narcissism.
You're just the universe. You're an arbitrary property of it in consciousness yes. But the universe. Omnipresent.
Reincarnation is kinda real. Its not so spiritual though.
You are Trump. You are your parents. You are that fly on the wall. You are each bacteria.
The endless hell of consciousness doesn't even care about """linear time"""".

thinking is a dream phenomenon. Everyone has their own theory or philosophy.

If it tooke forever for this moment to happen, we shouldn't be here yet


Yep, look up Open Individualism

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Just been shitty so far.

"How strange it is to be anything at all" - jeff magnum

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what makes me genuinely angry is normalfags saying shit like "dude that's so deep" "we're totally living in the matrix XDDD", and dismissing this sort of conversation as 'nerd shit' , 'hippie shit' or 'druggie shit' when it's THE MOST IMPORTANT FUCKING THING IN YOUR LIFE - to question where the hell we came from is kinda our main goal as intelligent beings and these retards are dismissing it because it's uncomfortable to think about

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Based and redpilled

Srs fuck normals

Yup. I find it really weird when people don't want to talk about that stuff. "Yeah I know you have some important lifechanging philosophical insights to share but I gotta go back to watching The Office."

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Its usually because they have very little to nothing to add to the conversation, most people are incredibly vapid and uninteresting.

nightmarish idea
let''s hope thiis never happens again when it's all over

bruh, thats exactly what keeps me going. Like if I'm here now - who's to say that after death this won't happen again?

>The only planet we've found so far with life is ours
>Our planet has more than 8 million different species on it
>Only 1 of those species has evolved to develop intelligence
>This one intelligent species is a fucked up mess