When did you embrace marxism?

When did you embrace marxism?

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When i lost half my brain cells
Remember commies, when you get rid of the state any military power is now the state which makes you a militocracy.
Also reminder, us not insane lefties are gonna join the fascists to shoot you in the fucking skull if you ever actually have your dumb uprising.

SHUT the FUCK up
liberal scum

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>imagine following an ideology that calls everything else utopian and Hegelian despite being the most utopian and Hegelian ideology in existence

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When I was like 12. I stopped being one when I turned 13.

Thank goodness i was never quite THAT autistic

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When i became unemployed and opressed as a nonbinary feminist studies major with student loan debt

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For anyone considering this I suggest you go watch Chernobyl. 5 part mini series on why communism is stupid and you shouldnt follow it.

>watch anything
Ill watch it but gonna be honest, its common sense not to be a commie or socialist anyways

Do you really think your attempts on the this board are going to result in anything? Youre not going tp convert robots to leftism. Jow Forums is a Jow Forums board and thats never going to change. Might aswell head back on over and get BTFO because your propaganda is falling on deaf ears here.

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Chernobyl wasn't even bad. Meanwhile in the USA people are still continuing to die because various oil spills that have been hushed up and in Britain 79 people died in 2017 because building contractors couldn't be bothered to make cladding fireproof.

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>Jow Forums is a Jow Forums board
what did he mean by this

When I was 15 and we learned about the Cold War in school. It started off as a joke, then progressed into resl beliefs. I got over it by 20.

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never because better red than dead :-DD

You weren't a marxist then. Its impossible to be a marxist and then stop being one.

I cant really be sympathetic to the ideology coming from a country who used to be plagued by commie rebellions. the soviet themes from C&C are nice though.


>The state can be abolished, gradual change is lame
1000% materialist and non-utopian

shut up liberal

I do not ever see myself embracing it without a lobotomy

>Bawww hating people just because of their ethnicity is bad!
>But you should totally hate people just because they have more money than you!

Nah fuck you, if a commie speaks they deserve to be told to end their life by everyone with a brain

When I was a 10 year old kid who thought Barry Hussein was a good candidate

No it isnt. I would say its impossible to stay a Marxist if you study Marxism enough. Its a flawed theory based on flawed premises. Dont just look at memes.

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Jow Forumstards are normalfaggots.

I'm not exaggerating when I say that basic understanding of Marx is like wearing those glasses from They Live to be honest.

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Sloppy job goyim

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When i got in the mindset of wanting to watch the world burn.

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Shhhhh, hes retarded beyond repair.

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Why does capitalism work but communism doesn't

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>Anarchists and Utopian Socialists try a socialist society
>Long sustaining Utopian Socialist attempts institute a confederation of democratic commununes and workplace democracies, achieving goals
>Marxist attempts Socialism
>only long sustaining attempt in history is an authoritarian Regime with a state planned and owned economy and a "democratic" system where the party is the only one on the ballot
>"b-but state capitalism and a single party state will lead to a socialist democracy!"
Embrace NEET oriented Socialism user

Im a nihilist now, idc about politics

>being a leftist at all

>Jow Forums is a Jow Forums board
>imagine one board being a type of another

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While I do agree with Marx' critique of capitalism, it is clear that a proper revolution of the proletariat is not going to happen.
Therefore we need to take neoliberalism and make it collapse under its own weight.

Why do we let Jow Forumstards and /leftypol/tards come here and shit up the board with their preachy attitudes when we get mad at /soc/ doing the same

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I haven't fully embraced it but I began getting curious about it last year

gamergate and the 2016 election absolutely destroyed this website beyond repair, jump ship before 2020.


Marxists get BTFO, you economic incels.

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Oh cool, still dgaf, if the entire world was right leaning then the moderate rihht would be as bad as communism today.
Hate me because "hurr durr ur lefty all lefties bad" or whatever plebbit taught you but you and me are probably more alike in many ways, for example:
>fuck jews
>fuck muslims
(I honestly hate all religion)
>we need a border with Mexico
>america is the best damn country on this planet
>democracy and freedom are basic human rights
>commies and socialists get the bullet.
Im barely left of center anyway, im not a socdem or demsoc

This board is rightful Jow Forums clay

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>if good people are more successful than bad people, it should be everyone's mission to make everything in the world equally bad so that it's fair
Literal brainletism to the max

I was unemployed for ten months. Having to deal with the "safety net" here in the US completely radicalized me. We can organize things so no one has to go through the indignity of capitalism

never. i'm an anarcho-capitalist. fuck everyone.

The "safety net" is to prevent it from being abused. It could definitely use reform, that reform doesnt need to be communism

Or how about we remove any kind of "safety net" and let retards die off and thus force people to exercise proper personal responsibility so that we can finally reach utopia? How about that, commie scum?

define "good person"
define "bad person"

>define "good person"
Physically fit, highly intelligent, industrious, wise, calm and composed, capable of just and unrelenting anger, beautiful, honest.
>define "bad person"
Physically deformed/disabled/weak, ugly, stupid, lazy, poor, etc. Basically a communist.

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I will never embrace a political ideology that kills freedom of choice
I prefer not a slave work on a farm or factory.

because capitalism is the natural state of humans. there is no coerciion in capitalism. communism is the exact opposite, you are forcing people to work against their humanity, which is never a good idea.

greed is the most primal human emotion.

>Physically fit, highly intelligent, industrious, wise, calm and composed, capable of just and unrelenting anger, beautiful, honest.
Do all of these traits help you succeed under capitalism? I would argue that only 3 are actively beneficial, the rest of them are either neutral or detrimental.

Do you really believe that the people standing at the top of the capitalist hierarchy are "good" according to your standards?

capitalism is coercion

>Do all of these traits help you succeed under capitalism?
>Do you really believe that the people standing at the top of the capitalist hierarchy are "good" according to your standards?
Yes, of course they would. Keep in mind that what is going on now is not capitalism, nor anything even close to it. It's crony Jewish pseudo """capitalism""" infested with socialism and other evils. All public schools pour pure concentrated poison into the minds of our youth, giving them almost no chance to thrive at all. Anything that is bad in our current world, can be traced directly to the Marxist tricks of some evil kike.

Yeah see the issue is no fuck you and you're a dumbass.
Adam smith, the man widely regarded as the founding father of capitalism said himself that a free market should not charge its citizens for healthcare
Also lets not ignore the fact that welfare very aggressively pushes you to find a job to keep it, to the point people find jobs 4x more often on welfare than not.
These systems help our economy out. You can say you want to "get rid of the weak and all safety nets" but all you're doing is hurting our economy at that point.

Nigger, I have to give away 50% of the money I make to worthless leeches, and an even higher percentage of it if I make more money. That is not fucking capitalism you absolute brainlet.

So "not real capitalism", is it?
So what's your problem with communism then, it never was real communism either.

>Implying there's a need for a state

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>So what's your problem with communism then, it never was real communism either.
That it's extremely bad and designed only to kill the population that it's inflicted upon? Lol.

The more capitalist a society is, the better it is. The more communist a society is, the worse it is. Not hard to deduce.

Reminder that National Socialist Germany, lost WW2 in 1945 and then allied occupation resulted in the creation of the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic

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Highest tax rate is 36%, and thats for people who make over 600k. You're such a shit liar im laughing at your existance
>you can start any business you want as long as its legal
>you can also work for anyone you want as long as you're qualified for that job
>you can also not work at all, just dont expect the government to help you
"Sure sure seems right"
>you can do relatively anything you want as long as its legal, and are allowed pretty much any jobs you want, and aren't forced to work
"Sounds like coercion"

Shut the fuck up your stupid burger.

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>That it's extremely bad and designed only to kill the population that it's inflicted upon?
No, user. That's not real communism.
The "real communism" exists in my head and is perfect and wonderful for everyone. It even better than the "real capitalism" that only exists inside of your head.

>The more capitalist a society is, the better it is. The more communist a society is, the worse it is.
but you see, it's not real communism.
Because that's a valid argument now

Because I want food?

Maybe dont live in a shitty country then lmao

>i heard my gender studies professor say it so it must be true

As in communisty? Yeah please

then the retards band together and start a revolution

when i realized that every single non-marxist and even some of the marxists is either a moron or a soulless greedy shitstain

No. Jow Forumstards are their very own breed of retard. Don't group us with those little shits, pede.