Why does the media portray incels as a bunch of angry white men? I thought a huge percentage (maybe >50%) were ethnic?
Why does the media portray incels as a bunch of angry white men? I thought a huge percentage (maybe >50%) were ethnic?
>I thought a huge percentage (maybe >50%) were ethnic?
They don't count because no one ever wanted to have sex with those kinds of men. Incel describes a new phenomena.
Because you guys make videos and post pictures of yourselves
Stop asking questions.
The far left blogger bluechecks HATE YOU.
The media HATES. YOU.
Get it through your thick skull
look at the people posting pics of themselves on lookism. arabs and indians
They might not be white but they sure are brainwashed into thinking like they are, first for the silly entitlement and then for the associated pathetic poltard views, which doesn't matter at all if you're doing "ironically", they are still pathetic
>a new phenomena
>a phenomena
Don't use those big words if you don't know how, ok?
It's one phenomenon or multiple phenomena.
>deliberately going out of your way to find outcasts doing eccentric things so you can make fun of them for social status and profit
I don't know then , probably just the media trying to link male virginity to domestic terror, and shooters
Suck my pp, grammar-nazi.
Nobody cares you autistic retard.
lol Who the fuck reads Rolling Stone these days anyway besides retarded boomers?
I was part of the community years ago. Yes it works if you're really dedicated, though jelqing never did anything for me.
Anyway the funny thing is that a very large part of the community is black so the fact that they attributed this to "white males" shows they have no journalistic integrity.
Furthermore a lot of the people there either are or formerly were in relationships and it's the insecurity that they're not pleasing their partner that drives them to do it so the "incel" thing is also a joke.
>Yes it works if you're really dedicated,
>though jelqing never did anything for me.
How can you be sure then?
i bet 10 GBP that OP wrote that article herself and is desperately shilling it here in an attempt to stay relevant.
There's a lot more to PE than jelqing.
I went from ~7 in to ~8 in length and 5.25 in to 5.75 in girth almost entirely from hanging and clamping.
Liberal propaganda and the agenda to shame white men in order to fit the so called equality agenda.
Do you think anyone here is actually jelqing? It's a fucking smear piece to entertain normies
"Journalists Aren't People" evidence #47856
okay, how is jelqing different from just fapping?
If this is the liberal agenda it's not working very well. I'm white, liberal, successful in my career, and I feel no shame whatsoever. I do want to build a world where people get along and don't die of preventable diseases, though.
Rollingstones is queer tabloid, like huffington or GQ. GQ at least tries to stay relevant to fashion
Black and latino communities shun virginity by bullying
Because you do it on your mostly flaccid dick without the intent of pleasure or cumming and can permanently injure your shlong doing it.
Because it doesn't fit the narrative that we're the problem rather than the truth that our issues are mearly a symptom much deeper societal ills. If they were to start demonizing minorities the dissonance would cause people to start questioning things. It's not all some terrible plot though, it's just that the quality of reporting has declined greatly in our hyperaaturated media age. We're constantly flooded by what are ultimantly opinion peices presented no differently than factual articles due nothing .ore than a lack of clear differentiation between topics by publications that only care about minimum standards of writing and getting views to make a profit in this flooded market rather than meeting basic standards of scrutiny and journalistic integrity. Meanwhile the people writing this garbage themselves are also subconsciously trying to protect themselves and their ego from dissonance and self questioning inadvertently building echochambers which create an illusion of concesious in a self perpetuating cycle.
Never attribute to malice what which can be adequately explained by stupidity and all that jazz.
Journalists aren't people, but they are (((people))).
She looks Jewish AF in her profile pics.
You would say that about anyone whose opinions you disagree with, and there are people who "look jewish" who have no jewish DNA nor any affiliation with the secret illuminati reptile jew masters.
>you would question the ethnic background of any journalist specifically targeting an ethnic group, nazi
Well I am white and I am the opposite of you. I am a socialist but I do not hold liberal views. And I have no career.
The day liberals finally get thrown into prison just for existing will be great.. too bad that day will never come.
Because the media always talk shit.
If you're reading something written in the mainstream media it's either complete bullshit or it's so twisted it might aswell be.
Good job lad, these dumb cunts need taking down a notch.
Share all of your secrets, I have a micropenis (5.5in) and I need every fucking advantage I can get.
>lmao dude if i show i dont care that i look like a retard its a chad move
>ill just call it autistic to save face
The way the media uses the word incel is as a label for an imaginary group they themselves made up. whites are less likely to be incel than any other race. that's where the JBW theory comes from
Believe or not, people have motivations besides ethnic loyalty. For example, I enjoy not starving and having a roof over my head. I guess that makes me an evil jew.
Amazing. It's almost like there's individual variety among white people. But don't you dare apply that same logic to anyone else.
i gave up my comfy neet lifestyle and start work today, and im ready to kill myself just even getting out of bed this morning, and now rolling stone is making fun of my for my 5' dick
im so tired of all of this
Aw shit we can't make fun of anymore yet we need someone to make fun of to peacock ourselves around and use it as a social stepladder...I know, incels!
The term might change from generation to generation but there will always be bums/slackers/nerd/betas/incels/whatever the next buzzword is.
In a chimpanzee world the monkeys need to chimp chomp at the weaker monkeys to appear the bigger better monkey for the females and other monkeys to get monkeyrespect and monkeypoon
I've been hearing about jelquing since Jow Forums starting like 10 years ago. How late can you be? This is old news.
Because incels are just a pawn in a very specific narrative that is being pushed. They're so glad they have incels to help push that narrative and aren't afraid to fudge a few details in order to do so.
I just don't understand. You're a predator if you fuck women, you're a predator if you don't fuck women, you're a predator if you only fuck white women, you're a colonizer if you fuck colored women
why cant i just be a virgin and everyone be ok with that
Maybe you should stop taking every half-wit article on two-bit media outlets as personal attacks and just live your life.
hey asshole, i come here to vent with other fat, virgin retards, stop trying to give me actual advice and just pat my back you stupid dickhead
Oh, okay. Yeah, this is an outrage! How dare they claim right there in black and white that all male virgins are serial-killing school-shooting pedophiles!
Because incels are angry white dudes, for the most part.
you're god damn right
they're actually mostly indians according to polls. i've definitely noticed indians are more incelly even in real life
Even those "polls" show mostly white males. Pic related
I care more about my foreskin than the size.
>polls taken over the internet have a disproportionate number of white males
Gee, ya think, socioeconomivarich?
>online polls
>proof of anything
not really sure on this one chief.
We just going to ignore that I wasn't the one citing the polls, eh?
Bullshit. Lots of incels display closeted homosexual behavior.
people would change their stance on incels if they knew half of them were nonwhites that hate white people.
Kek. The PE community are now tainted with the incel label
The solution is to fuck men :)
Indeed, socioeconomivarich
>that retarded normie that thinks lookism analysis makes someone gay
be a dumbass somewhere else
it's like the me too movement, it only counts if it's a white woman that makes the complaint since their words hold more value over ethnic races. Lying seems to their strongest asset.
I already have a pretty big dick, but God damn can't you let a man have some insecurities without writing an article about it? These are a bunch of insecure twenty year olds, and these "journalists" are acting like it's some big expose that dudes worry about the size of their dick. They're honestly more pathetic than the redditors they're writing about.
Is it disproportionate?
There is no proof that it's disproportionate. The majority of the west is white. So you'd expect the majority of incels and people who have sex to be white if there are no racial differences
I'm not sure if any of you are still here but I'll answer anyway.
Jelqing is different by the force and the way you do it. Fapping is sliding your hand on your dick simulating sex. Jeqling is sort of a milking motion where you get yourself hard, grip the base with decent force, and then slide up to the bottom of the glans while simultaneously gripping the base of your dick with your other hand to do the same thing.
go to pegym and read read read. Start with the JP90 and really take your time figuring out how your body responds to it. Never skip warm up and start at low pressure and really slowly build it up to higher pressures, mauling your dick won't get you results and in fact could actually destroying your dick. My very second day of doing PE I got to 2 small bruises on the bottom of my dick right around the circumcision scar one of which is still slightly visible today about 3 years after stopping PE. So really take it slow.
I'll also throw in the fact that most people who succeed have pretty severe body dysmorphia since you need something keeping you dedicated for the long time it takes to see results.
>lookism analysis
Incels always post similar men, big and muscular, because it's what they find attractive. Women don't.
>The majority of the west is white. So you'd expect the majority of incels and people who have sex to be white if there are no racial differences
The US is 65-70% white, Canada is nearly 90, and I'd imagine most of Europe is somewhere in between, so if only "just over half" are white, then whites are actually underrepresented.
Minorities are suffering mr journalist-man, and you mock this? How dare you?
Media likes clickbait and they know whites are the most fragile race
>so if only "just over half" are white, then whites are actually underrepresented.
There is certainly a lot of factors. Whites are more likely to go online and fill out a poll for some dumb shit than blacks or mestizos.
>the majority of people with ____ are white, when polling mostly white people
Means very little
bad bait
What they know is they'll be sued over insulting anyone but whites because whites are trying to protect other races at the moment due to being the ones on top of it all. Whites feel sorry for other races that much. So whites are the only ones that take the shitflinging as they are busy sticking their necks out.
Deal with it, non-white impotency is cringe.
>whites are trying to protect other races at the moment due to being the ones on top of it all.
You mean because of feelings of racial guilt over muh holocaust & slavery
Whites have the easiest time getting laid. Quite literally don't be fat and don't be insane
You're supporting that user
Oh yeah for anyone reading I'll also throw in that I got good results when using the idea of all day stretching.
So after doing hanging sets I'd put on an all day stretcher. I used the esl40 but there's a number of newer products that are probably nicer though much more expensive. Then when I was doing clamping I was wearing a metal cock ring all day, don't use elastic bands for this because those actually cut off blood flow and could kill your dick.
>Whites are more likely to go online and fill out a poll for some dumb shit than blacks or mestizos.
Again, because of socioeconomic factors. Higher social class implies broader internet access and more free time.
Doesnt really matter why. My point was that if you have a poll where, say, 80-90% of the people that would ever see it are white; finding out that the majority of people who claim _____ are white means nothing. They could be over- or under-represented and still be the majority
>Quite literally don't be fat and don't be insane
even if they are obese or mentally insane, they can still get asian girls. literally just be white
Wait a second, races don't exist. How could you even identify these "white men"?
>races don't exist
That's something only a nazi would say. Races exist and whites are the most violent race of them all.
>whites are the most violent race
Not according to violent crime statistics. Only based on biased history.
Example: amerindians were constantly at war and genociding other tribes. But there was no written language to document it. Therefore, all that is left is scattered mass graves, sometimes they are uncovered
But on an individual level, whites are not very violent at all. We even found genes that show this. look up racial disparities in the MAOA gene aka "warrior gene"
white incels are the most volatile and attention seeking, most ethnicels accept their fate
context matters. go on reddit, Jow Forums, anywhere really, and you will find out the white/nonwhite ratio is much larger there. r/braincels is unironically one of the most diverse subreddits on the site. most of reddit is something like 80%+ white, while r/braincels is little over 50% white. portraying it as some white nationalist movement is absolutely dishonest and morally bankrupt.
Jow Forums is a free speech warrior shithole
>I thought a huge percentage (maybe >50%) were ethnic?
Based on? You have literally nothing to claim this
>Why does the media portray incels as a bunch of angry white men?
because white men are one of the most hated demographics by the elite class and media scum. if you haven't figured that out yet (regardless of your race) you aren't paying attention. Go lurk on Jow Forums.
>deceptive distension
>how Chads "exercise" for bigger muscles
>monetary misdirection
>how Chads "work" to raise salary
>cutting for charisma
>how Chads "groom" to look better