/r9trans/ - #4 Boyfriend/Girlfriend Edition

The thread for transbots (and friends!) to chat in!
I'll start!
>tfw no bf

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Other urls found in this thread:


>implying that there are actually trans people on r9k
This is all just false flagging

>implying that there aren't actually trans people on r9k
You're a dummy dumb.

There are in fact dozens of us! Dozens!

Fuck out of here trannies. Nobody likes y'all.

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We are real
I wish I didn't exist

You're being a faggot just because people have mental issues they didn't choose to have. If you think you belong here while they don't you should load up a shotgun and aim behind your eyes.

>tfw no bf
You could literally just make a thread like any other female and get 50 desperate guys wanting to be your bf. Lmao

There is an LGBT board fyi

Having tea with the gf and watching jewtube on the new tv. No other girl in the world can compare

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I would, but there was this guy I was talking to on discord that I have feelings for but he hasn't responded to me for a couple of days. While he hasn't replied I told him that I loved him and that I wanted him more than anything in the world and I can't live without him I'm still waiting for a response, I hope he isn't just ignoring me. I won't go for anyone else, I'm still holding out for him.

kys trannies, your kind is not accepted here

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You first newfaggot

Kill me yourself you weak loser

no race likes you

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eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwww trannies, not on my Jow Forums

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Dont like it? Filter it you stupid fucks. It takes 30 seconds ti never read these threads again but you'll spend minutes typing angry responses with strawmen made by retarded ass spics on plebbit. Seethe harder.
The LGBT board is shit, r9k is way more based

transphobes, not on my board

>niggers are the biggest aggressor by a large amount

Guess you're a nigger

>Dont like it? Filter it you stupid fucks
report it*
tranny lover

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Where do I find a bf that will stick with me as I transition? In pretty much a guy now.

I didn't imply that I even minded these threads, r9trans is something I support as it keeps most of this stuff contained.
But most of the threads are obvious bait that Jow Forums retards regularly fall for.

who fucked you in the ass when you were 2 years old? You are better than this. Seriously get help. It doesn't have to be this way.


This belongs in and should never venture from that board ever

Nah it belongs here being as you faggots can't help yourselves from replying to it

>tfw my trans friend killed themself

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Fuck you fucking asshole

I hope you get cancer and die

Not your safe space, tranny

We can only assume he's an incredibly unhappy person.
Most of his type are

>the lgbt board is shit
Yeah of course it is. Because your people are on it and you belong there too


what are you gonna do about it? Kill yourself? lol

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>what are you gonna do about it?
Continue to exist while making certain you are aware of that just so you stay nice and triggered

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>tfw no trans gf to play arpgs and platformers with
>tfw no trans gf to take turns cooking dinner with
>tfw no trans gf to make feel small and powerless
>tfw no trans gf gently support and be supported through the misery that is life
>tfw no trans gf to give prostate orgasm to

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his im your goverment mandated bf so you dont kys. where do want to chat?

why would you want a trans gf? Your relationship would last 4 years, tops. Trannies have a low expiration date

>posts anime
Okay, you should commit suicide.

i'm already in my mid 30s, "expiration date" really doesn't matter. just my experience that transgirls are easier to hang out with and relate to than the other women my age... fat single mothers primarily.

this thread is a small glow of light and hope in a dark and brutal landscape.

yet another thing to filter, join the 40% already you disgusting freaks

Why is it that almost all the pictures of shitty transitions are posted over and over again as "proof" that transitioning is wrong?
As well as the fact that most people who don't look good after were ugly before. lmao

you have to remember that the people who end up here and unironically think themselves to be "robots" and "incels" are small, pathetic people that formed their entire life view through the tiny bubble that is the internet. all women are this, all men are that, all trannies are this, etc. they're just as bad as the sjw's they whine incessantly about in that they create issues that don't even exist because they have nothing better to do and don't live in the real world.

Poltards have always been a one-trick pony.
Spamming the same images over and over and accusing us of being the spammers.

>wake up
>take my estrogen pill
>feel happier
hateful robots will never know this feel

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There is 40% chance that you will not continue existing.

good for you, user! sounds comfy.

there is a 100% you wont continue existing, fucking mortal

I recently got a gf and we have started having sex with me topping... and now im realising my dick does not work anymore after 7 years on hrt. anyone else dealt with this problem? any suggestions?

viagra is too expensive to get here and a non-option.

swap to bica

any of you cuties want to read books in bed until we fall asleep in each other's arms?

I need more siege egirls to play with as shieldy bois.
ign is DanaTheBanana, shitposting on discord preferred.

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/r9trans/ discord server feel free to join if youd like gg/fXDb5FG

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give me your address, trannies

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I take bica. 50mg bica, 8mg estro (4mg twice daily)

You literally have a whole containment board for exactly this type of thread...

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what anime is that from? please i need to know

this is a girl isn't it? throw some sauce at me

Hidamari Sketch, now, kys tranny

Do you know where you all are going eventually for defiling God's temple?

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>tfw you become trans because you want to a girl to use as an object but nobody will let you

I normally don't transfag on Jow Forums but this feel fucking fucks my shit up.

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>The LGBT board is shit
Gee I wonder why.
You're like Californians moving to Texas wondering how California got so bad, meanwhile still behaving like Californians in Texas.

How is HRT/transitioning a safe solution to dysphoria? You recognize gender as district from sex, being defined by cultural attitudes towards sex, but is this not to a large extent stereotyping? Why do you need to be treated in many respects as natal women, rather than not conforming to gender?

>m-muh Jow Forums
>no way someone doesn't like me they must be Jow Forumsniggers!
Every fucking time, I wasn't going to shit up the thread until these faggots posted. I haven't even been to /pol in like 5 years fuck you fucking faggot transhit pieces of shit kill yourselves already you blights upon the world

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Back to pol imptrash

>Back to pol imptrash

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leave me sadfag central faggits

All of you belong in pits.

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+8oz bleach, orally.

Rope is cheap, faggot.

I don't even know what you're saying anymore, you should probably go back there yourself. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some art to admire.

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Trans posters should take /r9gay/ as their rightful clay, instead of making their own general, there aren't any real posters in those anyway Tbh.

They're shitting up all the other boards, that's why if even true.

excuse, me can you repeat that in English? who "they" (gays or trans?), and "thats why" (what specifically?)


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Read, homo, read.

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i sexually identify as a bipolar junction transistor

The best partners are in Thailand

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same place as you, faglord

>Gee I wonder why.
because it's a normie board and all normie boards are shit

>fapping to child trafficiking victims
Based tourist

>anime profile pic
>twitter bio has pronouns
>probably furry
>wears a choker
>works in IT or knows much more than the average person about computers or programming
Why are trannies all the same? Are you given instructions in the mail once you get your diagnosis?

>be internet person
>see internet people
>some happen to be trannies
>omg all trannies are like this

Obviously I'm going to embellish things for shitposting purposes but there's clearly a trend here.

is it really that hard to figure out simple correlations

But why is it a correlation? Is it like the tranny equivalent of a flamer for gay people?

Imagine thinking being some weird variant of fag makes you not a normie. This is the most normie shit imaginable.

someone on twitter is more likely to work with IT
someone that works with IT is more likely to be acquainted with the internet
someone more acquainted with the internet is more likely to be into anime/uwu posting/furry shit
and most trannies don't say that they're trannies, so you're looking and seeing at a vocal minority both because you only see these twitter people (no most trannies don't actually work with IT) and because they're the only ones pointing out that they indeed are trannies

and chokers hide the adam apple

They should make them tighter and just be done with it already.

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I just called lgbt a normie board what the fuck are you on about retard

>"I'm a special faggot, I'm not a normie like the other wastes of blood, bone and flesh"

>implying sexuality affects robothood
>implying robots aren't wastes of blood, bone, and flesh

Now you're talking, matie.

how do i meet guys irl who might be interested in me if i'm mid-transition? i'd just do normal girl things if i passed 100%, or maybe grindr if i didn't pass, but rn its like im an androgynous girl or a feminine boy depending on how you look at me. i just want a boyfriend or at least someone to fuck me ;_;