Trannies are stupid

Trannies perpetuate the hate against them by shoving it down out throats.

"ooh wee these Jow Forums people dont like us better post tons of threads and eventually make them like us hehexd"
If they went "hey they dont like us we'll leave them alone and take our fag shit elsewhere" then nobody would give enough of a shit to hate them.

If they didnt rape and brainwash children into their delusion nobody would care

If they didnt march through the streets pushing their shit on the public nobody would care

If they didnt expect others to play into their mental disorders and delusions nobody would care

If they didnt do these things they would at least gain a little respect and mostly be left alone

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Sam hyde clown word

yeah, all that is true, but they just come here for attention. thats the reql reason they dont stay on the other several boards for gay shit, its cuz theyre not special there.

Nobody cares about your feefees toward trans women

I'm so happy that bigots get triggered by my existence

Please, keep being angry. It makes me happy.

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dude its not even that you exist, if you just did your weird shit in your own time i wouldnt give a shit its when you push your gay shit on us we get disgusted

if i went around and told everyone i ate my own shit and tried to force them to accept it and brainwashed kids into eating their own shit people would probably hate me too huh?????

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I wouldn't give a shit about trannies if they actually wanted to be women.

we are going to kill you, pathetic beast

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>Nobody care
>trans women
but they have penises?

>thinking we give a fuck
>thinking it's not just entertaining to rile up retards
>thinking 90% of the threads are even posted by actual trannies

>thinking 90% of the threads are even posted by actual trannies
that aside their other actions are still immoral and disgusting, hatred and anger towards these things is a natural reaction

Transphobes are such timid pussies in real life. None of you would be willing to say any of this shit to a M to F in real life, because they're probably capable of kicking your ass.

You're all a bunch of skinnyfat, autistic, isolated white boys with nothing of value to bring to society, so you hyperfocus on the eccentricities of marginalized folk who have infinitely harder lives than you do to get a dopamine rush. This "Ohh, I wouldn't have a problem with them if they wouldn't "shove it down our throats" is just a thinly veiled way of saying that they should have to lie about being trans for the sake of your feelings, and not disturbing you by being icky.

You are genuinely horrible people, and if robots had a 45% suicide statistic, that would be an objective benefit to society, preferably if that were measuring successful attempts and not simply the lifetime attempt rate.

>they're probably capable of kicking your ass.

Source for the pic? Anyone could have made that.

>nervous laughter

Don't you pathetic losers concede this though? Aren't they big burly men that will never really be women? Or are they demure women. Come on reactionary, pick one, I know you can be consistent for one moment in time.

FBI UCR 2016
go to the fbi ucr hate crime page

>Aren't they big burly men that will never really be women? Or are they demure women
Doesn't matter, they are sissies filled with estrogen. Pathetic little things

>My existence

Not for so long faggot

won't exist for much longer, faggot. go join the 40%

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I fully agree with this post and think it's nice to have a voice of reason in this retard-filled thread.

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>voice of reason
>that retarded poster

Hating on gays is gay, you should hate on straights and intemidate them because they are competetion.
Gays are clueless they were socially engineered by the philanthropist elite.

>so you hyperfocus on the eccentricities of marginalized folk who have infinitely harder lives than you do to get a dopamine rush.
you're projecting :^)

Do trannies live in your head rent free?

no, they live in cemeteries, rent free

Pretty much
It's fun to look at them "struggle" and only hurt themselves as a whole in the process. Just waiting until it spreads enough into everything that we reach the tipping point and go back to the good old faggot beating days

Pururun looks like THAT!?