Why do girls leave me when I tell them I have bpd?
Why do girls leave me when I tell them I have bpd?
what's more annoying is telling a guy you have bpd, them acting is if they would love to be with you despite the bpd, because they say they genuinely care.
>first sight of bpd showing
>breaks up with me.
It's not even like I have BPD where it really affects my life. I have quiet bpd so i usually keep it in and mentally harm myself.
I guess self degradation isn't cute to normie men?
Most of them, like most girls, have only heard of the meme version of bpd so they think they can deal with it.
I lose all my friends like that
Meant for
Originally op
i get really anxious about it.
Although one of my exes used to be on that subreddit for family/S.Os with bpd.
Was really interesting with him asking why i was nothing like those horror stories.
I had to explain, mostly because of quiet bpd mixed with some utterly exaggerated stories he is reading.
Although i have watched a lot of people with bpd play up the disorder, when it's not an excuse for behavior, more of a reason for the feelings.
What do you mean by quiet?
i had a couple of really negative experiences with bpd girls and that was enough for it to be a red flag for me. i'm sure there are people that have it well managed but unfortunately it's somewhat ruined for them by the girls who refuse to control it and almost wear it like a badge of honor. I LOVE HARD AND FAST! type shit.
i've got enough of my own mental issues going on that i can't deal with the stress of HOT COLD HOT COLD HOT COLD or "i'm going to kill myself" threats or god forbid taking a nap in the middle of a day to wake up to 80 text messages about where am i and how the fuck could i. just too much intensity, too much stress.
i imagine it is the same for a lot of people who will immediately nope out when they hear BPD. just takes an experience or two with someone who is out of control to get your guard up.
as opposed to bpd feeling as though they have to get their emotions out and using them as a way to express themselves, instead i keep them in, isolate myself and just mentally berate myself.
The abandonment thing, i usually allow them to leave, with little to no trouble, but then i will end up mentally or physically harming myself, although i don't cut because i don't want people to notice anything out rightly strange about me.
I have gone to dbt so i'm relatively better, just i am more inside with my emotions if that makes sense?
Oh I get it.
I'm not super outgoing about it too.
The only thing that really shows it is cutting and me being extremely clingy and afraid of abandoment
have you done dbt or seen a therapist since being diagnosed?
>meet a girl
>fuck once
>everythings ok
>meet a girl
>actually try to hangout a few times
>they Find out how I really am
>they ghost me
Every time
I have seen therapists for 8+ years for my very issues but it did very little
i had been seeing therapists for around 10 years and had stopped for 3 years.
I called one the other day as i've had a lot of stresses going on that even normies could probably not handle very well.
DBT is probably best option for bpd.
Finding good coping mechanisms helps too.
Do you do art or play an instrument?
Because you're not a person.
Don't get me wrong -- you're a human being. That's indisputable. But you're not a person. There's no "there" there. Dating you would be like trying to date the weather. There's nothing to grab hold of, no consistency.
You might not be able to understand this, but that doesn't make it any less true. Please don't pursue romantic relationships or intimate friendships. You will only spread misery.
I do music a bunch
I don't get how it is supposed to help me though
But believe it or not I do have a core personality.
I'm not the type of bpd to randomly throw a fit or get angry for no reason.
I just get really depressed sometimes and feel really bad if I get ignored
when you are going through moments of stress, overthinking, fear of abandonment.
Pick up an instrument, just play it, it doesn't have to be a specific song, just play it as you feel.
It helps you stay in the present and also just calm you down.
Then at the point of being calm, you can talk to whoever about being stressed. But its better to have that moment to yourself.
As for the girls who do that to you after you tell them, they are selfish staceys probably, you need to realize, bpd isn't necessarily evil, its how you treat it that it can be. Those girls obviously are arrogant and ignorant to that fact.
Sorry for rambling.
Can someone with BPD explain it to me?
I cant tell if you mean bipolar depression or borderline personality disorder. Borderlines are evil bastards that even therapists avoid and people with bipolar depression are miserable assholes 90% of the time. Either way it doesnt take an investigative team to unravel this, you're broken and unfixable and are terrible to be around
Shut the fuck up faggot and start boxing and stop being a BPD bitch around
I get what you're saying, that's true.
But no one really has a core personality.
One thing with growing with this disorder i have recognized is the reason we have identity issues is because we overthink.
Everything we have, are, and will be is a learned behavior, whether or not we have bpd.
Nature and nurture molded every human.
Friends suggested songs, games, hobbies, maybe even humor.
But every human has this.
I think our identity crisis comes from over thinking this too much to a fault.
Sorry, we have the same amount of personality as you do, user.
i'm a girl, my dude.
Don't worry.
I get that, but decent girls are nowhere to be found
It's kinda hard to explain because when you have it you don't really realize it.
But basically my mood is kind of unstable and fluctuates a lot
Do you mean like vindictive?
I am that too
I am too skinny to do boxing
I assure you, your constellation of actions, feelings, habits, etc., has nowhere near the requisite constancy to be considered a "personality." It would probably be more accurate to say you have multiple personalities that come and go, but even that elides the truth -- there's nothing there at heart. You have no bottom.
I don't think of you guys as demons, either. Just natural phenomena. No hate -- because it wouldn't do any good -- but I would never want one of you in my life ever again. Intensive, perpetual DBT and a life devoted to your work of choice would be an admirable path.
>Why do girls leave me when I tell them I have bpd?
because people know your are an emotional leech,
What do you mean
actually, some therapists deal more with those they consider "high functioning" rather than "low functioning"
this can be explained as follows;
some people with bpd are more optimistic about the therapy and more willing to change to get out of their destructive patterns, deeming them high functioning, as most people with bpd know they are destructive, just unwilling to change as the way they act works. Meaning, the emotional manipulation during moments of abandonment usually work. Why would they change?
Generally it takes a long time for someone with bpd to understand that no matter what works for them this change is inevitable if they want to move forward with their lives.
Sometimes that can be a lot later on in life.
Low functioning does not want to change at all, they tend to do the direct opposite of what the therapist says because they know no matter what the therapist can't leave them so they push boundaries, are also lazy when it comes to homework with therapy, so dbt is a no-go.
again, i have done DBT and have a stable job and have done for two years. I have been completely and utterly mentally capable and healthy. Up until recent events, and even then, i have the strategies of being able to cope.
Although i do disagree with you on the personality front, i do enjoy my own things, i have grown to appreciate things on my own. Maybe that does come with dbt and looking at things from a new perspective, not sure.
sorry for tl;dr
I'm schizophrenic OP. Even though I'm completely normal, anyone that finds out treats me like shit. Especially medical providers.
I take my medicine, I'm just like anyone else. Except rather than having high blood pressure I have excess dopamine in my brain. But for some reason that makes me a pariah.
Weird man. I went to a the local wellness center and they said I have depression with underlying reasons or some shit but some of the stuff anons have said ITT sounds like me
Dude. I have a bipolar friend online that I've known for a while, and he's cool as shit I love him. Don't worry about what normies think, value the people who do care.
T. Schizo
be my bpd gf PLEASE
It's not only that, I fear abandonment a lot and I'm really clingy, sometimes it's hard to deal with how I feel about most things
Personally I just dont like getting close with people and most people I talk to I genuinely dislike. It also doesnt help that talking to new people makes me nervous. But my ex said im the most sensitive guy she knows. Idk man im afraid of going to therapy and finding out I have autism or schizophrenia or something.
if you are hearing or seeing hallucinations, it might be the cause of having too much stress in your life.
Not necessarily schizo.
Just letting you know.
I never said you drool into a cup, or that you'll end up in jail. I'm glad you have some stability in your life. Regardless, your disorder renders your interior world ineluctably UNstable. That's why you need therapy to cope, and why intimate relationships are neverending trials for your partners.
Forgive my skepticism, but I've learned from experience that a BPD's opinion of her or his "self" can't be trusted. Maybe you are different. I guess I will never know.
Bipolar is not BPD. Nor is schizophrenia. It'd be a big mistake to conflate them.
I dont hear or see shit but im just saying Im afraid of being diagnosed with something and having that label put on me. I cant even be completely honest because they would lock me up against my will.
I get that, I stopped going to my shrink when I started wanting to hurt people because I know if it slipped out of me I would be locked up
i understand, but i think the whole idea of demeaning a disorder because of your personal experiences with obviously unstable people probably won't ever do you any good.
I have not been in therapy for a couple years.
I have okay relations with people and the people i get close to, don't hate me eventually like they used to when i was unwell.
I think maturity is also big for people with this disorder.
If you're more mature, you tend to see stuff from more of a objective way, than in your own little bubble.
they only put those in a institution when they are a danger to themselves or others. If you feel that way you should be open and honest, and receive the therapy you deserve.
You need to be open to therapy rather than be scared of it. These people aren't gonna dope you up, because honestly, there is no drug in dealing with bpd. It's a self made journey you have to do with the hard yards of therapy.
The longer you put it off the longer you will be unwell and truly not content.
I told them Ive had those thoughts before but not in a few years.
I dont wanna get locked up with actual crazy people and have some label put on me. I have some thoughts but I would never act on them.
why is it so damn hard to get a straight answer from a BPD?
desu it's not as bad as you're making it out to be and also, you won't be there long. I would say a week at the most.
in all honesty, bpd isn't that bad. It's not as bad as other disorders and we most certainly shouldn't even be in cluster B.
What we have is emotional dysregulation. It's not really anything other than the emotional parts of our brain overreacting.
When you understand that dbt and therapy work, that will be the day you truly will be able to have a functioning relationship and i wish that for you, user.
The lady at the first appointment who asked me all the questions said it sounds like depression with underlying reasons. I scored high on emotional distress and something about childhood trauma or whatever. I dont feel normal and whatevers wrong with me has already ruined relationships. I was pretty honest in the 1st appointment like I told the lady sometimes I wanna shoot myself in the head but obviously she didnt think I was a threat to myself. Thank you for talking with me user
We live in a frantic fast paced world and being in a relationship with a BPD is like looking after a child without the reward of actually raising their own kid. Nobody really has time to do that anymore
Why do robots leave me when I start talking about my delusions?
people are afraid of schizos
.t older schizo
I'm not a schizo. I just have some delusions that I want to get off my chest. I dont think delusions automatically make you schizophrenic.
>telling them
Found your problem, OP. If you didn't tell them they'd just consider you a damaged chad, letting a female in on any (ANY) >>>ANY>(((ANY)))
they don't automatically make you schizo, but the perception is there as soon as you go a bit too off the wall.
As a schizo I say this: you guys are fucking crazy.
Assuming they mean borderline PD, basically they are narcissistic psychopaths who are completely controlled by their huge egos. But it's all kinda hidden under a layer of self-pity, dissociation, and pathological lying. Someone with BPD will basically get mad at their "loved ones" for say, yawning, because the yawn must mean the other person is thinks they are boring or mad at them. Then they'll flip out, and then get mad at the other person for reacting to their flip-out. Then the next day the BPD person will pretend to not remember what happened, and then do it again. Then when you try to break of your relationship they'll threaten to kill you and then themself and shame and guilt you. But when you first meet them, they'll pretend to be a perky bubbly person, and pretend to like all the things you like, so that's how people first get drawn to them.