Show me your favorite picture

Show me your favorite picture

Attached: frieza.jpg (218x250, 6K)

original comment required and you have been muted for x seconds, as it wasn't original, retard

Attached: purejoy.png (706x1798, 1.13M)

this is all I want in life
fuck people I want to sleep outside with my cows while petting my cat

Attached: 00000000.jpg (720x960, 156K)

Do gifs count? I hope they originally do.

Attached: 1559494779959.gif (1300x711, 362K)

Virgin Pride

Attached: 1464948238266.jpg (1676x944, 568K)

Chicken and grape soda

Attached: 1558401554344.jpg (768x768, 61K)

>that image
Oh noes a raff I rouse thread.

Attached: 1400458704643.jpg (419x480, 123K)

Fuck dude that's so based. Now I want to turn gay so I can be gay for you


Attached: Megamin.png (326x284, 67K)

You guys ruin everything you touch.

Attached: 1400206041339.jpg (334x400, 25K)

you don't have to turn gay for a fembot

Have kids lgbt. Have kids.

>(You)s revoked

Attached: 1399951135459.jpg (600x450, 96K)

Inb4 the trannys show up

Attached: always.jpg (1080x1043, 103K)


Attached: images(17).jpg (210x240, 6K)

I really love a dumb bitch

Attached: 5ccbd65b-0371-4249-8934-f4e79e566f1d_1.c2a1f7a9437f1b2fb491e42660511f06.jpg (3000x3000, 1.24M)

Oravioli post

Attached: 1453417978.redflare500_linkchair.png (1277x1300, 634K)

Truly, this one give me much joyo.

Attached: 1547407322969.gif (431x306, 1.02M)

le dog

Attached: comfypupper.jpg (364x341, 12K)

I might be alone, but I am also strong

Attached: 1559381960964.jpg (2048x1726, 138K)

I love this album but I love this picture as a reaction image even more

Attached: 1506831313308.jpg (694x488, 55K)


Attached: 1559282977509.jpg (607x608, 36K)

>just because of the freeza

Attached: 1558367304104.jpg (678x960, 74K)

This image is so cute. I NEED a hex gf in my life.

Attached: 1556686133627.jpg (724x1023, 92K)

Can't particularly choose one.

Attached: Lone Wehrmacht Soldier Lost On The Way To Stalingrad-circa 1942.jpg (1200x900, 445K)

First image I ever saved from this shithole site years ago, and it still gives me a giggle whenever I see it

Attached: This fucking thing, holy shit..png (667x645, 105K)


Attached: bailbondsh.jpg (2496x1664, 1.78M)

this pic is everything

Attached: spidey.jpg (2340x1316, 889K)

Good thing this is a red board

Attached: e256e7bdc75e6065d1949199287fe268.jpg (532x1024, 265K)

This one, probably is my absolute favorite.

Attached: Turding point USA.jpg (960x758, 68K)

>Hey boys, you up for a vanilla yogurt smoothie?

Attached: etd0dl12rg321.jpg (750x751, 50K)

It hits too close to home, but I appreciate it as a meme.

Attached: +_22d7f881b766b7ce407bc51408849f52.jpg (1000x750, 170K)



Attached: 02C2D7F3-74CE-4C53-B7B5-8582D54B25F2.jpg (390x640, 66K)


Attached: fish.jpg (1280x720, 139K)

This one to be precise.

Attached: CEA763F7-F053-4D19-8FB5-45272F1632E2.jpg (480x360, 12K)

My own post but based.

bitch : i am monkey
die monkey

Attached: iammonkey.jpg (652x523, 106K)

It's very much a meme, but I just love it. It captures pretty much how I feel about most things most days. Also, it is the best representative of the: D: face that I loved from a couple years ago.

Attached: 1551984123666.jpg (471x480, 12K)

*Notices your thread*
what's this?

Attached: E1FEA51A-D0CD-4207-8BAC-2772B9A08E85.jpg (1101x1600, 199K)

Stop it
Get some help

This image is nice. I took it from a real fembot that likes to hug her little brother. And virgin single child robots tought she is a pedo lol.

Attached: OBO.jpg (480x480, 27K)

Mikasa is the cutest

Attached: XEt4RH9_d.jpg (363x298, 7K)


Attached: nud3.png (128x88, 15K)

she got abs.

Cute n fit

Attached: αρχείο λήψης (10).jpg (238x134, 6K)

hot hot hot. I would cum on them
When I hrust my dick her abs will get hard to try to take the shock.

the super banjo boy

Attached: D6tf5OgXoAAiWUT.jpg (640x649, 68K)

It's one of my favorites at the very least.

Attached: go to bed.jpg (1920x1080, 236K)

I like cute japanese girls

Attached: D7-lhNoU0AAFxQU.png (1200x900, 1.08M)

Did he have fun once, twice?

this is way so painfully funny

Attached: index.jpg (323x156, 12K)

Mi casa es tu casa?

This image is my whole life

Attached: 1557315502833.jpg (295x295, 24K)

I found this on here a while back. It's sorta weird, but also comfy.

Attached: 129401954324..gif (1170x922, 1.09M)

I wish I could go back to the day me and my comfy heroic guild in wrath killed arthas on HM, was such a feels good moment.

A favorite of mine. Because I can identify with the sentiment all too well.

Attached: ac77113de429dcf8f1c587e38f05dbd1.jpg (603x1033, 255K)

Acme gang

Attached: acmegang.png (376x235, 5K)

Haven't been able to top this image

Attached: 1523588785052.jpg (373x395, 17K)

if you know what this is, you get a free (you)

Attached: 1558440283169.png (518x718, 727K)

that would feeel really good if it was possible....

i lov firtnote

Attached: ADCD3A98-F53E-48C2-847F-7E66DCBAAA38.gif (350x350, 1.58M)

asians are not a drawl b

Attached: peach.jpg (640x1136, 40K)

lol, dick.

Attached: loldick.jpg (196x257, 11K)

>your own fucking post

no just once you fucking reddiotor that is the joke

Attached: 1477370285945.jpg (601x477, 28K)

I dont want this isolation

Attached: 77CEDD9B-3BC7-4E63-878C-6059E3B824EC.jpg (1600x2264, 785K)

This image gets me every time. Everything about it is perfect.

Attached: file.png (500x500, 612K)

>liking tropical beach setting

I'd call you a normal faggot if not for that type of image being autistic in nature. I like the van one myself but can't find the dissected thing.

this is the pinnacle of genius

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-02-11-11-24(1).png (1080x694, 659K)

Is that going into his mouth and coming out of his asshole

Attached: 1556936449971.png (415x485, 225K)

I have too many favorite images. I can't pick just one.

Attached: mp840x830mattef8f8f8tpad750x1000f8f8f8.jpg (750x1000, 53K)

i kind of wish I was her...

Attached: 1544952659277.png (1023x1632, 1.75M)

You talk about your disdain for people yet as a woman you still need our attention you dumb smelly whore

I miss when the Internet had actual taste in porn.

Females don't think that way. She's here to conform to our ways in a half assed way to preen for the chad lite that she can settle for here as gamer girls did in the past. Same concept but she's trying to be a misanthrope about it, but of course robots are le okay. She's a misanthrope poser in other words.

Attached: 1404653312405.jpg (1050x1500, 430K)

I don't know why this gets me but I just keep laughing when I see it

Attached: 8287275628956890257.jpg (572x322, 31K)

Its a shame I've really come to dislike MTG

Attached: twilight_giclee.jpg (2500x1836, 683K)

Collapse when???

Attached: 1559266355457.jpg (962x642, 125K)

>misanthrope poser
Actual good post, that really defines it.
They just HAVE to say they are girls in hopes of attracting some beta off this site, fucking pathetic leeches

>wondruous to behold!

Attached: 1506970041289.jpg (375x378, 98K)

Have white children

Attached: 1552789004104.jpg (1012x1024, 93K)

This is the picture I use the most, so I guess that makes it my favorite

Attached: 1512162986471.jpg (680x1020, 121K)

this is one of my favorite pics of all time. i havent even seen that anime and i dont want to.
it just makes me laugh every single time. and reminds me of someone nice that i've sent this pic to and they were laughing too. i miss you.

Attached: bbhfhfhgdu.jpg (846x476, 71K)


Attached: JPEG_20170901_153347.jpg (500x500, 44K)

ehhhhhhhh \

Attached: tumblr_ppyqb3Wtpg1rserhwo1_r2_1280.jpg (683x1200, 218K)

Jooj jooj

Attached: 56751333_326217664746206_1955000337827889152_n (1).jpg (636x960, 107K)

joj? ar ju serbis user?

Collapse... sorry m8, already happened desu.

Attached: IMG_0001.jpg (474x458, 35K)

Its homo month, free the diddler

Attached: 20190503_100647.jpg (240x227, 22K)


Attached: Its toblerone time.png (600x900, 687K)

I love childhood shows turned into dark memes

Attached: 615769A9-1547-4B43-BDA7-ED6893287FB1.jpg (1125x1375, 167K)

There you go,kinda rare pic

Attached: 143410.png (540x471, 199K)


Attached: +_5fb5608fee3f23c5501dc007c3d297e7.jpg (599x451, 51K)


this HAS to be my favorite of all time desu senpais.

Attached: BuoA3xYIcAEz4i1.jpg (600x450, 33K)

Meat is on the menu

Attached: mjlg81.png (650x430, 241K)

Thanks for posting, saved.

Attached: Profile.png (407x351, 47K)

I really, really, really like this picture. It is perfect.

Attached: catfu.jpg (640x640, 64K)

Those are boys and you know it

Isn't that TimTheShartMan's set up?

I made this in gimp

Attached: ..png (841x819, 1.2M)

looks pretty bad gotta say

Man fuck you, these are the best

Attached: 1542434257835.jpg (1052x1070, 415K)