Ideal gf (limited points edition)

>Ideal gf (limited points edition)

You have 12 points.

> Looks (1-10)
1 look = 1 point
> Race
Black/Indian = Free
White = 2
Asian = 3
Likes anime = 1
Likes your fetish = 2
Virgin = 3
Likes your hobby = 2
Likes _____ = 2
> Status
Educated = 1
Lives in your country = 1
Lives in your city = 2

Attached: 1554831802636m.jpg (330x1024, 77K)

8/10, east asian, lives in country


>not virgin
>no shared interests

4/10 Asian virgin that like anime and lives in my country

>likes your hobby
>Lives in your city

It's pretty unrealistic because you will just get her into your interests. There's nothing but loopholes to this.
>not virgin
Way too many points.

6/10 - 6
Black is OK
Likes anime - 7
Likes my hobby - 9
Educated - 10
Lives in my city -12


>limited points

>looks 6/10
>likes fetish, likes _____ [in this case similar music taste]
>lives in city

7/10, pakistani, educated, virgin, lives in the us, and watches anime. nice.

I don't mind a girl having some weight problems, not having a perfect face or whatever. Just not be obese or weighing literally 30kg at 1m70cm and i'm happy.
7 points left
5 points left
>likes your hobby 2x
Have so many hobbies that they will overlap anyways, but having an increased interest in two would be good.
1 point left
>lives in your country
Living in a small country ,can reach everything in 3-4hours.
0 points left.

That was easy.

Attached: awctbpddocxjojfqeyae.jpg (1400x788, 100K)

>middle eastern/indian (not muslim tho)
>likes anime
>likes my fetish
>likes me
>lives in my country/at least a country that speaks english, honestly don't give a fuck I'll just move out
there, easy

>Lives in my country
bang tidy


original correctionation

Asian or White 3 or 2
Likes my hobby 2

11or 12 /12 points used.

Educated 1
Lives in your country 1

How the fuck is a white educated virgin who lives in my country already 7 points. I don't want a 3/10 gf. Shit thread desu

10/10 Indian harem girl living in my city, easy. (the options did not specify I had to choose country and city together, suck my balls).

Why so many people want an indian gf here?

8 looks
lives in your city
>are you even trying op?

Oh shit, I wonder what will be in the next panel!

4/10 asian, likes my fetish and anime, in my city

Lives in your country = 1
Educated = 1
Black/Indian = Free
10 look = 10 point

Attached: 1559734426199.jpg (1139x1185, 632K)

9/10, white, lives in the country

4/10 if 10 is plastic bimbo and 1 is landwhale

I don't care

Likes your fetish, virgin, likes your hobby

Uneducated (+1)
Lives in city (-2)

>likes my fetish
>from my country

Undeniably the best choice

Likes my fetish
Lives in my city

One 12/10 semen demon coming right up

too bad she lives in a different realm of existence.

7/10, white, virgin
Not even joking. The virgin part already says a lot about who she is.

What, socially inept?

5/10 5
I don't care
Likes anime 6
Virgin 9
Likes me 11
Lives in your country 12

Pretty easy.

Attached: 3d703a52.jpg (657x527, 40K)

>looks 6/10, 6 points remaining
>I don't mind a Black or Indian girl at all considering she will still be a 6/10, 6 points remaining still
>is a virgin, likes my hobbies so she will also like anime and I don't have any fetishes since the type of stuff I like is not abnormal by my perspective, 1 point remaining
>lives in my country, I'll just move, all points used up
Easy peasy lemon squeezy

Integrity. She knows she's attractive, but doesn't partake in normalfag culture.

But I would make an exception to that rule if she was pressured ("he really did lead me on") or forced to lose her virginity, as long as we can still accept and trust one another.

Ah yes, because having sex in a long term relationship is "normalfag culture" and not just literally what humans do lmao

For women in their mid/late twenties, yea. But an user in another thread was harping at me about how liking women in my age group is unrealistic, and women tend to like older men. So you do the math.

But I get it, a virgin past a certain age can be a red flag too. Especially if it's someone crazy or super bitchy.

White 5/10 virgin In my country who likes anime.

I'd actually prefer latina but I am going to put white
Likes your fetish
Likes your hobby

Attached: d506f047865a6f69532f035682d93cf1fe3d5682e388e44ce706c6e39f382fb9.jpg (800x600, 115K)

lives in city
likes anime

I like it op
>6/10 looks
>Any race is fine
>Likes video games
>Likes anime
>Likes spending time with me
>Lives in the US

Attached: pIKuwqr2Vy18Z56esj92zf6N1VPWfseu5ba7bOFsiEc.png (715x468, 148K)

7 white, educated and in my area.
I can probably do a lot better without relying on shitty magic.

Can someone post a chart of what the 1-10 scale means for women or both

Attached: b539de9.jpg (619x767, 50K)

7/10 asian, that likes anime and is well educated.

Attached: index.jpg (201x251, 6K)

assuming hispanic costs 1?
hispanic, likes anime, educated, lives in your city

7/10 is already pushing what i deserve, so no complaints there

Best ones here.

Attached: J0XhAyR.jpg (1080x1350, 112K)

What country are you from user?

8/10 Indian in my city who likes to get violently throatfucked? And she's my girlfriend?

OP, this was too easy. Your construction chart is flawed.

Plus you forgot Arab, Hispanic and native South American as a race. And Indians are asians.

>azns cost more points than whites
from what ive seen, a lot more guys on r9k prefer white girls than azns so the point values should be switched

asian is more valued in general desu.

Where are they more preferred? In Asia maybe?

Not for everyone. I'd consider the black/indian option a 3 point option for me given how much I like them. Asian would be the 0 for me.

i mean Jow Forums is basically a weeb site so it makes sense a lot of people here have an asian preference.