
Any of you fancy lads on nofap at this moment? I started one on June 1 and am 5 days completed, on Day 6 now.

I usually find days 5-10 are when it really kicks in for me, where the desire starts mounting and building, but this is also where the benefits start being noticeable/encountered.

How are you all getting on?

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Bump for nofap

Same here, started on June 1st so I can keep track easier. Gonna go the long route now. Had a few urges, but I'm more motivated to not check the regular sites now (no more "a quick peek").

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Did you start at 00:00 precisely or just any time? I have a whole ritual thing for it when I start one, really autistic as fuck.

But yeah avoid porn, dude, please. The last nofap I did was a 31 day streak over April and the majority of the time I was watching porn (my fetish kind too) and sexting with girls etc despite not so much as edging (even a single stroke counts as failing in my book).

It will just kill you. Needles temptation, seeing it now and then is okay, just a part of life I guess, okay to sneak a peek now and then but always maintain control and stop before you get any serious arousal.

I'm going for 188 days, then on January 1, 2020 I'm going to give up fapping for good. You have any specific time period envisioned or you just hoping to do it forever?

I twice got to around 15 (two weeks) but it caused my agp to go into orbit and I started having hallucinations and suicidal thoughts.

Agp? I've certainly had suicidal/homicidal ideation/fixations on longer nofaps, never experienced hallucinations though.

did nofap for 4 months
was one of the worst times of my life and I got none of the supposed benefits, just constant anxiety, boners all the time and uncomfortable wet dreams which weren't even fun because they were all about me relapsing
fuck that, i just fap whenever i feel like it now, which isn't even often. it's no longer constantly at the back of my mind, it just happens (generally quickly) and i move on.

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In the past I had the last fap before midnight, but this time I just didn't care. I'm mostly doing it due to chronic prostate inflammation (the kind that doesn't go away if you jerk off, the release just makes it worse in the long run) so I'll go as long as I need to, probably several months.

The thing about sneaking a peek is that it can still arouse you, like starting your precum or erection instantly and it makes you more horny in the future so it's best to avoid porn completely.

Don't know about hallucinations, but it certainly has a noticeable effect on the brain. There are dopamine crashes (or whatever they are, I heard people use the term), where you feel like nothing matters, but it also in the long run enhances every bodily sensation. Everything feels a bit better, from showering to drugs. Sex has a way of making us numb.

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Maybe it had a different effect on your brain than on others', but it's mostly about how you learn to handle it. Sexual activity chemically reduces anxiety so if you're having severe issues it can take the edge off for a while. I found it too numbing though.

Day 37. The first week and the 20's were pretty tough, but now it's just the usual. At this point, I've swallowed the pill that watching a person who isn't you fuck a person that you'd want to fuck the way you'd want to is literally cuckoldry, so that's kept me away from porn, for the most part. Though, it's not like you can really avoid it on a red board anyway, but I rarely get the urge to fap to it anymore. If anything, all my hard-ons are from fantasies I've had, which at least are more grounded in reality, and only somewhat motivate me to go socialize.
But fuck, not biting my nails is way harder than not touching my peepee. At least it takes arousal and time to blow a load, but all it takes is one minute idle to fuck up your nails, and unlike semen, they can take months to get back to normal, though it's not like I've ever really had them normal to begin with.

>but it also in the long run enhances every bodily sensation. Everything feels a bit better, from showering to drugs.

So much this. Just fucking stretching brought me immense pleasure on like Day 3. When I've went for like 30 days before everything felt fucking amazing and I was constantly high or neutral mood.

Yall fags experiencing some high tier placebo. Personally it was easy to stop fapping because of some meds im taking, however none of this happened 2-3 months in now

Try it off the meds, pal.


Yeah how can it be placebo when I started noticing the effects well before I even came across the concept of nofap? I was literally just too busy to masturbate at times while working and started noticing shit going amazing for myself, like fortune was just on my fucking side for once.

When I fapped people treated me like shit, I was invisible to girls etc. etc. didn't dawn on me right away was over a period of several months that I started noticing these patterns and the only variable was whether I fapped or not. So I started researching it and came across the concept of nofap and religious/cultural/societal taboos against masturbation historically.

And since we all know it's apparently just a placebo now as Jews like you keep shilling in every fucking nofap thread, how the fuck does it still have the effects we experience?

>how the fuck does it still have the effects we experience?
I-its real to me dood
Whatever makes you happy
Fapping is fun tho, you should give yourself a break just once

On day 70 right now. This stuff might be placebo, I don't know, but it's certainly done good things to me.
My serious attempts started around last September, with longer and longer streaks (10+ days and then 30+ days). There have been things that led me to think "Fuck this, it's not worth it", so I broke long streaks. I don't regret it because it made me see the benefits I was missing on.
I've watched porn sometimes, but it's getting less and less appealing these days. During my first attempts my fetishes would get unbearable, but now they too seem less attractive and interesting.

>so I broke long streaks. I don't regret it because it made me see the benefits I was missing on.

This, man. I have literally never experienced a worse feeling than breaking nofap. Just the absolute pits, deep numbing depression for days after it. It's insane, and the few days or weeks you spend fapping after failing really highlight in stark contrast how dead to the world and weak you are when you fap.

I've been trying for around 2 years myself. Longest streak was 33 days, 2nd longest was 31. Other than these 2 streaks I've barely managed to make 10 days, only like 3 or 4 times in the entire 2 years have I even completed 10 days.

This time, I will fucking do 188. And come 01/01/2020 I will give up fapping for good.

Bump bump bump bump it up

I don't believe in nofap. I think that masturbating moderately is good. The frequency depends on your libido. Mine is pretty low so I end up fapping like once or twice a week.
I do believe that noporn is good however, so I make sure to masturbate in situations where I can't access porn, like in the shower for example.

>Yall fags experiencing some high tier placebo.
>meds im taking
>none of this happened 2-3 months in now

How do you not see the problem with what you're saying? The effects aren't magic, they involve brain chemistry, which meds alter. If your meds keep you at a certain level you won't feel the highs and the lows of nofap.

My meds shouldnt have anything to do with that they just cause ED

Chronically taking meds can have effects on the brain even if their purpose doesn't involve the brain. The effects of nofap are tied to the rest of the body to some extent due to hormones and gut bacteria and stuff like that.

For most nofap is probably a temporary thing unless they're having regular sex. Fapping from time to time is probably healthy if there's no other release, but the buildup is a lot less present if there's no stimulation (not even fantasizing) involved.

Idk senpai i cant stop taking my meds unless i wanna die tho lol

Yeah I keep going on "nofap" but I only do it because I'm bored and my circumcised dick hurts. Don't plan to count the days either.

Fair enough. The point is that it's not just about nofap, the effects depend on a series of things so it affects people differently.

i fap once a week. get more energy doing this than nofap and dont have a porn addiction. works for me

>normie tier post

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Nofap works as long as your eating unhealthy and don't exercise, at least in my case when I work out and eat healthy I'll fucking rape a bitch if I don't get a release, and no I can't use that energy to get s girl, no matter the testosterone levels im still an ugly looser with no social life.

in summer where i am and i usually lay off my adhd meds at this time. as a result i jack off way less, but as soon as i take them again i beat off like 8 times a day in between studying math and the faps are total time wasters. help?

Nah. I'm about to fap right now.

Nofap is stupid and pointless, imagine all that pent up testosterone from not releasing it, I'd imagine people who've been on Nofap for a long period of time behave in an extremely angry and unpleasant manner. Just jerk off in moderation, it's like beer (or any alcohol really) - too much is bad, one once and a while won't kill you.

There's no such thing as "pent up testosterone" you fucking tranny.

you're a faggot, go back to .